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Messages - Zoologistkid

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Introduce Yourself / Hi From Missouri
« on: August 16, 2018, 10:38:03 AM »
Hello, my name is Caleb Kemper. I am from a small town called Warrenton from Missouri. I am eighteen years old and are trying to get into college. I wish to be a zoologist because I have always loved god's creations from the spider to the dog to the crocodilian. I was saved a few years ago because of Christopher's message of repentance. Christ sure got to me when I read it, up until that point I was false convent who believed that I was Christian who did nothing bad. But reading over Chris's articles brought me to tears, his repentance article and the one about Hell really got to me. What leads me to your website was when I was looking up information about the "walking whale" ambulocetus (needs a better name if you ask me because the animal was a land animal). I was interested because I had never seen anyone give a more powerful message. I pressed the article button and next thing I know I have read every single article from top to bottom. I was shocked and disgusted at the things I previously held dear: (Michael) King JR., holidays, fantasy novels, "Christian" symbols, and more. I must say I am a little nervous about joining all of you because I feel that I am unworthy of joining you because I like some things that are bad and are trying to sanctify myself from them. I am trying to use the teachings of Christopher to reach out to people with considerable opposition on topics like holidays, novels, rock n' roll, and symbols. I hope I can be of some help with animal knowledge like dinosaurs, other said to be extinct animals and more

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