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Messages - creationliberty

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Kevin (Anvilhauler's) Testimony
« on: April 04, 2022, 07:35:41 PM »
Well, as the generations pass, we have false converts creating more false converts, and those false converts starting up church buildings filled with false converts from the start, and then every now and again, a born again Christian comes to them because he doesn't know where else to go, other than he heard that, allegedly, Christians are supposed to put the "UR" in "CH__CH," and so when that Christian starts to question things in that church building that don't add up to Scripture, the new Christian gets vilified and shunned. Rinse and repeat.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Kevin (Anvilhauler's) Testimony
« on: April 04, 2022, 03:04:49 PM »
My first reaction was, wow, what is Pentecostal?  What does that mean?  And the reply I got was that they believed the Bible and did things according to the Bible not like other churches.
What's fascinating to me is that nearly EVERY churchgoer and preacher I have ever heard, says that. And what's also amazing is how, when we're new to all this, we think that, because someone says that, it must automatically be true. Haha!

So what happens is that, when we are saved, we think that everyone else who claims to be saved has gone through the process that we went through when we were born again through repentance and faith. Then, we go through months and years of confusion, at why there is so much contention over the most basic doctrines.

It's not until we learn what false converts are, and the difference between one who is a true convert from one who is false, that we begin to understand the contention and confusion. It's when that happens, the Word of God opens up to us like we have never seen it before, and all the doctrines of it start correlating together and making perfect sense.

I know a lot of people hate me for talking about it so much, but the doctrine of repentance is FAR more important than most churchgoers realize because that is the beginning of that journey. And those who do not want to hear that message, remember, Jesus Christ told us there is very particular reason they do not want to hear it.

He said this to a whole crowd of people who believed on him (i.e. see John 8:31):
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
-John 8:43-47

It doesn't take a biochemistry degree to solve the mystery. :-\

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Denominations Are Unbiblical p4
« on: April 04, 2022, 01:23:52 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Exchange on "The Mark" (Telegram)
« on: April 03, 2022, 09:22:54 AM »
This threat to leave is based on a few things. The first is his pride, as if his staying here is something really important. The second is his bet that having more people here (i.e. popularity) is very important to us. The other thing it's based on is the idea he has in his mind that if he leaves here upset with us, therefore, we are automatically in the wrong.

All three of those points are very childish, so there is going to be no rational and peaceful conversation come from someone who is seeking to gain some sort of hostage-based leverage in a conversation before having it.

He did email me afterwards with nothing more than "see you around wolf." So he lies against his agreement, he fights with everyone he comes in contact with here, and leaves with contention in his heart, but I'm the wolf for pointing it out. It's amazing to me that each person who comes here and does this thinks that they are unique, and that we haven't dealt with this same process countless times. It's standard operating procedure for those who are preaching the truth of the Gospel of Salvation in Christ.

He said he believed in the same godly sorrow (i.e. repentance) that I teach, but I didn't see one bit of evidence of it.

General Discussion / Re: Exchange on "The Mark" (Telegram)
« on: April 02, 2022, 05:46:07 PM »
So to address James' comments on this for the final time... I'm still confused at what point he's trying to make. I don't think there's anyone here who disagrees that there would be a system, and a man directing that system. If James insists that someone here is labeling a system instead of a man, or a man instead of a system, when both of them are interconnected (and no one on either side disagrees with that), then that's fine. He can go start an "exposes the system instead of the man" ministry, and preach that as he sees fit.

However, if he wants to lie against his agreement, break the forum rules, and call us all fake Christians because he didn't get his way, then he is welcome to do it somewhere else. The pride and contention from anyone who labels themselves a Christian on this forum just simply won't be tolerated, and he fought in strife with every person he interacted with here.

Now, time to get back to work...

Oh, but one more quick note that I think Rowan will appreciate, you'll notice that James quoted this:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of HIS name."
Oops. ::)

General Discussion / Re: Exchange on "The Mark" (Telegram)
« on: April 02, 2022, 05:25:47 PM »
Okay, I take James' comments as a direct statement that he REFUSES to abide by forum rules because he is still ignoring the introduction thread. Since he is unwilling to find the door on his own, and he is still insisting on being contentious about it, I am happy to help him find the exit, and assist him through it. Have a great day.

NOTE: It's weird, because after he started getting in fights with people here, he changed his email address, and then changed his location from "Maine" to "Canada." (His IP is from southern Maine) Really weird, but it's likely he's lying about something.

General Discussion / Re: Exchange on "The Mark" (Telegram)
« on: April 02, 2022, 11:05:53 AM »
I'm supposed to be studying for my teaching tomorrow, but I had this on my mind, and I wanted to take a look because I was curious what was causing all this contention from James. I mean, the entire reason created an account was to post on this thread. (That's obvious, even though he wouldn't admit it.) The discussion seemed normal and peaceful until his SECOND response on this thread:

You are confusing one of the 7 heads of the beast with the beast itself.  I'd be glad to walk you through the rest of Daniel, but, honestly, your snark makes me want to just leave this forum.

