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Messages - strangersmind

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General Discussion / Re: Ron wyatt gods treasure seeker or fraud
« on: July 24, 2018, 06:38:20 PM »
I am sorry about this post. I just read it again and I have no idea what I was trying to get at. What I was going for was do you guys believe that is Noahs ark? And should I avoid using ron videos to the people hear do to he is sda? I have been sick last few days with some kind of tropical bug.

Now I been sick few times in my life with all kinds of bugs but this one is nothing I have ever been threw. It is so strange. Fever comes and goes my back of eyes hurt when I move eyes around. The skin on top of my head hurts. I feel as if I am umm I guess kinda high I don't know. So I do apologize again

General Discussion / Re: Ron wyatt gods treasure seeker or fraud
« on: July 23, 2018, 06:58:09 PM »
For many years I have been studying ron wyatt and his claims. I believed what he claimed and did to be truth. But today I no longer believe him or can trust him in his findings and claims. I have watched all  the videos ron was apart of making and it seems every one has a different account on what happened. His own videos like the Noahs ark video narration by his wife seems to tell the story different every time a updated one comes out. He twist scripture so it will fit his findings. It seems he is dishonest about almost every thing. For example he claimed 3 metal detectors methods were used and they all came out with same results but in video when they where laying down the lines to show where the wood timbers are you can clearly see the 3rd metal detector device he just seems to not mentioned jousting or spirit rods. Or when he claimed he found the Grave of Noah and his wife and they were taller than 12 feet tall. But yet God wanted him to use a standard cubit of a 6 foot man. Or when u see him praying with the guys who are starting construction on visiting center and his wife say they sacrifice a lamb as a symbolic of Noah making first sacrifice. But any one who can see it is a goat and it was sacrifice to the muslims god and if you look hard enough you can see ron praying with them to there god.  There are so many things I can point out. Am I just misunderstanding what is being said or have you guys came up with same thing?

General Discussion / Ron wyatt gods treasure seeker or fraud
« on: July 23, 2018, 06:12:00 PM »
For many years I have been studying ron wyatt and his claims. I believed what he claimed and did to be truth. But today I no longer believe him or can trust him in his findings and claims. I have watched all  the videos ron was apart of making and it seems every one has a different account on what happened. His own videos like the Noah

General Discussion / Re: roswell ufo or a balloon
« on: June 22, 2018, 10:12:27 PM »
I agree with you. Most alien believers are all about evolution. I myself do not believe in evolution.  How can one can is beyond me. I have watched all of the videos Chris made just up to freemasonry do internet unstable.  But soon I will be able to watch the ones I have not seen.  I once did believe in the hole alien thing but came to know the scriptures and in Christ made me a new creation. With new eyes to see.  I now just stay away from the alien worshippers. But the person who ask me about roswell, did not care to know about aliens but rather how to find the anser

General Discussion / roswell ufo or a balloon
« on: June 22, 2018, 05:48:04 PM »
I would normally not do any kind of research on such subject, but I was ask how would I find out the truth.  So I decided to go ahead and look into it for him. I did not do it to find what really happened but to teach him how to seek the truth. I just thought I will share it with the church and see what you guys think. If you do not no what the roswell ufo crash is all about or I did not explain well enough or ever got something wrong on my search you can always ask . I want to keep this short and get to the point. If you have not heard of the roswell incident please look it up. So let

General Discussion / Re: Jesus Movies
« on: June 22, 2018, 05:40:20 PM »
In ,Maggido the march to Armaggedon part 1 he said somethings that are just not true like how the devil made copy cat religions before Jesus came to earth.  He even quotes David icke on how many religions had a child born of a virgin. But this is just not true.  There are Web sites out there that will offer money to any one who can find any evidence that before Christ, other religions had some one born to a virgin.  There are other things as well like he will quote some founding fathers of America how they were men of GOD but in other videos he claims they really are not Christians. It also could be too he had others help him research but never check there work

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello again I'm billy
« on: June 20, 2018, 06:12:52 PM »
Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: Speaking in one language!!
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:29:55 PM »
It could mean that the gift of tongues will cease.  God has a universal language, he speaks and it obays. Like he spoke to the mountains to rise up and it was so. Or the valley to sink down. Even the seas to come up and go no further.  So I would think in heaven we all will speak one language. I do know we have a amazing God. After all he did have a donkey speak to a man. Or what about the beast in heaven? They spoke to john. I can't wait to find out when I get to be with the father

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello again I'm billy
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:13:35 PM »
I am a  Christian I did not mean for it to say other. I live where Internet is not the best. Like I put it as Christian but I an thinking do to the long lag of Internet, may take time for it to make it to usa server. I do not know, like for example I did not answer your question because I did not see u ask me lol. So what I am now going to try is let everything load up and let it sit for a bit to make sure everything loads up. I apologize for how it works here

General Discussion / Re: Working All Day
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:02:14 PM »
Ya after I post that I was thinking about it and he will have to just go threw it all to see if the person findings are right anyways. So might as well do the work your self lol

Bible Discussion / Re: Chronological Bible
« on: June 18, 2018, 12:31:05 AM »
I always wondered about this. chronological bible. How do we know that is the order god wanted them to be In? Did he have a reason to put the bible the way he did? Should we change it? May be it is right the way it is? I do not know but like to know

Bible Discussion / Re: Is the bible a book about a chosen race??
« on: June 18, 2018, 12:23:08 AM »
God tell us why he pick Israel as his people.  It was because they were the smallest and the weakest. He did that to show his glory and power. There is 12 tribes of Israel because one was not to be numbered other have an heritage. So 13 all together but one not to be numbered.

General Discussion / Re: Working All Day
« on: June 17, 2018, 11:59:14 PM »
You should have others help you with your work load. Then u can put it all together save you time and stress. 

General Discussion / Re: Suggestion: new forum sections
« on: June 17, 2018, 11:45:09 PM »
Have I made it to 200 post yet lol
joke for them who been here for long time

General Discussion / Re: Jesus Movies
« on: June 17, 2018, 11:05:56 PM »
There are great movies out there I recommend for Christians.  Here is just a few to get a Christian started in history of the bible
lamp in the dark
Tares among the wheat
bridge to Babylon
you can watch them free on YouTube

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello again I'm billy
« on: June 17, 2018, 09:36:45 PM »
The bible should be are guide not what some man say at the pulpits.  Now days I research everyones clams to see if they are in truth and In line with scripture. I was glad I found your videos because of spending time making my own, I now can focus on teaching the people here.

Introduce Yourself / Hello again I'm billy
« on: June 17, 2018, 09:22:02 PM »
Hello my name is billy

I am from Washington state but currently living in the Philippines. I been in church most of my life but left the church do to everything they teach seems to be so water down or not found in scripture at all. My life changed when someone told me my bible was not true word of God (niv)  and the king james bible I should use to answer my questions the pastor of churches was not really answering. It was then when I had my eyes open to truth. I then spent years since then studying every topic I learned in church and found out what I learned in church was so far from what bible say I had to tell pastor we have it wrong. From Christmas to easter all the way to being saved. That is when I decided to make videos for youtube to give my findings but as I was doing research I came across Christophers videos. I watched them all at the time all day everyone. And I finally found someone who came to the same finding as I did. So instead of making videos I just send people to watch his.  It was this time I had a chance to move to Philippines so I did to teach here the truth. catholic is what most are here. I do miss watching the videos, hard to do to Internet is not the best in this place.
God bless you all

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