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Messages - creationliberty

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:28:05 AM »
I answered with the truth, there was no contradiction.
Oh. Okay. That tells me a lot about you; much more than anything else you've said so far.

The Lord's Word is very explanatory which I used to explain.
Indeed, because God's Word has words and it's godly.

You seem not to like me using Scripture which supports my testimony.
You seem to use a lot of strawman arguments and red herrings when you're held accountable to what you say.

The Love of God in His Mercy brought Holy Spirit conviction, which revealed my guilt of my sins, which means in His Grace, without condemnation, He sent the Holy Spirit to bring about Salvation.
You just used the same contradiction after telling me there was no contradiction, and did not bother to explain yourself. I can't have a conversation with people like that.
Who brought condemnation to the guilty? The Pharisees, the self-righteous.
No, the Word of God brought condemnation to the guilty. Jesus' purpose in coming to this world the first time was not to condemn the world because the written Word already does that. However, that does not mean that Jesus never condemned anyone; specifically, the Pharisees that you just mentioned. In fact, if Jesus hadn't condemned them, you would not know to talk about them in that way. To say that it was the "self-righteous Pharisees" alone that brought condemnation is ignorance of the Scripture. They condemned others while being hypocrites, which is why Jesus condemned them:
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
-Mat 23:25

I'm starting to wonder if you just ignored the definitions of the terms, and instead you keep using the terms under your own definition without telling us what you think those terms mean. Part of the reason I suspect this is because you have not once said anything about the fact that 'conviction' and 'condemnation' mean the same thing.

I know you don't want to hear any of this, and don't misunderstand; I'm doing this for others reading this because let's be straight-forward: you didn't come here to learn anything or fellowship with us. You came here to preach to us what you want us to believe; that's pretty clear based on what I have seen from you so far (especially in your other post), which means you have no intention of taking in any understanding from anyone else but yourself. I can't have a conversation with people like that.

Did Jesus condemn Mary Magdalene? Did Jesus condemn the man with the Legion of Demons? Did Jesus Condemn Paul for killing His Followers? He came with Mercy, in His Love He came to those who could not change themselves.
You still have not addressed the contradiction that I pointed out. No one here is arguing that you were condemned by Jesus when you claim you were saved. These questions you just posed are strawman arguments because you either refuse addressing what I said, or you don't understand what I said.

So yes, it was the Love of God in His Mercy to bring about conviction of my sins, it was His Goodness that lead me to Repentance.  That is all non-contradictory.
You still haven't answered anything yet. You're just repeating what you previously said to make it look like you answered my inquiry. In my experience, men who repeat themselves instead of answering or expounding on the question asked are dishonest men who end up as politicians. I hope that's not you, but you haven't given me any reason to believe otherwise yet.

The Lord's Word stands true, and so do I stand true.  He came, He convicted, I confessed, I ask forgiveness, He forgave, then I was cleansed, and sealed by His Holy Spirit. That is pretty much the Gospel.  No contradictions with the work of God within a sinner's soul.
That's just cotton candy fluff. You've trained yourself well over the years to repeat the lines you think others expect you to say, but I can't have a conversation with a broken record.

Thank you I've answered the questions, no "avoiding here", I reject your accusation.
In your mind, you declared it, so therefore, it is true by default. This is very similar phrasing I have seen when I talk to people who worship false prophets. I'm not saying you're one of those, but what you say is strikingly similar to them.
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
-1Co 10:12

Yes, I did add the other info, but not to "drown out so nobody notices that I did not answer it".
Well, you're still doing it... soooo...  ???

It seems you are trying to manipulate the situation into something it is not.
Pot, meet kettle.

The Lord states we are to provide all things honest to all,
Correct... and here comes the accusation to justify himself...

it seems you are the one who struggles with the truth according to the Lord's Word and the testimonies written within it.
And there it is. That's the man who does not judge himself. Because I dared to question the holy, sacred Cal, and point out where there was a contradiction in what he said, I have now received the accusation that I struggled to understand ANY AND ALL of Scripture.

