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Messages - creationliberty

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Wild Emails @ CLE / REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 22, 2023, 06:50:50 PM »

BOB FROM TN - OCT 6, 2023

Thanks so much.  I became KJVO in the early 90s, and have never once regretted it. Bible correcters chap my hide.

I am using parts and arguments from this to make my own study and came across this, as I am going to an apostate Southern Baptist church, because there is nothing much else available.  The study linked below will be forwarded to the pastor, currently has been forwarded to the teacher (my personal friend) of the Sunday morning Bible study, where we have "Dr. __________"
 and "Scholar _______________________", etc., retired college professors, and my friend is taken in by them.  Next lunch, I will tell him it will be my turn to correct them, after he reads completely what I wrote, part of which is now here:

If he says no (he likes to appease, while they divide) then I will not return to that study.

I grew up in CT, born in NYC.  Many, many Greeks there, Greek diners, and I went to the Greek Festival at the Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT one summer about five years ago. Asked people FROM GREECE if they spoke, read, understood Koine Greek.  No. Classical Greek only.  Asked my friends' parents same thing.  Same answer. Booth after booth.  Same answer.  These commentary and concordance authors are lying.

My church will NOT appreciate my study, and correction, however loving it will be.  I have kept my silence, held my tongue.  Soon, not any more.

Thanks so much.  I became KJVO in the early 90s, and have never once regretted it. Bible correcters chap my hide.
Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, not me.

I am using parts and arguments from this to make my own study and came across this, as I am going to an apostate Southern Baptist church,
An apostate, by definition, is someone who has abandoned the church. I don't understand your situation, but it's curious why you say you are "going to" an apostate church, when, first of all, no one can "go to church" according to Scripture, and secondly, if it's apostate, it's not a church. That was confusing to me.

because there is nothing much else available.
Yeah, that confuses me too. Why would you go to a place (according to your testimony, i.e. it is "apostate") that you are going to hear apostate, leavened doctrine, and fill your mind with it? I don't understand that. It's like a sheep saying that he's going to go into the mud pit with the pigs because "there is nothing much else available." ???

The study linked below will be forwarded to the pastor, currently has been forwarded to the teacher (my personal friend) of the Sunday morning Bible study, where we have "Dr. __________"
 and "Scholar _______________________", etc., retired college professors, and my friend is taken in by them.  Next lunch, I will tell him it will be my turn to correct them, after he reads completely what I wrote, part of which is now here:
If he says no (he likes to appease, while they divide) then I will not return to that study.

Okay. The next paragraph seems like you changed the subject from this one, so is there something you wanted me to do with this information? I mean... I'm getting more confused as this continues.

I grew up in CT, born in NYC.  Many, many Greeks there, Greek diners, and I went to the Greek Festival at the Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT one summer about five years ago. Asked people FROM GREECE if they spoke, read, understood Koine Greek.  No. Classical Greek only.  Asked my friends' parents same thing.  Same answer. Booth after booth.  Same answer.  These commentary and concordance authors are lying.
Perhaps. Some people actually study Koine Greek, but it's extremely rare, and most (if not all) those who work on those commentaries and concordances do not have anything else but an "Intro" course (if that), which doesn't teach them much of anything. The excuse is to refer to the "Septuagint," even though there is no proper manuscript evidence to support its existence.

My church will NOT appreciate my study, and correction, however loving it will be.  I have kept my silence, held my tongue.  Soon, not any more.
Alright. Have a great day.

Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, not me.
AMEN.  My attitude.

An apostate, by definition, is someone who has abandoned the church. I don't understand your situation, but it's curious why you say you are "going to" an apostate church, when, first of all, no one can "go to church" according to Scripture, and secondly, if it's apostate, it's not a church. That was confusing to me.
Actually, I have been saying for years, "We do not GO to church, we ARE the church".  Sadly, we do not have any congregations in this area that follow the Word, so I am where I am for now. Going through a divorce currently; she left suddenly, in the middle of a dark morning without prior notice, warning.  I wrote a study on that for the site, showing how

"women's prayer groups" become (behind their backs, especially mine), "women's airing their side of the story" groups. 

