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Messages - Nate

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:37:40 PM »
I'm mainly frustrated because I'm typing on a smartphone, and have to recorrect autocorrect and typos every five words, and because I poured my heart out with my personal journey to Christ only to be criticized halfway through! That would frustrate anybody brother! Are you saying it's a sin to get frustrated? Even the Lord Jesus got frustrated with people!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:32:46 PM »
I didn't realize you guys grilled people who joined the forum like this. I understand we need to be vigilant against false brethren. If I knew that going in, I would have just started my testimony with when I got saved and why I thought I needed saved to begin with. How do I delete all my previous comments and start over?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:26:01 PM »
How much more information do you guys require to believe I understand salvation? Want me to quote Romans 10, John 3:16-18, Acts 4:12? I confess that I was a rotten sinner who knew I was going to Hell if I didn't ask Jesus to save my soul, and believe and surrender to Him fully!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:20:10 PM »
I know salvation is not some "thing" brother! It is EVERYTHING! IT IS JESUS CHRIST SAVING MY SOUL FROM HELL! I was just speaking in normal terms.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:12:07 PM »
 I guess I'll just take this as, not a waste of time, but as a chance to practice some writing and revisit my testimony. Yeah "welcome Nate, it would help if you told us more about yourself. How did you come to be a young earth Creationist?" Oh wait, we didn't tell you? We're going to misjudge you before you're even finished writing. You guys need to check yourselves! I thank God I'm saved and I don't have to take or appreciate the self righteous tone in which I was talked to either. I have no patience for this Pharisaical anti-501c3 churches snobbery either. Ugh please just delete my account, thanks.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 09:01:20 PM »
What is it about social media that brings out the worst in Christians? Since I was berated before I even finished giving my testimony, I feel like the Lord is saying the same thing to me He did about deleting my Facebook! "Get rid of it!" So, how do you delete your account? I have real Christian friends in real life, so I really don't need this.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 08:49:58 PM »
It's a little disheartening that I come on here and share some pretty personal stuff and then my salvation and faith are doubted and questioned before I'm even finished. If that is the kind of behavior of the people on this site, then I'm out of here.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 08:45:01 PM »
Hi Christopher, yeah I was not finished writing. You guys asked me to tell you about myself and how I came to the Lord. This was the best I could do because my journey to the Lord was a rocky abd complex one. And of course many of the authors I mentioned were not of Christ! Allow me to finish please!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 08:40:34 PM »
I mentioned that I started listening to Johnny Cash. Haha, some of you have no clue and need that one explained. Around 16 years old I finally started to explore music and find what I liked myself instead of just mom's hard rock and Dad's honky tonk. Johnny Cash was my intro to music that I liked without any influence from anyone. Well, soon enough I started listening to Johnny's gospel songs (he was a Christian after all, if compromised a little) and those songs got me to thinking about the Lord and my condition. Ok let me summarize this: Grandma's testimony and prayers, Frances Porche's testimony, Johnny Cash's Gospel songs, wanting to see my parent's saved, my Mom getting on me about being a better person and enough Bible and academic and scientific knowledge to get a college degree at 18 years old, IT WAS TIME TO STOP RUNNING FROM GOD!

I went to that Baptist Church on that September night and I got this salvation thing done once and for all! I gave everything to Jesus Christ and I knew where I'd be going if I didn't. Bigfoot and Atlantis may or may not be real, but Jesus, angels, devils, and Heaven and Hell are! Praise God for His goodness and never giving up on me!

So, after I got saved, I devoured more books. I read everything Ken Ham, Chuck Missler, Peter Ruckman, James L. Melton, Kent Hovind, J. R. Church, Grant R. Jeffrey, Henry M. Morris, Benny Hinn, Billy Graham, Henry H. Halley, Clarence Larkin, C. I. Scofield etc had to offer. I like God's creation, I like dinosaurs, I like the King James Bible. I was reading Genesis chapter one and understood six days meant six days without help from Ken Ham or anybody else, so yeah, I'm a young earth Creationist. I started out reading a King James Bible and then compared it to the other junk, so yeah I'm King James Only. I know everything I've written here is extensive, and so much for "a summary" but I'm here to tell anybody, there is nothing worth running from God for! There is no reason not to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and get your life right! And there is no book better than a King James Bible and any Christian who isn't a Bible student is not only missing out, but is prolly not doing anything for God either.