For anyone else reading this, when you see this sort of thing, it's childishness. It's the same fussy attitude children have when they are told something they don't like, and so they react by saying "I know you are but what am I?" The problem is that Cal knows that if he said that, he would look childish, so he says it behind a bunch of words that he thinks makes him look sophisticated. This is what is meant when Paul said "by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" in Romans 16:18.

The reason he is doing this is simply because, if he were to address the question I asked him, it would shake the foundation of what he has believed about his alleged salvation testimony for decades. I wasn't even trying to do that; I just wanted to understand why he used two words back to back, which mean the same thing, but declared opposite things about them. That's all I wanted to know, but now it has turned into this, which means there is a MUCH deeper philosophical problem in Cal's belief system. And now, it has turned into something so serious for him, he will condemn others to save himself from having to address it.

Lord bless you
And he ends his letter with pretense that he thinks will make him sound "holy." The passive aggressive attitude he has is a form of what the Bible calls "murmuring."
Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
-Phil 2:14

Cal, have you listened to anything I teach? Why did you come here? Because, after this post, it doesn't sound at all like you want to have any fellowship with us, and it certainly doesn't sound like you have much like-mindedness with us.
Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Phil 2:2

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« on: December 29, 2023, 11:28:58 PM »
Yes, the Lord came in His Mercy, and opened my ears to hear, and eyes to see, that homosexuality was a sin, which I did not believe before.  So He came and informed me it was a sin, and that I was not "born" gay.  I was shocked at the reality that it was sin, and that I believed in the lies. Due to the Convicting Power of the Holy Spirit I knew it was true, I was guilty, which lead me to cry out to Him for forgiveness, weeping realizing He was revealing the truth to me, because I did not believe the truth prior, my aunt would inform me of this years prior, but I did not believe her. I was deceived due to unbelief. I was involved with that life without knowing what it was, starting at the age of 7 or 8.  But that was due to my mother's abuses against me at such an early age, I was not protected by them, which lead me into a life of perversity, identity crisis desiring to be a girl, so she would love me. My mother was in out of lesbianism most of her life into her 50's.

Does this help you?
The story you just told me makes sense, and I'm not arguing against what you experienced, but you did not answer my inquiry. I pointed out to you that you used two contradictory statements, and you did not answer to that contradiction. If you had told me that you used one of the terms in error, then I would have understood that because we all make mistakes from time to time, but you didn't even bother to correct yourself when I pointed out to you the contradiction which I demonstrated. Telling me about your mom being a lesbian doesn't explain why you used contradictory phrases in the same sentence, as I pointed out here:

It seems like you're just avoiding what I said, and talking about a lot of other things to drown it out, so nobody notices that you didn't answer it.

I want to reply to this because I want anyone reading this to understand that the idea that joining the military after becoming a Christian is not necessarily a sin, but I could not provide a Scriptural justification for it either. That being said, what Cal wrote here is NOT a good argument for a Christian not joining the military.

Illuminati, NGOs, New World Order... blah blah blah. This is the same garbage that comes out of "conspiracy ministries" that corrupts the minds of Christians. These types of posts/articles are a dime-a-dozen, and often offer the same tired lines that are flawed from a Scriptural perspective because, most often, those verses they use are taken out of context. I know because I sounded somewhat like this when I started writing, but I was still a young Christian at the time (i.e. I had only been saved about seven years) -- the above post came from a near 50-year veteran, and he should know better by now.

The second half where there was a Scriptural argument made peaked my interest, but I was quickly let down because all Cal is arguing is that there are bad people in the military, and there are bad people leading the military, therefore, we should not have anything to do with it. This is flawed and absurd logic because if we were to apply that philosophical reasoning, we could not be citizens of any country, nor could we be employed by almost any company (and that is the sense in which he quoted 2Co 6 at the end, which is NOT the contextual meaning of that passage), and that would make it impossible to just have a home and earn a living to support one's family.

Cal only joined this forum yesterday, and I don't know why he decided to jump into the deep end to start preaching this garbage. I know he's going to be angry that I call it garbage, but this is a bunch of copy/pasted quotes with peoples' feelings and opinions, nothing more, and all it will do is confuse people reading this. It does not address the core philosophical understanding that Christ would have us to know because it does not address sin of the individual, rather, Cal preferred to say that sin is in the world (obviously), and we should avoid sin (obviously, even children know this), therefore, we should avoid the world, which is contrary to the doctrine of Scripture... we should not love the world, but we must live in the world.