When they pray out loud, their "god" answers them, but it is "From GOD!" 

Yeah, that confuses me too. Why would you go to a place (according to your testimony, i.e. it is "apostate") that you are going to hear apostate, leavened doctrine, and fill your mind with it? I don't understand that. It's like a sheep saying that he's going to go into the mud pit with the pigs because "there is nothing much else available."
I study constantly, all day, on my own, so I go to not be alone like I am in this silent house all week.  Not for any good teaching. I stayed home in CT and went no place for years, while those who encouraged me to try this and that were themselves taken in by the "scholarship".     Since I am not going to be leaving here, and if she was not going through the divorce and she wanted to reconcile, I would teach here and not teach what they teach, but my Creation/Evolution class, and my KJVO class, both with Powerpoint slides.    Then verse by verse, book by book.

Okay. The next paragraph seems like you changed the subject from this one, so is there something you wanted me to do with this information? I mean... I'm getting more confused as this continues.
Sorry. No. Just relating what my plan is.   Just some people in the class who he reveres because they have such "knowledge" and "are brilliant!"

Often, when I do things like this correction, I wait. Especially when I am sitting there, in abject pain (heartbroken), I give them time, and enough rope to hang themselves. I then write a study, send it to the teacher, and tell them we will discuss it. I will give them a chance to either allow me to correct these people or he does. If neither, I am gone.  I already corrected another old Pharisee in another class when he got the "gap theory" and "firmament" and the "ark, which was a box shape" wrong which he drew on a white board.  He did not like it, but no one was correcting him, acting like he was giving them the truth.  I did not hesitate.  This was before the wife left.

Creation/Evolution is how I got saved; been my main ministry since 1987.  You cannot tell people lies on that subject and just get away from me.  I knew David Fasold personally, before he died.  Met with him many times. It is a boat, not a shoe box.  Well, I corrected him on that; he listened.

Perhaps. Some people actually study Koine Greek, but it's extremely rare, and most (if not all) those who work on those commentaries and concordances do not have anything else but an "Intro" course (if that), which doesn't teach them much of anything. The excuse is to refer to the "Septuagint," even though there is no proper manuscript evidence to support its existence.
Yeah, that old LXX. Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones gave me permission to post his books decades ago when I spoke to him.

I hate to hear that about your wife, and sadly, that is a story far too common among the men I know. Most of my friends in our church have had their wives backstab them and leave.

Creation/Evolution is how I got saved; been my main ministry since 1987.
That is something I used to believe could happen to someone because of the leavened influence Kent Hovind had on me, but after the Lord freed me from that brainwashing and moved me into study of the Scriptures on my own, I now understand it is not the path to salvation. No one gets saved through being exposed to creation materials. They get saved by the hearing of the law.
But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
-Gal 3:23-25

Having one's mind changed about creation/evolution is not repentance of sin, nor is "turning from sin" repentance of sin (because those are works-based doctrines). The hearing of the law brings a man to tears of godly sorrow of his wrongdoing. This is why I wrote this short book:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

And I wrote this so I wouldn't have to have these fruitless debates with churchgoers anymore because I don't want to preach to those who are prideful and sanctimonious, in which they are unwilling to hear, but rather, I would preach to those who have been brought low. Jesus did not spend all his time with Pharisees... He just rebuked them and moved on to spend time with the poor and needy. It's pointless to debate details with churchgoers who have not known repentance for the remission of sins; they need to hear the Gospel of Salvation just like everyone else, but if they are lifted up in the pride of their hearts and will not hear the Gospel of Salvation, then there is no point in continuing debate with them, except for selfish reasons... which is what you told me is the reason for your continued visits; meaning that, in reality, you aren't there for them; you're there for yourself, and it's not doing you any good.

What you choose to do is up to you. Have a great day.

No, I got saved through first having Evolutionism destroyed, Creation taking it over.  No, that did not save me, I know that. Jesus Christ did on the Cross. And faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  I get that. As an unbeliever though, evolutionism was my god.  I got saved through the Word of God, just what I meant was that evolutionism was the first pillar to be destroyed.  That is what I meant.  God used that as the door to the Gospel is all I meant. 