I read Rowan's response to James, and either James is delusional, or he doesn't understand the definition of the word 'snark' because if ANYONE was being "snarky," it was James:

snark: an attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm

First of all, James was flat-out wrong, and I've misunderstood this in the past too, which I could understand, expect his prideful attitude made it difficult. There are MULTIPLE beasts talked about in Revelation. There's not just one. This is because there are allusions to multiple entities.

If anyone does not understand that the Final Antichrist has a beast reference of his own, read Revelation 13, which are the verses that cover this antichrist having the image and number:
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
-Revelation 13:11

Perhaps this is a level of understand that is far too difficult for James to comprehend, and I hope he forgives me if my speech is too complex on this matter, but the antichrist can be a beast of itself, and a part of another beast at the same time. You might be saying to yourselves, "Chris, that was a rather snarky comment," and you are correct; I did that on purpose so James could see what snarky speech looks like.

Rowan's explanation was correct, but he was just using other verses in the New Testament to support the doctrine. Thus, between Rowan and myself, we have proved the matter.

The real question I have is this: Why was James so obsessed with this point? That's the fascinating mystery, and I believe that he has some sort of outside influence he has not mentioned. There is something, specifically (and likely) some other preacher he worships who has said the things he came here to say, and he's trying desperately to defend it. It is either that, or James heard some other doctrine he REALLY wanted to believe, and so to him, it does not matter what Scripture says, because he has set himself to defend this doctrine.

Who is the preacher James is defending? What is the doctrine he thinks is under attack? No clue. He wouldn't tell us, as far as I know. I still have to read more of his posts in this thread so I'll see if I can discern anything.

He goes on to fervently defend his assertion that Rowan was "snarky." I didn't read Rowan's question that way. Ellie didn't read it that way. No one else spoke up to complain about it. So it sounds like there is something wrong with James, which matches the evidence he has presented with his contentious nature.

This is the same prophesy. Rowan mocked me claiming I just came to this conclusion out of my hat. You defended Rowan mocking me. Rowan was wrong, and in his pride, was snarky with me. This is to warn you guys (my brethren) so that you will be vigilant for when that day comes. This is my testimony of salvation. That I hear the Word and understand it.
Copying and pasting verses is not evidence that you "hear the Word and understand it." If that were the case, then keyword search features, in combination with CTRL+C and CTRL+V, would be the salvation of many, and there would be no need for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Essentially, what I'm seeing here is the same thing as if James was running up and down the halls yelling "I'm a Christian! I'm a Christian!" and wanted us to believe it because he was yelling it. I have not yet seen the evidence of it. What evidence am I looking for? The Bible tells us what evidence we should look for:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
-Gal 5:22-23
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth ; )
-Eph 5:9

And Jesus said:
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
-Mat 7:20

Of course, I did not always have the right attitude when I first got saved. I made a lot of mistakes too, which is why I am not saying that James is not of Christ. What I am saying is that he has not yet provided evidence for us, refuses to tell us anything about it, but hypocritically demands that we provide evidence to him while he mocks us that we should not believe (metaphorically speaking) our lying eyes.

And he ended in this thread with:
Is that how others would take it, or is Ellie onto something with her assertion?

And that is a perfect example of the definition of snarky, which means James is the perfect example of a hypocrite. Probably the most ridiculous thing of all is that, if you read the original post, this has NOTHING to do with what Sil was saying, and while he did not want to share anything about himself or his beliefs, he did want to assert himself into the conversation and put himself into the position of a teacher to walk us through Revelation, insisting he has a lot of discernment, despite the fact that he could not discern if I was a preacher of Christ after listening to me teach for "150-200 hours."

Baffling. ??? ??? ???

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 08:38:21 PM »
I put a warning on his account, but it was high enough that it prevented him from posting (even though it shouldn't have done that; it's a possible bug in the forum software). But he reported on thread complaining because he wanted to post again. He said he needed to move on in his last post, but he wanted to come back again to cause more contention. I mean, I knew I was going to have to ban him on his next post because he wanted to keep fighting instead of just following the forum rules and abiding by his signed agreement with us, but now he's probably left altogether because he couldn't post, and that's probably a good thing. I readjusted it to allow him to post anyway. I'll try to keep that warning level bug in mind for next time. (i.e. It is supposed to allow him to make posts with moderator approval at those levels, but it either isn't working, or he just wouldn't do it--I can't tell yet.)