I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world.
-1Co 5:9-10

If anyone wants to properly address this subject, then do so from the perspective of slavery versus freedom. When you enroll in the military, you put yourself under a contract, and that contract limits what you can say and do fairly strictly. What this means is that if the Holy Spirit leads you and/or convicts you to do something, and the military says "No," then you cannot do that thing, which forces you to follow men instead of God.

However, Paul addressed this issue for those who were born again AFTER they had already joined the military:

Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called. Art thou called being a servant? care not for it: but if thou mayest be made free, use it rather. For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant. Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.
-1Co 7:20-24

Paul did not preach joining the military was sin because that does not address the core problem. If you were in the military when you were born again in Christ, then it was ordained for you to be there at that time for some specific reason God had in mind, so then serve in the military as if you were serving Christ Himself. Study Scripture and pray. Do a good job. Work hard. However, if you are presented with the opportunity to leave lawfully and peacefully, then you, by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit in this passage, ought to leave so you can be the Lord's freeman, and serve according to His will.

For this reason, I would urge Christians to not join the military, unless forced upon by the government to do so (like in a draft). If you are in it, then leave by lawful and peaceful means when the opportunity is presented. This is a simple a matter of a contractual agreement you will have to sign when you first join the military, in which you are signing away your freedom to serve under men as a soldier of the public. One cannot serve Christ in full liberty while under a military contract.

Once you understand it from that perspective, it makes Cal's post (and all the references he provided) completely unnecessary, and again, I would argue that superfluous information like that only confuses young Christians, which is why I so heavily and firmly objected to it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« on: December 29, 2023, 05:22:46 PM »
Now I'm confused. "convicting love" but "no condemnation" ???

convict (v): to determine the truth of a charge against one; to prove or find guilty of a crime charged; to determine or decide to be guilty

condemn (v): to determine or judge to be wrong, or guilty

You just said that there was a loving "determination of guilt" but no "determination of guilt." I'm baffled by that. Especially since you said in your first post:

"the Lord revealed His truth to me, and brought conviction of my sinful life, and that it was a lie"

So he did, but he didn't, but he did? I wouldn't normally press on this matter, but you said this happened to you 46 years ago, indicating that you have more experience than Kenneth and I put together. Perhaps I have been too presumptuous to assume you have understanding of this, and forgive me for pressing too hard if you don't, but there HAS to be conviction of sin (as you stated in your first post), otherwise, there is no repentance. That's just Christianity 101. That's why I'm confused as to why you're making contradictory statements. ??? Is there something that we don't understand about what you're expressing?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings to all....
« on: December 28, 2023, 03:32:06 PM »
Any time I had confusion concerning some of the actions taking place I would question her, and she would immediately start accusing me of having a “spirit” of rebellion
Yep, that's how all false prophets keep their followers in line. Nothing like fear and coercion to keep them submissive.  :-X

All new members need to introduce themselves in the "Introduce Yourself" section of our forum, as was also stated in the registration agreement you signed when you joined. See here:

If you're not going to read and follow the rules when you join, then you're not going to stay here.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 23, 2023, 12:03:32 PM »
So...he was proudly proclaiming he didn't like the status men give themselves in some denominations/education systems, but then goes on to say how well his testimony was graded by men?

But no one ever lies, right?

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 23, 2023, 10:11:58 AM »
At no point did you tell him that he wasn't saved but he keeps adding more fuel to the fire.

His anger came from the fact that, if what I was saying was right, he had never come to repentance of his sin. As you stated, I never said that he didn't come to repentance. I have no idea if he did or did not. However, Bob rejected that thought immediately.

Yet, it leads us to wonder, if he was confident in Christ, what need would he have to be angry at me?

If I am not saved, as he clearly stated he believes, why did he not try to reason the Gospel with me peacefully?