It is go for some fellowship for now.  I have no hopes of contributing much. I do not debate or argue. I teach, my spiritual gift.  If they do not want o heara, I move on.  But in the area I am at currently, there is no place to move on to. It is horrible.  Another reason to move on.


No. I got saved BY Jesus Christ THROUGH the Blood of His Cross, not by Creation Science. I was an atheist agnostic.  I started my journey in Creation/Evolution because of delving into the Creation/Evolution controversy as a researcher/scientist, biology zoology major. It did not save me.  I do not even have a decent church to go here in Tennessee, and plan to move to Malawi to continue the works there as soon as this is sold.  I have friends, land a churches there to attend to, build on.  They need Chichewa Bibles, teachers, etc.
My Testimony
by Robert Zuvich

I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1960, moved to Connecticut after one year and grew up on a farm, catching frogs, salamanders, snakes, butterflies, etc. in the local ponds and streams. I grew up with a love of creation ("Mother Nature", as the school put it). I entered the school system right around the time that evolution was being taught as a fact (after the 1963 removal of prayer). I hear that they taught it as a fact before that, but I just noticed it as being militant. It destroyed my faith in God since I was taught that being as good little Catholic boy meant not questioning authority.
By the time I was an adult, I was ready to teach it as fact to my kids. I was working in Production at Teledyne Microelectronics in Culver City where I met a man named Sergio Sanchez. There were some friends of mine in the test area who got saved and were changing. They kept inviting me to go to Bible study, and I kept declining. Anyways, this Sergio guy was a dangerous man. "Whatever you do", they said, "don't ask him a question-because he has an answer!" I was not actually intending to ask him a question, but was rather commenting on an article in the Los Angeles Times about the discovery of some saber-toothed tigers recently found in the La Brea tar pits. He asked me, "Do you believe in evolution?" I thought that, since everyone on the planet did, this was the stupidest question ever asked of me, and my respect for Sergio then dropped below that of a Russian Olympic judge of an American athlete in the 1976 Olympics. He said nothing more to me, but handed me four books:
What Is Creation Science? by Dr. Henry M. Morris
Scientific Creationism, by Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Twilight of Evolution, by Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Rise of the Evolution Fraud, by Malcolm Bowden
I read them innocently and honestly, not knowing what to expect-in fact not expecting anything at all, and not knowing anything about "creation science". Day by day, everything I believed in was torn to shreds and there was nothing I could do, since the authors were not touting their beliefs, but rather quoting from my favorite scientists!
Anyway, the last book The Rise of the Evolution Fraud, has a page at the back which reads,
"Beneath our feet lie the millions of fossils of extinct animals and men. It is a silent witness to a time when mankind became so degenerate that finally it was virtually wiped out in one great cataclysmic flood. Fearful though this thought may be, we can take some comfort from the fact that we have been promised that his will never happen again."
Set apart from the paragraph in big bold letters was this final grim warning,
"Next time it will be by fire!"
This was my moment of conversion. I was petrified like a fossil and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I asked whoever it was that created all of this to please do anything in His power to prevent me from going through this fire, which I somehow understood was eternal hell (although the author was merely speaking only of the end of the world).
I did not even know what I had done, what it meant or anything. I did not even tell anyone, as I did not know what to say. I started to read an old King James Bible in the house-and understood it for the first time! Eventually, I grew in the Lord, attended church and then was introduced to and got into the newer "versions". I collected them like some people collect stamps.
This was halted when a friend of mine challenged me to investigate them for myself, after which I became King James only. I have never regretted either decision.

Your testimony just proved my point. Have you read my book? It's not very long:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

No. I read the Word of God, not studies ON the Word of God.

Have you read my studies on my web site?
You will not.

In 37 years, you are by FAR, very far, the strangest "Christian" I have ever met. My testimony got an "A" in three Bible classes Dr. Jackson, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Goddard, at college.  A short and a long version.   I should have known when you "were confused" by everything I said, the exact opposite, completely unlike the thousands to who I have spoken the Gospel, taught before congregations and villages on three continents. 