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 05:13:26 PM »
After that's settled, I wanted to make a quick comment for everyone else that the hypocrisy from James was staggering. The reason for this is because, after listening to 150-200 hours of my audio teachings, why does he not yet have enough discernment to know whether or not I'm of Christ?

That is baffling. Maybe he's new; I don't know. He didn't give us that much detail so would could know, but the fact is that if he listened to my teachings for 8 hours a day, he would have been listening for almost a month, and he still can't make up his mind?

Something is really strange here. He has influence from something else he's not telling us, and if he is allegedly a "new Christian," then I am certain of that outside corrupt influence. So either he is not saved, or he has fallen prey to someone.

THE MAJOR POINT IS THIS: James finds it acceptable to listen to me for 150-200 hours, analyzing my testimony, and still cannot seem to figure out if I am a of Christ, but he does NOT find it acceptable that we should question ANYTHING about him to see if he is of Christ, and we should just assume it's true, while he gets to question and argue against everyone here until he is satisfied.

That hypocrisy blows my mind. I cannot comprehend that. I'm glad he left (assuming he keeps his word, and doesn't come back again to lie a third time). Personally, I don't think he's come to repentance at all and is just faking it, but that's just my suspicion.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 05:06:38 PM »
You lied when you said you have given your conversion testimony three times. You lied when you said you did what you agreed to do. It doesn't matter if you have listened to 10,000 hours of my teachings, there is no repentance of sin in your testimony, so it's meaningless.

However, I am glad you came clean and admitted that you did not come here for any kind of fellowship, but rather, you came here to have debates. That completely matches your prideful attitude, so it all makes sense now.

I'm glad you are moving on because I don't think you will fit in with us here because you are not like-minded with the rest of us in one accord.

Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Phil 2:2

I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for somewhere else. Have a great day.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 03:50:09 PM »
The word, "please" insinuates that this is not mandatory.  I appreciate the request, but my conversion story is very personal to me and involves some embarrassing details that I don't feel like telling a bunch of strangers just yet.  Once I get to know you a bit better, I will surely elaborate.  So far though, I am glad I kept my conversion story to myself.  I am wondering if there are Christians here at all, or a bunch of people swelled up with their own pride.  It's my duty to test the spirits, and as much as you are testing me, I am testing you.   As soon as you repent for siding with Rowan over your own false interpretations, I will forgive you just as the Bible tells me to do, and we can move on as brothers and sisters.  Right now I am just trying to figure out if you are a sister or not.
This is what I mean by your smart remarks, in which you think you're being sly, but you're not reading what is being said. "Please," is a kind way of approaching someone, and if that is something you do not yet understand, things will not go well for you on any forum or chatroom you join.

Here is what the agreement stated, since you obviously did not bother to read it carefully:
IMPORTANT NOTE: All new members are required to make a post in the "Introduce Yourself" section of the forum within 48 hours of registering. (SEE INSTRUCTIONS HERE) We only desire to have active members register an account. If you desire only to read the forum, you do not require an account to do so because threads are open for read-only to the public. If you make no posts on your account on the "Introduce Yourself" board within 48 hours of its creation, your account is subject to deletion.

You agreed to post this according to the instructions in the link, which is what Ellie quoted to you. You are refusing to do what you agreed to do.

If you are uncomfortable sharing your testimony of salvation in Jesus Christ with strangers, then I do not think you have an understanding of the Gospel of Salvation, nor do I think you have an understanding of our function as Christians in this world. No one else who actively participates on this forum has any problem sharing their testimonies publicly, but when someone claiming to represent Christ has a problem sharing it, that puts us on guard, and it indicates someone who (as you so aptly put it) is "swelled up with their own pride."

We are not in your house right now, you are in someone else's house who pays for this forum. Therefore, we do not abide by YOUR rules, but rather, you abide by ours. If that is disagreeable to you, then I bid you a great day, as you are welcome to leave to go pay for and start your own forum with your own rules, or I hope you find a place that is better suited for you elsewhere.

Introduce Yourself / Re: New Member
« on: April 01, 2022, 03:43:18 PM »
James, you went off to another thread and started having lengthy discussion. You completely ignored Ellie here, and then you kept making excuses, justifications, and smart remarks back to her on the other thread.

Here's the simple fact: We don't mind if you want to come here and have discussion, but you signed a registration agreement that you would abide by the rules of the forum, specifically to post a proper introduction in this thread upon joining. This is not a public square. This is a private forum (which is like a private home), and if you do not want to abide by its rules, you are encouraged to leave and go find another forum where you don't have to abide by any rules.

We set these standards in place for very good reasons. We all abide by them together in a friendly manner. If you want to join us by abiding by them in that friendly manner, then we welcome you, but if you do not, then there are consequences to lying (i.e. signing an agreement, and breaking your word).