I think he is secretly very afraid, but his pride will not let him read to understand, and refuses to consider that the people described in Matthew 7 could be him. I hope the Lord will give him the same gifts of mercy and repentance that he has graciously given me.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 23, 2023, 09:10:12 AM »
I looked on his website, and here is his explanation of the Gospel of Salvation:

God loves you, and wants to have fellowship now and forever with you, but...
...You are an unrighteous sinner, separated from your Creator, a Holy and Just God by your sin(s)and sin nature
Sin leads to death
You are deserving of eternal punishment in a fiery hell after a certain death
Therefore, you need to get saved from that hell
You cannot save yourself by works, "being good", religion, etc. or by anything else or anyone else
Jesus Christ, the God-Man, came down from Heaven in the flesh to die on a Roman Cross for your sin(s)
You simply have to believe in Jesus Christ who died for your sins and that God promised he will forgive all of your sins

No repentance. That was my point. I didn't bother to look into his site until now to check, and I suspected that was the case because his writing reflected an unrepentant heart. That confirms it for me.

But to be fair... I'm sure he said all those hateful and railing things for Jesus, right?

He talks of "sin nature," but doesn't even give an example of what sin looks like. Ergo, there is no preaching of the law to sinners so they would come to repentance. His explanation presents a "problem" to the reader that, even if the reader accepts as a problem without knowing what it means, he will "believe in Jesus" and think he solved the alleged "problem" without ever being born again in Christ.

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
-Gal 3:24

This is an excerpt from my short book (free-to-read) Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell:

William and Catherine Booth were the founders of The Salvation Army (1878), and the goal of their organization was to feed and clothe the poor and needy. William Booth said:
"I am of the opinion that the chief dangers which confront the coming century [i.e. 20th-21st century] will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."
-William Booth, quoted in The Homiletic Review: An International Magazine of Religion, Theology and Philosophy, Religious Newspaper Agency, Vol. 44, 1902, p. 382, [University of Michigan]

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 23, 2023, 08:57:00 AM »
I guess he decided to keep going after he said he was done. Here's what I got this morning.

I would argue the same for you, since I know it full well and accepted it.  Jesus knows me,  and I know Him.  he will never say to me, "Depart from me, I never knew you".

(Matthew 7:23 [AKJV/PCE])
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

And I would argue the very, very exact same for you. I have evidence you learned how to quote Scripture, but not live by it, nor understand it, just use it to rail at anyone trying to correct your nastiness.

You do not have to worry. We will not be keeping company.  IF you need studies, they are on my site.

Since you also need to learn the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ, it is there also.

Since you are so smart, there is a study just for you, and the other railers:

IN 37 years of being saved and in ministry, not one time have I have ever met such a confused and "YOU ARE NOT SAVED!:" person, not even in IFB College..  When trying to be corrected, you do not even listen or read.  I corrected you once, that I am saved BY the Blood of the Lamb, the LORD Jesus Christ, and that journey started through knocking out the edifice of false science (evolutionism) I admonished you once, and now became YOUR enemy.  Jesus will say to you one day,   You should understand these things, if you were saved and not religious.  If you wish to learn Scripture, get out of that self-righteousness cult, then I can help. I teach the Word of God to those who are willing tol earn, not the ones who think they know every thing and think no one but those who say the right words to them are saved, based upon their own standard.

When corrected, you cannot be corrected but use your dull sword.  Mine is sharp and convicts me and you of sin.  In all my years, mostly atheists, agnostics, muslims and RCCers were railers.  Then there is you.  The ultimate mocker, railer. And you.

(Titus 3:10 [AKJV/PCE])
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

#1 Get saved.
#2 Get a teachable spirit

That was your last admonition.  You are rejected.



I'm not wasting my time with responding to him. He had no intention of having a peaceful, reasonable conversation, which is why I was confused why he was writing to me in the first place. He still never told me. I'm not sure what he was trying to accomplish.

Isn't it amazing how many churchgoers there are out there who have NO interest in discussion the Gospel of Salvation in Christ?

The sad part is that I NEVER said he wasn't saved. In fact, I just didn't know one way or another. All I wanted him to do was hear the Gospel of Salvation and see how he would respond. He didn't even want to see it, and started in on his prideful railing with church-ianity phrases sprinkled on top... and that told me pretty much everything I needed to know.