(Romans 10:9-10)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You Sir, are why people in Baptist churches are cold, unwelcoming and make people who visit one time turn to cults like JWs, Mormonism, and R.C.C.ism.  I guess you even wear a Sadduccees and Pharisees outfit (suit, jacket, tie) and pound the pulpit for an hour, screaming at the people loudly, thinking that this makes you more spiritual than them. I wear a smelly, fishy tunic like Jesus and the disciples.  No legalism.  I go to villages where missionaries leave with no fruit to preach the gospel with kids and chickens and goats running around every where.  I do not need your permission nor approval of my testimony to do so.  Jesus knows me.     I know Him.  All I need.

(Titus 3:10 [AKJV/PCE])
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

This is your first admonishment.  Humble yourself.  "You ain't all that.", as they say in the south.  You desperately need it.
I AM saved. I do not need, nor wish, to ever meet your "standard" for that or anything else.  Nor should anyone.  The mere fact that you think anyone should even try to means you need to step down from whatever 'ministry" you think you do.  You are too arrogant. I owe you no time, no effort, no explanations.  It is a waste.

Good bye.
His, (The Saviour, the LORD Jesus Christ)

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
-Gal 4:16

I would simply argue that you have a basic misunderstanding of the Gospel of Salvation, and you are unwilling to even discuss it together. Our church doesn't have any such custom of that sort of contention, nor do we fellowship with railers who claim they are of Christ.

railer: one who scoffs, insults, censures or reproaches with opprobrious language

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
-1Co 5:11

You know where to get the information if you ever decide to investigate the matter. Have a great day.


Bible Discussion / Re: I don't know what to do...
« on: November 22, 2023, 06:29:22 PM »
I would ask this favor of you guys: Please don't take advantage of me and deceive me. I don't say this because I distrust you, I say this because I have opened up to you all, and I'm easily scarred.
You can never trust that someone will not deceive you. That's why, instead of me telling you what to believe, I sent you to the Scriptures (because I trust the Holy Ghost to guide Christians where they ought to be), and simply offered some notes if you needed some extra assistance. It's much harder to be deceived when you study on your own.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2Ti 2:15

Bible Discussion / Re: I don't know what to do...
« on: November 22, 2023, 07:23:39 AM »
Based on my understanding of what you told us, you were only saved a few weeks ago at the most. Is that right?

What you're attempting to do is take all the things you previously thought you understood (while blinded without the Holy Spirit), and then apply them now that you think you have understanding. These are not things that you are ready to tackle yet, which is why I haven't gone into details trying to answer all of your points like others have done.

I can already tell you based on what I've seen, you have not yet had enough time to be focusing on ANYTHING as complex as what you're trying to do right now. Discernment and understanding doesn't magically get infused into you the moment you're born again. Those things take time:

For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
-Heb 5:14

You don't learn how to swim by diving into the deep end. You don't learn how to read by starting with Shakespeare. You don't learn the basics of arithmetic by joining a calculus class. What you need to do is get yourself away from all of this junk that you've been involved with, separate yourself from others who are trying to convince you of things, humble yourself to a point where you say "Despite all that I've learned in my life, I don't know much of anything concerning Biblical doctrine," and start with the basics in Scripture. (Recommended: Matthew > Acts > Romans > etc)

Once you get to Acts, I've got some notes published on my website that can help you with some of the more complex verses. It's there if you want it:

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Lies to Me to Justify Herself
« on: November 17, 2023, 11:33:50 AM »
Yeah, that's the reason I suspect that when a lot of people who write to me say that they "read my article," what they actually mean is that they read a few paragraphs of it, or skimmed over it. I mean, maybe I didn't make that stuff clear enough in what I wrote, which happens sometimes, but I thought I was pretty clear in that teaching.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member- greetings!
« on: November 16, 2023, 08:58:52 AM »
The first thing to do is stop using the phrase "personal crisis." It's nonsensical. It's basically no different than saying "climate crisis." It's panic over something that is non-threatening.

