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Messages - strangersmind

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What's New @ CLE / Re: (VIDEO) CLE Update Feb 15, 2020
« on: February 15, 2020, 05:56:41 PM »
I am so excited I was jumping up for gladness. I saw this post but there was no info on what video was about. So before I seen video I was going to post "hey hey hey now Chris your braking your on rules" but before I did I said you know what I better look at video first. Now I see why "surprise"  all right I am a little over excited and blabbing on
praise God for this new life and addition to the family

62 Christopher, I been listening to this teaching by Jesse Vassil on the Godhead it is informative and I'm wondering if you could comment on it. One thing Jesse taught was that no where in the KJB will you find God the Son or God the Holy Spirit. It is the spirit of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. 46 minutes into it he shows .The Father names;the Almighty 42x's, God the Father 13x's , TMost High God 11x's, The Hightest 6x's, Mighty God 8x's. Abba3x's, Ancient of Days 3x's,Almighty God 2x's, The only true God 1x's,   Jesus Christ- Son of God 47x's, only begotten 6x's, Comforter 4x's, Mediator4x's, God's holy child 2x's, The firstbegotten 1x's, Advocate 1x's,---The Holy Spirit- Spirit of God 9x's, Holy Spirit7x's, Thy Spirit 4x's,  Spirit of Christ2x's, The Holy Spirit of God1x's, the Spirit of your Father1x's, spirit of Jesus Christ1x's, Spirit of His Son 1x's.  Trinitarian- God the Holy Spirit 0x's, God the  Son 0x's, God the Spirit 0x's, God in three persons 0x's, trinity 0x's, Co-equal 0x's, co-eternal 0x's, consubstantial  0x's.

I am thinking he did a key word search for this list. There are a few names missing. But I can tell you I do not believe he believes Jesus is god. I did not watch the video but look at his about page here is what he says "godhead we believe in 1 god who is the father. 2 who is Jesus who is the son equal to god and the Holy Spirit which is the spirit of Christ and the spirit  God used interchangeably there for I acknowledge a duo godhead not a tryo trinity."

The video that Chris was playing of the guy trying to get everyone pay tithing. Well he said something that I was surprised no one notice. He said, 'referring to Jericho' "you can't go over it. You can't go around it so you must go threw it. Study your geography people"

You do not need to study geography to see he has know idea what he is talking about. See if he would spend more time studying his bible then his check book maybe he would of read that you can go around Jericho. How els were the jews able to march around Jericho for 7 days if they can not go around Jericho.
Plus if anyone look it up and see a picture of Jericho can see there is plenty of room to go around   

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: January 22, 2020, 03:35:14 PM »
 manoj you have same name as someone I once knew from India. Are you him the one who came they are a lost Christian and can't find home?

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: A Woman Calls Me 'Satan'
« on: January 21, 2020, 05:18:40 PM »
Maybe I have been taught that. When I was a child my main goal in church was not to fall asleep because when I got home boy was I in trouble. The pastor of today have to make things up like  Melchisdec is god in order to keep up there tradition and what makes them feel good inside

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: A Woman Calls Me 'Satan'
« on: January 20, 2020, 05:24:14 PM »
This is really the first time I have heard that Melchisdec was the son of god. Every time I read about Melchisdec in the bible I always thought of him as just a man.

Bible Discussion / Re: The Church Fathers
« on: January 11, 2020, 05:10:40 PM »
The greatest men of Christ are the ones you don't here about. While the "church fathers" where busy  writing how man can get his best life now, the great men of God where out teaching doctrine and dieing to bring the knowledge of truth unto the people of christ.

Bible Discussion / Re: More Catholicism Exposed
« on: January 11, 2020, 04:59:27 PM »
I do not know about all catholic but here most of them will agree with you on lot of stuff but then go back to there ways. I been here now for over 2 years and seem not got anything done. Many will sit with you and listen but they can't hear. If some were to be honest with you they will tell you why they do not want to turn from catholic. Because it is fun with so many festivals.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 26, 2019, 05:40:11 PM »
I am sorry about posting that so u have more work.