I still don't know if he's saved or not... but I'm leaning pretty heavily towards "No" because of his last couple of letters; there does not seem to be any reflection of a humble heart of repentance (i.e. Where's the grace? Where's the understanding? Where's the patience?), and God does not give His grace to the proud of heart.

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
-James 4:6

What I do appreciate from Bob is to show everyone an example: This is what an "Independent Fundamental Baptist College Education" looks like once its complete. That's why I told you all that there is not a single so-called "Christian" college I would recommend to anyone, and have warned Christians to stay away from their influence. They are in the business of bringing in those who might be saved, and pumping them out to be those who now mimic the language and attitude of the Pharisees in the days of Christ.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 22, 2023, 09:52:59 PM »
I mean, imagine saying that to Jesus Christ on the Day of Judgment.

"You never knew me?! Excuse me?! I got an 'A' in Testimonies 101! You don't have a PhD!"

Wild Emails @ CLE / REEEEEE!! "You're a Pharisee AND a Sadducee!"
« on: November 22, 2023, 06:50:50 PM »

BOB FROM TN - OCT 6, 2023

Thanks so much.  I became KJVO in the early 90s, and have never once regretted it. Bible correcters chap my hide.

I am using parts and arguments from this to make my own study and came across this, as I am going to an apostate Southern Baptist church, because there is nothing much else available.  The study linked below will be forwarded to the pastor, currently has been forwarded to the teacher (my personal friend) of the Sunday morning Bible study, where we have "Dr. __________"
 and "Scholar _______________________", etc., retired college professors, and my friend is taken in by them.  Next lunch, I will tell him it will be my turn to correct them, after he reads completely what I wrote, part of which is now here:

If he says no (he likes to appease, while they divide) then I will not return to that study.

I grew up in CT, born in NYC.  Many, many Greeks there, Greek diners, and I went to the Greek Festival at the Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT one summer about five years ago. Asked people FROM GREECE if they spoke, read, understood Koine Greek.  No. Classical Greek only.  Asked my friends' parents same thing.  Same answer. Booth after booth.  Same answer.  These commentary and concordance authors are lying.

My church will NOT appreciate my study, and correction, however loving it will be.  I have kept my silence, held my tongue.  Soon, not any more.

Thanks so much.  I became KJVO in the early 90s, and have never once regretted it. Bible correcters chap my hide.
Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, not me.

I am using parts and arguments from this to make my own study and came across this, as I am going to an apostate Southern Baptist church,
An apostate, by definition, is someone who has abandoned the church. I don't understand your situation, but it's curious why you say you are "going to" an apostate church, when, first of all, no one can "go to church" according to Scripture, and secondly, if it's apostate, it's not a church. That was confusing to me.

because there is nothing much else available.
Yeah, that confuses me too. Why would you go to a place (according to your testimony, i.e. it is "apostate") that you are going to hear apostate, leavened doctrine, and fill your mind with it? I don't understand that. It's like a sheep saying that he's going to go into the mud pit with the pigs because "there is nothing much else available." ???

The study linked below will be forwarded to the pastor, currently has been forwarded to the teacher (my personal friend) of the Sunday morning Bible study, where we have "Dr. __________"
 and "Scholar _______________________", etc., retired college professors, and my friend is taken in by them.  Next lunch, I will tell him it will be my turn to correct them, after he reads completely what I wrote, part of which is now here:
If he says no (he likes to appease, while they divide) then I will not return to that study.

Okay. The next paragraph seems like you changed the subject from this one, so is there something you wanted me to do with this information? I mean... I'm getting more confused as this continues.

I grew up in CT, born in NYC.  Many, many Greeks there, Greek diners, and I went to the Greek Festival at the Orthodox Church in Waterbury, CT one summer about five years ago. Asked people FROM GREECE if they spoke, read, understood Koine Greek.  No. Classical Greek only.  Asked my friends' parents same thing.  Same answer. Booth after booth.  Same answer.  These commentary and concordance authors are lying.
Perhaps. Some people actually study Koine Greek, but it's extremely rare, and most (if not all) those who work on those commentaries and concordances do not have anything else but an "Intro" course (if that), which doesn't teach them much of anything. The excuse is to refer to the "Septuagint," even though there is no proper manuscript evidence to support its existence.