It's your decision. I'll leave it you. Hope to hear back from you on this thread in the near future so we can continue in friendly discussions.

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Denominations Are Unbiblical p3
« on: March 28, 2022, 02:19:39 PM »

What's New @ CLE / (BOOK PUBLISHED) Christmas: Rejecting Jesus
« on: March 23, 2022, 09:27:20 AM »
Christmas: Rejecting Jesus is now available for purchase in the Amazon store.

As always, my books are available free to read at, but if you want a copy of the book on paperback or Kindle, they are now available.



The celebration of Christmas is commonly proclaimed by churchgoers to be "all about Jesus," but there is no evidence that it has anything to do with Jesus Christ, and a lot of evidence that the corrupt popes of the wicked Catholic Church fused the vile spell craft and traditions of witches with Bible stories. Nearly every Christmas tradition, from the tree, to the date of December 25th, to Santa, to mistletoe, and everything in between -- all of them are rooted in witchcraft and Catholic deception. The word 'Christmas' was invented from the Catholic "Mass of Christ," which is an antichrist Catholic ritual (1Co 10:21) that leads people to hell through a false, works-based doctrine (Eph 2:8-9), which means it is a willful blindness that any born again Christian should participate in Christmas practices, and that is also why many early American towns banned the celebration of it. As Christians, we need to put aside our feelings to do what is right over what is convenient.

"Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
-Jeremiah 10:2-4

It literally does not matter between the two Types. That's what the mainstream medical institution is telling us. That's like saying "B17 won't help my cancer because I have a different type of cancer." The fact is that their diets are what led to the problem in the first place, either that, or the diets of their parents, which caused a problem in their bodies, and they cannot handle processed foods. Natural, unprocessed foods on a balanced organic diet will solve the problem. So whether or not there were small details in what I said which might offend someone is irrelevant; no one needs insulin if they fix their diet.

Oh, and the documentary still exists on YouTube. Here it is for anyone who wants to see it:
Raw For 30 Days

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Denominations Are Unbiblical p2
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:29:48 PM »

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Denominations Are Unbiblical p1
« on: March 14, 2022, 02:40:11 PM »

Law/Legal / Re: Letter sent to the Gatlinburg TN
« on: March 10, 2022, 04:22:28 PM »
They'd better get back with you guys, and to YOUR satisfaction. That shouldn't be taken lightly, although, sadly, it is likely that it will be taken lightly with PR nonsense in response. But you took appropriate steps, and that looks solid.

Evangelism / Re: "I'm a minister!"
« on: March 04, 2022, 09:57:06 AM »
The first problem is that he seemed almost incapable of letting anyone else get in a word. That is a telltale sign of a man who is not used to not having an influential authority over others.

The second problem, notice his body language. He was in your faces, with his finger in your faces, putting his hands up in your faces to silence you, even though you guys were listening to him. That's major red flags right there of a con artist, that's all about preeminence.

Maybe I missed it, but you didn't tell him he was a drunk; I thought you just said that drunkards don't love anyone but themselves, and he took great offense to that, likely because he was with his children, and his children know that he gets drunk. (I'm guessing at who the other two people were who were with him; seemed like his children.)

We haven't even gotten to Scripture yet, and there's already a lot of problems. At the start, he asked what Galatians says, and I would have taken him right to 3:24, which says that a man is brought to Christ by the hearing of the law.

Then he denies being prideful, when he won't let you guys get two words out of your mouth. HA HA HA HA!!

I went back to get the quote, and you said "Drunk people don't love anyone but their own flesh."
You NEVER called him a drunk, but he got prideful and didn't listen.

Great preaching, and great job continuing to preach despite the distractions. I'm terrible about distractions, so it was very impressive to me. But what was mind boggling is that this guy just kept arguing and arguing and arguing, and yet, he claims he's not prideful... HAHAHA!!

I'm laughing so hard right now... at 22:00 min, his wife was telling him, "alright, let's go," hahaha!! He was so prideful, his wife had to try to shake him back into reality.

You were right, he was ashamed of himself, which is why he wouldn't leave. Oh, his daughter's face... 22:31... she did NOT want to be there for that, and her mom is looking back at her with the same face, that's saying, "*sigh*--that's your dad."

You answered him well on 2Co 7, but he just came up with this excuse that they were trying to keep the law. If they had been trying to keep the law, then Paul would have addressed them on that problem and NOT their sin because they would not have sinned in the manner which they did.

This guy was SO desperate to justify himself, and I bet it is on one of two things (or both).

1. He drinks, and he wanted to justify that.

2. He was not willing to stand on a street corner and preach to people, and you embarrassed him in front of his family.

So it's either drunkenness, or pride, or both. Personally, I think its both, but we'll never know. The devil always like to send his ministers to distract you guys from what you're doing. ::)

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