Bible Discussion / Re: Did Jesus say that he drank wine?
« on: November 24, 2019, 04:37:42 PM »
I still like to know the historical evidence of them in past putting wine in water to make it safe to drink

Law/Legal / Re: I am starting a new service dealing with injustice
« on: November 24, 2019, 04:29:46 PM »
I wouldn't call it a donation but rather service fee

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
« on: November 24, 2019, 04:24:14 PM »
My safety is of the Lord, and i see no danger in posting my phone number.  If you are unwilling to call then that is fine, I did my part to try and achieve peace, I wish i could say the same of you.  You can talk the talk well, but the way you responded to all of this is, well, not so well.

I am available for the evening if you change your mind, the next couple hours would be best since ill be in a mediocre reception area later on.


Is this why you left his phone number here because he say his safety is of the Lord's?  I was just asking because his last post he put it up you guys edit out but here it was left

Bible Discussion / Re: Did Jesus say that he drank wine?
« on: November 16, 2019, 08:32:33 PM »
What you all all failing to understand is the historical context of this issue.  During the time Jesus was on earth. There was not any water treatment systems in use. other than putting a little wine (maybe 10%) into the water they drank. It was used as a disinfectant, not to get drunk. (1 Timothy 5:23 KJVA)  Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.

Can you give use an example of this historical context?

It seems it is mostly America that teach they had to put wine in water to disinfect it. This is not true and if you would like to try it I have plenty of water ways here you can try. Also to say all there water was contaminated in time of Jesus is just foolish. There are many ways to make water clean, and I bet the people of old time past were more able to find ways to make water clean to drink. Just to give an example boil the water first, or dig a deep well. I live in a 3rd world country and we do not have any water treatment plant that I know of and yet we are able to get and make clean drinking water.

Just a side note we do not put any wine in it

Law/Legal / Re: I am starting a new service dealing with injustice
« on: November 12, 2019, 06:34:58 PM »
I am sorry Larry but I won't be needing your service. See I was once a truble maker and been in court at least 2 sometimes 3 times a week.

What you can't see is the lie one has to tell to plea guilty if in fact they are not. A nether thing you are missing is the will of god. I do not know how often you read the bible but there are many godly men sint to prison for crime they did not do. I would like to courage you to study the matter.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Scoffing New-Age Bible Version User Refuses to Hear
« on: November 09, 2019, 01:06:20 PM »
I do not know who this Bruce Olsen is but if his story is true I do not want to be standing next to him on judgment day. People like this make me so angry. How dare they change the bible to fit natives already existing believe. Catholic do the same thing. Where lamb of god was made to pig of god. They say no lamb or sheep life there so they use animals they know.

They are evil and lazy men who mouths need to be stopped.  I wouldn't trust what Bruce Olsen say about his work among the tribes. If he lie about the gospel to the tribe, then how much so his ti e alone with them? 

I have this problem here, not the tribes and to explain the gospel but men who clame to do the work of God change the gospel to fit the tribe already exists believe.  I do not understand why they think they can't understand the gospel.

Here is one example. Here they believe that spirits live in some trees. And they can take you and put you in the tree where they have there fantastic city's inside the tree. Well what the "missionary" would do I make the tree into heaven and god dwelling is in the tree.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Clinton Post
« on: November 04, 2019, 08:46:31 PM »
It is not just names of people where I have found this. So why not use the same name as one they use in old testament? It is a very interesting thing because some words that are spelled different that are found seem to always parallel with each other. It is not just spelling but how things are worded. It is why long ago I say mark of beast is gold or money.

My question is have you ever look up the spelling in bible for yourself? You clame there is a built-in dictionary so why not a built-in parallel?

Side note I do not teach this because I can't trust myself if I am seeing it way it should. No one seems to want to take time to go over what I find in this church group.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Clinton Post
« on: November 03, 2019, 05:08:32 PM »
I too discover that there is something to the spelling. Even in the kjv today still has some of the spelling. Books at that time 1611 normally spelled words same. The 1611 bible is so different. One day I noticed in are modern kjb that some of spelling was never fix. So I pray and ask and seek, then one day I noticed that the strange spelling for certain woods that are the same are always talking about same thing. Like the word noe in bible is found 3 times 1 to show who noe is and last 2 telling us it will be like in his day before the end of the world.

I try long age to get people to listen to what I discovered but they won't have any of it.

If I remember right, don't you Chris live on a farm? And don't you and your wife have a farming business?

So I might have missed it but when and how did u and ur wifes come to the truth in Christ? And how many wife's do u have?

Can you post it here as well for us who have a hard time on Skype?

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