The word you should use is called "discipline." It's the base word from which we get the word 'disciple'.

discipline (v): to instruct or educate; to inform the mind; to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits

Study of Scripture is not something that any of us do as a passing fad or for ease of entertainment. It is work. You have to make active choices to shut off things around you and work. It's not rocket science, and you don't need a PhD in theology.

The question "How do you guys go about the process of sanctification?" is an attempt to find some recipe of words or activities that will make it easier. The Holy Spirit unlocks a man's understanding, but knowledge of Scripture is still proof of work.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Lies to Me to Justify Herself
« on: November 14, 2023, 02:48:40 PM »
It's been over two week and she hasn't gotten back with me, so I'll just respond here.

Michelle is one of many people who write to me saying that they found my website by researching information on 501c3. This is one of the reasons why I debated not writing a book on the subject; simply because I knew that a bunch of disgruntled churchgoers would end up contacting me at regular intervals over the course of many years. This is because they will agree with my general position on 501c3 (without reading or listening to the entire teaching to get the full information before drawing conclusions, and most stop before they understand the core problem with it), only to continue to look at my website, and find out that I rebuke their favorite false preacher/prophet, or their beloved political hot topic.

Michelle claimed that she read the entire article I have available on the abortion subject, in which I go into the very deep details of what is the foundation of the abortion movement. (This also demonstrates what I mean when I talk about churchgoers just searching my site looking for political hot topics--Michelle went from 501c3 to abortion, which is a common chain of search for churchgoers... no searching out what I teach on the Gospel of Salvation first... just get those political boxes checked, right?) Apparently, she must have skimmed over most of the article (which is what people typically do when they write me and say they "read" a book or article I wrote).

As soon as I read the first couple of sentences of her letter, I knew this was a waste of my time. The reason is because she was accusing me of things I did not say, and despite the fact that she fervently told me that she really wanted to have a conversation with me, the second I requested that she quote me on what I said/wrote, she ghosted me, and I could not count the amount of times that this has happened to me in email, namely, that I ask for research/quotes, and I never hear back from the person again... which is a strong indication of someone who makes decisions based on their feelings instead of facts.

To give an example of a rhetorical question, she wrote:
Have you seen all the abolitionists of abortion that bring the gospel to those clinics daily and daily babies are saved?
Either Michelle lied to me that she was not asking rhetorical questions, or she does not know what a rhetorical question is:

rhetorical (adj): used for, belonging to, or concerned with mere style or effect, rather than truth, substance, or meaning

Let's put it a different way: Michelle did not ask me that question looking for answer. She was not probing me for information. Rather, if she was going to be more straight-forward and honest, she should have said:
I have seen all the abolitionists of abortion that bring the gospel to those clinics daily and daily babies are saved.
Assuming that is true (because I cannot ascertain if it is), that is not what I was referring to in my article on abortion. I would encourage you all to read it (or listen to the teaching series) for yourself so you can see what I mean. I addressed the problems from a political standpoint, and the fact that most churchgoers have no idea the battle that is really being fought, and that standing around with picket signs that read "abortion is murder" does not fight against the root cause (which is the witchcraft and child sacrifice that goes on behind closed doors), and therefore, they are wasting their time to push an agenda that happens to be a political hot topic right now, rather than fighting the root cause of the abortion movement.

Abortion has only grown over the years and continues to grow because of the corrupt philosophies taught to children (especially young girls) and the demonic agenda that is active behind the scenes.

No one is arguing that a woman may have been persuaded (at least for a time) to not kill her baby because of people standing out front of a Planned Parenthood (i.e. demonic) building, but that does not mean that the people in protest have a good understanding.

Of course, if Michelle had read my article in full, she would know that. However, she followed up her so-called "question" in her first letter with a bunch of statements saying that she had been there and seen all these things... and then... nothing. That was the end of her first letter. She just left the rest of letter without conclusion, which leaves us to conclude that her true intention in this letter was to say to me, "The fact that you wrote that article means you don't love your neighbor like a Christian should, so explain to me why you don't."

This is why I responded to her the way I did. She did not want to have a conversation (i.e. meaning that she lied to me), and she proved that by running away the second she was called to provide evidence of her accusation. I knew from her first letter that she was accusing me of saying things I didn't say.

