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Messages - creationliberty

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Also, I see that there are quite a few articles/books with the PDF option on the website, so I thought it was generally the norm to have this available.

A lot of that work came from Tim. He used to do them for me back when my articles were shorter, but now that they're much longer, and I do frequent small updates, on top of the fact that he got married and had less time, I haven't had any new ones available in years.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: June 21, 2022, 12:52:38 AM »
It's been almost 2 weeks, and he hasn't logged back in. Hope he's alright. I was hoping he would share some of his thoughts with us about repentance.


Okay, so just to clarify, I have never made a PDF. Other people volunteered to make PDFs, and I added in that feature to download them a long time ago, just so it was convenient for others. However, I have not had anyone make me a PDF for an article or book in years.

I do not have the software to do it, and formatting one would be like going through an entire book and reformatting it for PDF. It is FAR more work than people think it is, which is why no one sends them to me anymore. It used to be easy when I did short articles, but now, with the books, it's way too much information to put in that amount of work, especially since I can't pay people to do that (on top of the fact that I frequently make small edits and corrections to various articles over time--micro edits that most people don't notice, and I putting up a list of all edits I do would just make the editing process that much longer).

There's a certain point I have a pick and choose what I'm going to do with my time, and this is one area I just can't do. You'll either have to print it as is from the page, or create your own through PDF. I don't have any other options.

You're asking me for something that I can't do. Furthermore, for those who can do it, it is FAR more work than I think you understand, which why I think you just asked so casually for it.

I'm not sure what to say here.


Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: June 09, 2022, 01:34:41 PM »
I appreciate your time on that subject. May I ask how you define the word 'repent'? I'm curious about your understanding of it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings
« on: June 08, 2022, 08:59:39 AM »
When someone's information says "guest" on the side, it means that they joined, made one post, but then never came back, so this person will not see your comments. The date of the post was a month ago, so you'll have to keep an eye on that too when you respond.  ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introduce Yourself
« on: June 08, 2022, 08:53:57 AM »
As you are reading through CLE material, I want to recommend this book to you. If you aren't sure how to answer my above question, it may be a message that is important for you to hear (or read). I linked the book, but here is part 1 of the audio teaching as well if that is more convenient for you to get through. And feel free to let us know if you have any comments or questions on the contents.

I agree. I would like to your thoughts on that Brian. I hope you get some time soon to look at that and let us know what you think.


I fixed it.


What's New @ CLE / (SOCIAL MEDIA) Truth Social
« on: May 17, 2022, 05:37:24 PM »
Creation Liberty Evangelism is now on Truth Social!

The browser version of Truth Social became available. It works great. Very fast. Easy to use. In the near future, I will likely drop MeWe and Parler and just post on our Forum, Gab, Telegram, and Truth. This is still subject to change in the future; we will have to see how things go.


What's New @ CLE / Re: (BOOK) False Prophet Profiles: Kim Clement
« on: May 09, 2022, 05:28:10 PM »
I know who the Bushs' are. It was just a typo. Thanks for pointing it out.

The child trafficking evidence would be from Pizza Gate. The problem is that all the hard evidence is being hidden from us right now, and so we cannot get access to all of it. However, I believe there is more than enough evidence already, and I could add in a note to state that it is just my opinion, and more evidence should emerge in the future.



Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Kim Clement Cult Follower Not Happy
« on: April 28, 2022, 10:06:04 AM »
So, something really interesting happened AFTER that conversation with the Clementian. I saw someone else's post after our conversation (concerning the original topic that the channel owner had posted), and here it what this person said:

I don't know. I screwed up, repented, asked forgiveness and still feel a distance from the Holy Spirit.

I thought I should respond to that, so I did. (I always type in "creationliberty * com" because if you type in a link, it auto-deletes your post):

I don't know if this will help you out or not, but if that's how you feel, there's something you can read that can help sort that out. It's a creationliberty * com, and if you type 'million' into the search bar, you'll find a book called Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going Hell. This is not a subject that very many churchgoers or preachers want to cover, but it is something that Jesus Christ covered many times, and all of his parables surround this topic.

It's up to you. I just thought I'd suggest it. It might help to clarify some things. If not, that's okay. I still hope you have a great day. Take care.

This morning, I got a response back that I was not expecting:

Wow, thankyou. I'm still reading through the tears. You put into words how I'm feeling. I do feel grief and godly sorrow for my wrongdoing. It's deeply painful to think I could have put my salvation in jeopardy. The only thing I valued more than my family was my relationship with God. Which I briefly lost sight of. Thankyou for the scriptural references. I'll continue reading, but I know you were sent to me to deepen my understanding. I know I couldn't sleep because your message was waiting for me to read it. God is good!