My church will NOT appreciate my study, and correction, however loving it will be.  I have kept my silence, held my tongue.  Soon, not any more.
Alright. Have a great day.

Thank the Lord Jesus Christ, not me.
AMEN.  My attitude.

An apostate, by definition, is someone who has abandoned the church. I don't understand your situation, but it's curious why you say you are "going to" an apostate church, when, first of all, no one can "go to church" according to Scripture, and secondly, if it's apostate, it's not a church. That was confusing to me.
Actually, I have been saying for years, "We do not GO to church, we ARE the church".  Sadly, we do not have any congregations in this area that follow the Word, so I am where I am for now. Going through a divorce currently; she left suddenly, in the middle of a dark morning without prior notice, warning.  I wrote a study on that for the site, showing how

"women's prayer groups" become (behind their backs, especially mine), "women's airing their side of the story" groups. 

When they pray out loud, their "god" answers them, but it is "From GOD!" 

Yeah, that confuses me too. Why would you go to a place (according to your testimony, i.e. it is "apostate") that you are going to hear apostate, leavened doctrine, and fill your mind with it? I don't understand that. It's like a sheep saying that he's going to go into the mud pit with the pigs because "there is nothing much else available."
I study constantly, all day, on my own, so I go to not be alone like I am in this silent house all week.  Not for any good teaching. I stayed home in CT and went no place for years, while those who encouraged me to try this and that were themselves taken in by the "scholarship".     Since I am not going to be leaving here, and if she was not going through the divorce and she wanted to reconcile, I would teach here and not teach what they teach, but my Creation/Evolution class, and my KJVO class, both with Powerpoint slides.    Then verse by verse, book by book.

Okay. The next paragraph seems like you changed the subject from this one, so is there something you wanted me to do with this information? I mean... I'm getting more confused as this continues.
Sorry. No. Just relating what my plan is.   Just some people in the class who he reveres because they have such "knowledge" and "are brilliant!"

Often, when I do things like this correction, I wait. Especially when I am sitting there, in abject pain (heartbroken), I give them time, and enough rope to hang themselves. I then write a study, send it to the teacher, and tell them we will discuss it. I will give them a chance to either allow me to correct these people or he does. If neither, I am gone.  I already corrected another old Pharisee in another class when he got the "gap theory" and "firmament" and the "ark, which was a box shape" wrong which he drew on a white board.  He did not like it, but no one was correcting him, acting like he was giving them the truth.  I did not hesitate.  This was before the wife left.

Creation/Evolution is how I got saved; been my main ministry since 1987.  You cannot tell people lies on that subject and just get away from me.  I knew David Fasold personally, before he died.  Met with him many times. It is a boat, not a shoe box.  Well, I corrected him on that; he listened.

Perhaps. Some people actually study Koine Greek, but it's extremely rare, and most (if not all) those who work on those commentaries and concordances do not have anything else but an "Intro" course (if that), which doesn't teach them much of anything. The excuse is to refer to the "Septuagint," even though there is no proper manuscript evidence to support its existence.
Yeah, that old LXX. Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones gave me permission to post his books decades ago when I spoke to him.

I hate to hear that about your wife, and sadly, that is a story far too common among the men I know. Most of my friends in our church have had their wives backstab them and leave.

Creation/Evolution is how I got saved; been my main ministry since 1987.
That is something I used to believe could happen to someone because of the leavened influence Kent Hovind had on me, but after the Lord freed me from that brainwashing and moved me into study of the Scriptures on my own, I now understand it is not the path to salvation. No one gets saved through being exposed to creation materials. They get saved by the hearing of the law.
But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
-Gal 3:23-25

Having one's mind changed about creation/evolution is not repentance of sin, nor is "turning from sin" repentance of sin (because those are works-based doctrines). The hearing of the law brings a man to tears of godly sorrow of his wrongdoing. This is why I wrote this short book:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

And I wrote this so I wouldn't have to have these fruitless debates with churchgoers anymore because I don't want to preach to those who are prideful and sanctimonious, in which they are unwilling to hear, but rather, I would preach to those who have been brought low. Jesus did not spend all his time with Pharisees... He just rebuked them and moved on to spend time with the poor and needy. It's pointless to debate details with churchgoers who have not known repentance for the remission of sins; they need to hear the Gospel of Salvation just like everyone else, but if they are lifted up in the pride of their hearts and will not hear the Gospel of Salvation, then there is no point in continuing debate with them, except for selfish reasons... which is what you told me is the reason for your continued visits; meaning that, in reality, you aren't there for them; you're there for yourself, and it's not doing you any good.