Don't misunderstand; I have no problem with being accused of something. There is always the possibility that I said or did something wrong, but what I do have a problem with is something accusing me of arguing something I did not argue; otherwise known as a "strawman" fallacy.

In her second letter, she says:
I know you said that signs won't quickly change a mindset to pro life, and I agree, but what I am asking is why you think it's a waste of time when babies lives are saved?
Again, this is a presumption. She is presuming that sign that reads "abortion is murder" saved a baby's life. If that was the case, why could you not just hammer the sign into the ground, and leave it there. If signs saved the babies, why have the people there?

What does save a baby's life? Women getting support. Where does that happen? In pro-life help centers.

Am I saying it's wrong to go out and try to help women? No. I don't believe I've ever said that. I'm saying that most of the people who hold up these signs don't have a clue what the real fight is.

So what Michelle did is claim (falsely) that I said that "it's a waste of time when babies lives are saved," but I NEVER made such a statement, meaning that she is falsely accusing me. That's why I simply responded by asking her to quote me, and from her silence, I can gather that either she didn't do her homework, she's lazy, she's embarrassed because she realized her error, or all of the above.

She then makes another presumptuous statement:
I know for a fact that when Christ followers don't show up to these kill mills, all babies that are scheduled to die that day will, but when people show up to share the gospel and offer help, some of them will live.
First, you don't know that all of them will die that day. There are, based on testimonies I have read, a substantial amount of mothers who change their minds once they get inside the "clinic." Michelle is saying, "If we're not there, they die." That's factually incorrect. However, I will argue that someone being there to offer help is helpful to the cause of saving children, but that doesn't mean that the Gospel of Christ is actually being shared.

Just like those who don't understand the Gospel hold up "Jesus Saves" signs (instead of preaching the law to lost sinners), likewise, those who don't understand the core problem underlying in these clinics hold up "abortion is murder" signs. I can understand the sentiment, and the appeal to using those signs, but while there is a battle to be fought on a surface level of getting women help, there is an underlying battle to be fought of child sacrifice, to understand the deep-seeded level of witchcraft that is behind all of it.

Frankly, I believe that the pro-life centers who offer women help in a variety of ways are doing far more good than holding up "abortion is murder" signs, which essentially is a churchgoer's way of thinking he is "preaching the Gospel" which, in reality, few of them understand the Gospel of Salvation (despite the fact that many believe they do).

If any of you want to go fight a battle like that in front of an abortion center, by all means, go and do that. Even writing this on the forum is a battle I have been given passion to fight, to increase the discernment and understanding of the church, if, God willing, I am able to do so. I hope others will do what God has given them resolve to do, and I hope I haven't dissuaded anyone from preaching in front of abortion centers if that is on their hearts to do. However, I think it is infinitely more important to understand Christ's Gospel of repentance for the remission of sins, and that, based on what I have discerned, there are far more churchgoers that are on their way to hell than there are babies being murdered, and quite a number of those holding the picket signs that read "abortion is murder" are standing around without knowing the fullness of the Gospel of Salvation in Christ, which, if a woman understands, she would not kill her baby in the first place.

There are many battles to fight. Pick the one the Lord give you passion to fight, but make sure you fight with understanding.

What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
-1Co 14:15

Thanks if you took the time to read my thoughts. I hope you all have a great day.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Lies to Me to Justify Herself
« on: November 14, 2023, 02:00:12 PM »


Just found your website and have been listening to your 5013c info. Just read your info on abortion and I don't understand why you call it a waste of time for Christ followers to stand at abortion clinics. Are we not to love our neighbors as ourselves? It wouldn't be very loving to ignore the slaughter of our time. Have you seen all the abolitionists of abortion that bring the gospel to those clinics daily and daily babies are saved?? I follow many of them on fb and most have live videos every day so I see them being saved daily. I myself have gone out to these demonic centers and have been able to share the gospel and have seen God work miraculously in some areas. I have seen moms choose life because the signs were there, and believers there offering help.