You just never know where these conversations are going to lead. I believe there are some who experience the godly sorrow of repentance, but become confused by church-ianity preaching from men who have been corrupted by mainstream so-called "Christian" colleges. Thanks to God for His Word that protects us from these men, and brings us to wisdom and understanding.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Kim Clement Cult Follower Not Happy
« on: April 27, 2022, 11:38:44 PM »
This one's from Telegram, in response to the following banner which tends to make Clement followers enraged. Enjoy.

Just wanted everyone to know that this guy was a false prophet; a total clown. He never predicted Donald Trump would be president, and he never predicted 9/11.


Listen...You are entitled to believe what you want,  and everyone else needs to believe what they want to.

 I'm saying this...You, calling anyone a clown, is being very judgemental. You shouldn't be doing that. If someone chooses to listen to, and follow Kim Clement, that's on them. Some good things have come out of him...but basically, like Nostradamus, and other prophets, and soothsayers, it's up to the person who hear what they say, for them to decide on their own what is truth, or lies. I'm just saying that it's up to each person to make up their own minds on who they want to follow.  We are all called to watch out for whom we follow.  I follow Jesus Christ, first and foremost.


Yes. It is judging. Because that is what Christians are called to do, to compare a preacher's words with the Word of God to see if they're are true or not:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
-John 7:24

You just judged me with your comment. So why are you fighting against Christ and refusing to judge righteous judgement? Kim Clement was a liar, a false prophet, and yes, he was a clown. Did you know he prophesied that Eminem and Stephen King were Christian evangelists? Did you know he prophesied that Bill Gates would be a huge financial backer for the church? Did you know that he prophesied that Kim Jong-un was supposed to pass away from being brain dead 15 years ago?

Folks, what she just said is EXACTLY the problem our nation is facing right now:
"it's up to the person who hear what they say, for them to decide on their own what is truth, or lies. Just keep those kind of opinions to yourself."
She fools everyone into thinking she has a reasonable position by saying "it's up to the hearer," but then says to "keep opinions to yourself," meaning that she does not want anyone else speaking anything that contradicts what she believes. This is EXACTLY the ideology of the woke left, and churchgoers adopt that same ideology as soon as they are faced with facts that contradict their presuppositions. (i.e. She wants people who disagree with her to be silent.)

In short, it's hypocrisy, and then she ends it with lies of pretense by saying "blessings" which is the typical church-ianity tropes that put on a fake outward appearance of so-called "goodness," when they actually hate the truth, and they refuse to do any research to study the matter out.
The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things.
-Pro 15:28

You are acting like a bot or shill. That's my opinion. You have proven it in every aspect of your response.
I said blessings to you, but it wasn't accepted, so I retrieve my blessings on you, as Christ has told us to do, if our blessings are not appreciated.

"You are acting like a bot or shill."
Why are you being so judgmental?
"That's my opinion."
Well, I will tell you the same thing a hypocrite just advised to me: Why don't you let others decide for themselves, and keep your opinions to yourself?
"I said blessings to you, but it wasn't accepted, so I retrieve my blessings on you, as Christ has told us to do, if our blessings are not appreciated."
That is NOT what Christ told Christians to do. If you learned things from Kim Clement and his corrupt yoke, it's no wonder you believe such strange things, but here is what Christ said:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
-Mat 5:44

That is why I will say to you that, despite your hypocrisy, unrighteous judgments, and false accusations against me, I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming rough months in this country. Have a great day.


There were so many hypocrisies in this one, it was difficult for me to pick and choose which one I would address to her. I found it fascinating that, in my book exposing Kim Clement, I use Nostradamus as an example of a false prophet to explain the deceptive techniques that Kim Clement used. She, on the other hand, used Nostradamus as a justification for Kim Clement, which is mind-blowing because, in short, she is using a pagan astrologer to justify Clement, and claiming she is standing on the side for Christ for doing so.

 ??? ??? ??? :o :o :o

Also, if someone is going to make up their own mind, they need to hear both sides. If they cannot hear both sides, then there is nothing for them to make up their own mind about. Silencing opposition does not help people make up their own mind.

Also, she did not answer a single one of my questions. I was really hoping she would keep responding because I was going to share a lot more banners with her after that, but sadly, she ran off into the night. Oh well, maybe next time. :)

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