Now, if anyone wants to jaw with me about dinosaurs, the six days, chemistry, Temple geometry, Satan's pipes and tabrets, Freemasonry, King James Bible history, or things that go bump in the night, let's jaw brother!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 08:11:45 PM »
Okay, so the first things to know about me is that I'm a bookworm and I love the unusual and paranormal and weird. In school, I devoured books on outerspace, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, movies monsters, dinosaurs, haunted houses, Ghost stories, aliens and UFO's, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, alchemy, pyramids, forbidden archaeology, lost cities, Mayan and Aztec studies, and other adventure and supernatural fare. Little did I know, God was being sneaky with all this lol. While reading all this junk I still had the Bible pretty much in the back of my head. And that's when it happened, I started diving into Biblical archaeology! Books by Nelson Glueck, William Albright, Ken Ham, Grant R. Jeffrey, John Hagee etc etc became my new reading material. All this and then I started listening to Johnny Cash and going to the Baptist Church with our neighbor Frances Porche, who I started out doing yard work for, and then we quickly became friends and talked about the Lord a lot and she invited me to start going to church with her. I've had so many Christian witnesses, let me tell ya folks. Not sure why, but God was out to get me one way or the other. I think my grandmother's prayers had alot to do with it. Ok, let me break here again please.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 07:52:03 PM »
Thanks guys. I've been saved for over 18 years and my story of faith is pretty long, but I'll summarize as much as I can. First, I was raised in a broken home by a single mother until I was 12 years old. That's when my mom couldn't take my shoplifting and skipping school anymore and so hunted down my dad, found him and so left me with him for four years without sol much as a phone call. I was a pretty bad kid and had broken most of the ten Commandments before third grade.

At 12 years of age I had to spend alot of time getting to know my dad and a bunch of people who didn't mean a whole lot to me at all. But then one of them stood out! My grandmother (dad's mom) was/is a great Christian woman of the Pentecostal persuasion and that's when I got in church and started reading the Bible. She introduced me to God in a way that nobody ever had before and I found out a whole lot of things about my parents and how they turned their backs on God (and that's all I'm going to say about that here). To summarize those four years: I went to church, read the Bible, and still sinned ALOT. I've committed sins that would make some of you think you weren't that bad after all.

Ugh, writing this has brought back allot of bad memories and exhausted me a little. Lemme take a break for a minute or two

Introduce Yourself / Re: A concern about this website
« on: May 14, 2019, 03:34:03 PM »
Well, now I feel like an idiot lol. I didn't realize this forum was an extension of a website that DOES have a statement of faith which matches my own. God bless!

Introduce Yourself / A concern about this website
« on: May 14, 2019, 03:28:10 PM »
I can't seem to find a statement of faith anywhere on this site. The concern I have is that I am King James Only, meaning I believe God gave us a perfect translation of the scriptures in 1611. I am NOT a Ruckmanite, though, because there are many things I have never agreed with Peter Ruckman on and never will, so please don't accuse me of following Ruckman. I believe in being nice and respectful and kind to brethren in Christ, but my belief in the King James Bible has caused many Christians to disrespect and belittle my person and intelligence. I also believe God created everything in six days thousands of years ago, which also gets me ridiculed. If these beliefs of mine are unacceptable to the site administration, please go ahead and delete my account. Thanks.

Bible Discussion / Re: God NEVER allows divorce and remarriage - 3
« on: May 14, 2019, 03:18:29 PM »
The treatment given here of Matthew 5:32 is deceptive at worst. The writer of the article accuses the Bible of contradicting itself and then gives a narrow and false interpretation of the meaning of fornication in the text. It is naive to assume that fornication would not qualify for divorce if it happens AFTER the marriage. The comment made about the fornication of Matthew 5:32 only referring to the betrothal period is reading something into the text that isn't there!

General Discussion / Re: Kent Hovind's THIRD Wife
« on: May 14, 2019, 03:05:00 PM »
This is definitely sad news. I love Kent Hovind and he has good material, but this is unacceptable if true!

Introduce Yourself / Hello fellow Christians
« on: May 14, 2019, 03:01:47 PM »
Hello everyone, my name is Nathan Beck (please call me Nate). I am a born again, Bible believing Christian, young earth Creationist, dinosaur enthusiast and Bible student. I am happy to be a part of Creation Liberty Forum :-)

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