If you don't understand why I said that, and you want an explanation, I have an entire teaching on abortion along with an audio series that you can listen to, where I explain it in a lot of detail, and if that's not enough, then you can always ask me for it, but there's nothing about your letter that remotely indicates that you care about why I said what I said. You only followed up a statement with some rhetorical questions, which indicates that you have no intention of discussing this matter. It seems you only care about convincing me of your position, and if that's the case, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish by this, so you'll have to clarify that for me.

Hello, thanks for responding! I did read the article, and I will listen to the podcast audio to see if that helps, but my questions for you were genuine. I am really curious why, as I stated in my message regarding how I did not understand. I thought you would explain it more in depth, so I am honestly just trying to understand. I have never heard this take on it. I know you said that signs won't quickly change a mindset to pro life, and I agree, but what I am asking is why you think it's a waste of time when babies lives are saved? Please explain. I know for a fact that when Christ followers don't show up to these kill mills, all babies that are scheduled to die that day will, but when people show up to share the gospel and offer help, some of them will live. I don't see how that could be a waste of time in any way?

what I am asking is why you think it's a waste of time when babies lives are saved?
I don't know where I said that. If that is something you think I said, write down the quote (or give me the time stamp of the video) where I said that, so I can understand what you're referring to.


I'll wait. Whenever you get me that quote, we'll talk about it.


This woman lied to me and used loaded, rhetorical statements (with question marks on the end of the sentence) as her argument.
I will comment on that in a reply on this thread.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member- greetings!
« on: November 09, 2023, 08:52:43 AM »
No, I am pointing out what you did and testified about in your post is exactly what the Scriptures are saying, or rather, what Jesus said in the parable.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member- greetings!
« on: November 07, 2023, 10:29:58 AM »
And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.
-Luke 11:5-8

importunity (n): pressing solicitation; urgent request; application for a claim or favor, which is urged with troublesome frequency or pertinacity; men are sometimes overcome by the importunity of their wives or children

As I have said many times before, the parables of Christ are speaking not just of false converts, but the DIFFERENCE between false and true converts. Some of the parable teach us the manner in which true converts will act and speak. This is why, after this parable, Christ went on to say:

And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
-Luke 11:9-13

Wild Emails @ CLE / Casting Doubt on the KJB
« on: November 03, 2023, 10:38:50 AM »
Part of the reason I posted this here is because this man sent me the wrong email address, so I could not write him back. I figured this would also be good for all of you to see. This was sent to me almost two years ago, and I did not respond to it until now, after I finished my book on the King James Bible. At the end of the letter, he said he wasn't looking for a response, so I didn't bother to address it until I was done with my book; however, the email address he gave me doesn't exist.


There were more drastic changes than the stuff you mentioned in your article. These drastic changes change doctrine.

Here are some examples of what I am talking about.

1611 Ruth 3:15
“Also he said, Bring the vaile that thou hast vpon thee, and holde it. And when she helde it, he measured sixe measures of barley, and laide it on her: and he went into the citie.”
1769 Ruth 3:15
“Also he said, Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city.”

1611 Song of Solomon 2:7
“I charge you, O ye daughters of Ierusalem, by the Roes, and by the hindes of the field, that ye stirre not vp, nor awake my loue, till she please.”
1769 Song of Solomon 2:7
“I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.”

1611 Job 39:30
“Her yong ones also suck vp blood: and where the slaine are, there is he.”
1769 Job 39:30
“Her young ones also suck up blood: and where the slain are, there is she.”

The 1611 translators knew the original languages fluently while Blaney did not know any Hebrew and Greek during the revision.

I'm not trying to get a reaction out of you and if you choose to brush this off as heresy then go ahead. I can't force you to change your mind nor am I trying to to. I'm just trying to provide you with information. As always it's best to do your own research (which you already do that anyway). Don't worry I'm not offended by you.

Here's a video that might help go along with this.

Thanks for taking the time to read this email and don't worry about responding to me. You don't have to respond if you don't want to. A response is not the point nor intention for this email.