What you choose to do is up to you. Have a great day.

No, I got saved through first having Evolutionism destroyed, Creation taking it over.  No, that did not save me, I know that. Jesus Christ did on the Cross. And faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  I get that. As an unbeliever though, evolutionism was my god.  I got saved through the Word of God, just what I meant was that evolutionism was the first pillar to be destroyed.  That is what I meant.  God used that as the door to the Gospel is all I meant. 

It is go for some fellowship for now.  I have no hopes of contributing much. I do not debate or argue. I teach, my spiritual gift.  If they do not want o heara, I move on.  But in the area I am at currently, there is no place to move on to. It is horrible.  Another reason to move on.


No. I got saved BY Jesus Christ THROUGH the Blood of His Cross, not by Creation Science. I was an atheist agnostic.  I started my journey in Creation/Evolution because of delving into the Creation/Evolution controversy as a researcher/scientist, biology zoology major. It did not save me.  I do not even have a decent church to go here in Tennessee, and plan to move to Malawi to continue the works there as soon as this is sold.  I have friends, land a churches there to attend to, build on.  They need Chichewa Bibles, teachers, etc.
My Testimony
by Robert Zuvich

I was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1960, moved to Connecticut after one year and grew up on a farm, catching frogs, salamanders, snakes, butterflies, etc. in the local ponds and streams. I grew up with a love of creation ("Mother Nature", as the school put it). I entered the school system right around the time that evolution was being taught as a fact (after the 1963 removal of prayer). I hear that they taught it as a fact before that, but I just noticed it as being militant. It destroyed my faith in God since I was taught that being as good little Catholic boy meant not questioning authority.
By the time I was an adult, I was ready to teach it as fact to my kids. I was working in Production at Teledyne Microelectronics in Culver City where I met a man named Sergio Sanchez. There were some friends of mine in the test area who got saved and were changing. They kept inviting me to go to Bible study, and I kept declining. Anyways, this Sergio guy was a dangerous man. "Whatever you do", they said, "don't ask him a question-because he has an answer!" I was not actually intending to ask him a question, but was rather commenting on an article in the Los Angeles Times about the discovery of some saber-toothed tigers recently found in the La Brea tar pits. He asked me, "Do you believe in evolution?" I thought that, since everyone on the planet did, this was the stupidest question ever asked of me, and my respect for Sergio then dropped below that of a Russian Olympic judge of an American athlete in the 1976 Olympics. He said nothing more to me, but handed me four books:
What Is Creation Science? by Dr. Henry M. Morris
Scientific Creationism, by Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Twilight of Evolution, by Dr. Henry M. Morris
The Rise of the Evolution Fraud, by Malcolm Bowden
I read them innocently and honestly, not knowing what to expect-in fact not expecting anything at all, and not knowing anything about "creation science". Day by day, everything I believed in was torn to shreds and there was nothing I could do, since the authors were not touting their beliefs, but rather quoting from my favorite scientists!
Anyway, the last book The Rise of the Evolution Fraud, has a page at the back which reads,
"Beneath our feet lie the millions of fossils of extinct animals and men. It is a silent witness to a time when mankind became so degenerate that finally it was virtually wiped out in one great cataclysmic flood. Fearful though this thought may be, we can take some comfort from the fact that we have been promised that his will never happen again."
Set apart from the paragraph in big bold letters was this final grim warning,
"Next time it will be by fire!"
This was my moment of conversion. I was petrified like a fossil and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I asked whoever it was that created all of this to please do anything in His power to prevent me from going through this fire, which I somehow understood was eternal hell (although the author was merely speaking only of the end of the world).
I did not even know what I had done, what it meant or anything. I did not even tell anyone, as I did not know what to say. I started to read an old King James Bible in the house-and understood it for the first time! Eventually, I grew in the Lord, attended church and then was introduced to and got into the newer "versions". I collected them like some people collect stamps.
This was halted when a friend of mine challenged me to investigate them for myself, after which I became King James only. I have never regretted either decision.

Your testimony just proved my point. Have you read my book? It's not very long:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

No. I read the Word of God, not studies ON the Word of God.

Have you read my studies on my web site?
You will not.

In 37 years, you are by FAR, very far, the strangest "Christian" I have ever met. My testimony got an "A" in three Bible classes Dr. Jackson, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Goddard, at college.  A short and a long version.   I should have known when you "were confused" by everything I said, the exact opposite, completely unlike the thousands to who I have spoken the Gospel, taught before congregations and villages on three continents. 

(Romans 10:9-10)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

You Sir, are why people in Baptist churches are cold, unwelcoming and make people who visit one time turn to cults like JWs, Mormonism, and R.C.C.ism.  I guess you even wear a Sadduccees and Pharisees outfit (suit, jacket, tie) and pound the pulpit for an hour, screaming at the people loudly, thinking that this makes you more spiritual than them. I wear a smelly, fishy tunic like Jesus and the disciples.  No legalism.  I go to villages where missionaries leave with no fruit to preach the gospel with kids and chickens and goats running around every where.  I do not need your permission nor approval of my testimony to do so.  Jesus knows me.     I know Him.  All I need.

(Titus 3:10 [AKJV/PCE])
A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

This is your first admonishment.  Humble yourself.  "You ain't all that.", as they say in the south.  You desperately need it.
I AM saved. I do not need, nor wish, to ever meet your "standard" for that or anything else.  Nor should anyone.  The mere fact that you think anyone should even try to means you need to step down from whatever 'ministry" you think you do.  You are too arrogant. I owe you no time, no effort, no explanations.  It is a waste.

Good bye.
His, (The Saviour, the LORD Jesus Christ)

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
-Gal 4:16

I would simply argue that you have a basic misunderstanding of the Gospel of Salvation, and you are unwilling to even discuss it together. Our church doesn't have any such custom of that sort of contention, nor do we fellowship with railers who claim they are of Christ.

railer: one who scoffs, insults, censures or reproaches with opprobrious language

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
-1Co 5:11

You know where to get the information if you ever decide to investigate the matter. Have a great day.


Bible Discussion / Re: I don't know what to do...
« on: November 22, 2023, 06:29:22 PM »
I would ask this favor of you guys: Please don't take advantage of me and deceive me. I don't say this because I distrust you, I say this because I have opened up to you all, and I'm easily scarred.
You can never trust that someone will not deceive you. That's why, instead of me telling you what to believe, I sent you to the Scriptures (because I trust the Holy Ghost to guide Christians where they ought to be), and simply offered some notes if you needed some extra assistance. It's much harder to be deceived when you study on your own.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
-2Ti 2:15

Bible Discussion / Re: I don't know what to do...
« on: November 22, 2023, 07:23:39 AM »
Based on my understanding of what you told us, you were only saved a few weeks ago at the most. Is that right?

What you're attempting to do is take all the things you previously thought you understood (while blinded without the Holy Spirit), and then apply them now that you think you have understanding. These are not things that you are ready to tackle yet, which is why I haven't gone into details trying to answer all of your points like others have done.

I can already tell you based on what I've seen, you have not yet had enough time to be focusing on ANYTHING as complex as what you're trying to do right now. Discernment and understanding doesn't magically get infused into you the moment you're born again. Those things take time:

For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
-Heb 5:14

You don't learn how to swim by diving into the deep end. You don't learn how to read by starting with Shakespeare. You don't learn the basics of arithmetic by joining a calculus class. What you need to do is get yourself away from all of this junk that you've been involved with, separate yourself from others who are trying to convince you of things, humble yourself to a point where you say "Despite all that I've learned in my life, I don't know much of anything concerning Biblical doctrine," and start with the basics in Scripture. (Recommended: Matthew > Acts > Romans > etc)

Once you get to Acts, I've got some notes published on my website that can help you with some of the more complex verses. It's there if you want it:

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