Thanks for sending this to me. I know it's been a while, but I have kept your email in my inbox for the past couple of years because I wanted to address it eventually. I was waiting for the time I would work on turning my article on the KJB into a full-length book, which I am close to finishing a first draft. I came back to this email to see if there is anything in it that I wanted to address in my book, and what I discovered was a lot of bad arguments. I do not say that to upset you, but the fact is that the man in the video you sent me was not making complete arguments for what he was saying; he was only making partial arguments and some of what he was saying was just flat-out wrong.

For example, he argued that John 8:44 says that, concerning the Devil, "there is no truth in him," and he instead interpreted that to mean that "the Devil cannot say anything that is true," and those are completely different concepts. Just because the Devil is the father of lies, does not mean he cannot speak something that is true, but if he says something that is true, it is not from any genuineness of heart because he had fallen from the truth and "abode not in it." Therefore, the Devil uses the truth for the purpose of deceit, however, the video's author was using his faulty interpretation to say that his argument about differences in the editions of the KJB were valid, when they had no standing.

For example, in Gen 3:1:
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

What Satan said there was true, and Eve verified that. He then proceeds to use that to deceive her, but that statement was true; God did say that. There was a lot of that type of fallacious argument that I saw in that man's video you sent me (but I don't have time to go through all of them right now; I just wanted to give you an example), and I'm assuming that you didn't notice those things, otherwise, it is unlikely you would have recommended it to me.

I'm not going to go through all the Scriptures you listed out (again, for the sake of time), but let's address one of them so I can show you the problem with what you sent me. This was concerning to me only because you sent me that email, and for the past couple of years, I was a little worried that maybe there were some errors in the KJB I'm using, but thankfully, God has taught me over the years to read the context for myself to gain understanding, and that has shown me that what I'm reading is correct.

First, I'll quote you:
1611 Ruth 3:15
“Also he said, Bring the vaile that thou hast vpon thee, and holde it. And when she helde it, he measured sixe measures of barley, and laide it on her: and he went into the citie.”
1769 Ruth 3:15
“Also he said, Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city.”

I am presuming (since you didn't take the time to highlight what you wanted me to address) that your objection is the difference between "he" and "she" in the text. This is one of the printing press errors that was corrected. Keep in mind that the printing press errors were not fully taken care of until the mid-18th century, because only 72% of the errors had been corrected by 1638.

In fact, I would argue that both are correct (which is why I suspect that it took so long for this error to be discovered), but the word 'she' is more accurate to the context because it was about Ruth. Both Ruth and Boaz went TOGETHER into the city. We already know that Boaz went to the city because you can see when you go on to the next chapter:
Then went Boaz up to the gate, and sat him down there: and, behold, the kinsman of whom Boaz spake came by; unto whom he said, Ho, such a one! turn aside, sit down here. And he turned aside, and sat down.
-Ruth 4:1

Boaz was already going to the city, but the word 'she' then tells us that Ruth went with him, which makes sense based on the promises that he made to her in chapter 3.

This is why I would encourage you to keep studying on this subject, but remember to always read the context of the chapter, and make sure you understand it fully. I have, many times in the past, led others astray because I believed something someone told me in a video, and I didn't fully research it, and I have regretted that many times. Although I still make foolish mistakes, I have worked hard to try and remedy that about myself for the sake of Christ, and I hope you will also dedicate yourself to doing thorough research for Him too.

Thanks for your input. Have a great day.


I addressed that point in my book as well. There will always be someone who will try to turn us away from the King James Bible, and in this instance, it wasn't someone who hated the KJB. Rather, I think this is a man who uses the KJB regularly and is sincere, but he has been led astray by some people claiming to have good intentions, while expressing bad arguments.

Free to Read Book:
Why Christians Should Study The King James Bible

Why Christians Should Study The King James Bible

A history of bible versions, where they came from, and why the KJB stands far above all others.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member- greetings!
« on: October 13, 2023, 08:26:26 AM »
I personally do not recommend reading the Gospels and going back to Genesis. I recommend reading one of the Gospels to start, then going to Acts and then Romans and so on. Once you go through the NT, I would recommend reading another of the Gospels, then going back to Genesis. The order of the books of the New Testament are not in any chronological order, but rather, they are in order of importance of doctrine, starting out with the foundation of basics in Romans, and working through more in-depth doctrine as it goes.

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