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Messages - strangersmind

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Bible Discussion / Re: Discussing Churchianity Positions
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:54:28 AM »
can someone give me where to find where he was band so i can get context

Bible Discussion / Re: Caleb's Testimony of Events
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:45:40 AM »
Caleb since i been here and seen you come here you have came a long way in study and how you even reply to others show me a great difference. 

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: An Example of a Letter I Won't Answer
« on: October 13, 2022, 11:09:23 PM »
how often do you get letters like this?

they study the bible according to the conspiracy rather then study it for doctrine. the conspiracy blinds them to the many amazing things that can be found in the bible. i am so thankful that The LOARD god led me away from conspiracy and to His amazing word.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello CLE
« on: November 22, 2020, 04:17:55 AM »
Is new England in America?

Evangelism / Re: YouTube Channel: Daily Exhortation - Hebrews 3:13
« on: November 07, 2020, 05:33:17 PM »
Would you be doing it live on YouTube so I can join in?

Evangelism / Re: Brian Moonan "Should Christians Vote?" Discussion
« on: November 07, 2020, 05:31:40 PM »
My last post was not supposed to be sent. The send and the back button were next to each other. I had a lot more typed out but as I went threw to reword it I began to see that I was confused about what was said in video so I just wanted to go back and watch it agin but must hit send then the back button

Evangelism / Re: Brian Moonan "Should Christians Vote?" Discussion
« on: November 06, 2020, 06:18:21 AM »
I saw part 1 so far. The man who was voted  to go to work said a person do not have to be of Christ to be a good leader. Is it not written if they are not of me they are aginst me?

If your pastor is why you call him pastor? Or better yet why go to his church?   If he say no church should be 501c3 but yet is one, it should be your first clue that something is very wrong.

What's New @ CLE / Re: (LOGO) CLE Logo Has Been Finalized
« on: June 01, 2020, 05:49:11 PM »
I did have an idea I was working on so I will give it to you anyway. Having a guy with ax hacking at its roots with cle across the top. It has meaning like cle is hacking at the root of the problem rather the branches. Sorry for late idea

What's New @ CLE / Re: (BOOK) Wolves in Costume: Kent Hovind
« on: May 29, 2020, 05:15:35 PM »
A few weeks ago Kent put out a video that he is the one who brought Jeff dahmer to christ. So I look up the interview with Jeff and his dad and no where did Jeff say he seen Kents videos that I can find. Now he do say he read a lot of books on creation. If you go watch the video on Kents chanel you will notice that it is not about Jeff coming to christ but rather propaganda. Most of the video they talk about Kent court case.

Many years ago I was on Kents side, but hearing what happened to him in court and his jail sentence, it was hard for me to believe what Kent say happen. I for one been in court so many times that the judge made me go last as a side punishment. But for kent being a high profile case do to his fame a judge just won't say what Kent say he say. Maybe did but Kent won't release the court transcript

Instead of a pencil how about a dip pen like the ones that would of been used in the 16th century

"If Jesus did not cut the corner of his head or beard he would have had long hair. How do you contest this? It bothers me that so many Christians will preach against the verse following on tattoos but totally disregard the one before. Pick and choose and they teach lawlessness."

I am not a 100% sure on this but when he say "Christians will preach on tattoos but totally disregard the one before" he is probably referring to where it say do not cut your self for the dead. I think people do not preach on it is do to most people today don't do such a thing.

When I read the bible on how we should look dress cut are hair, I have never came up with the idea that it say do not cut your hair. Let me put the bible verse lev 19:21 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.     Now I take this as don't run around with mo halks or goat ts now I may be wrong  but it is what comes to mind when I read it not that it say don't cut hair at all.

"That instagram is not me. I don't do social media. You did however find my twitter brother. I am seeking4wisdom. I find it kinda pernicious tho honestly. you go dig on me to try to attack my character.  That aside. You can see just by my twitter some of the struggles I have had as a man so far. I am 27 years old"

So maybe I am mistaken but he did say I do not do social media. But however he do have a twitter where he post his struggles. Is not twitter social media?

When I read this I came up with a few ideas. There will also come other problems like just about any image that is used for the logo can be twisted in such a way someone can say it is pagan. So a lot of ideas have to be throw out. So if all possible try to stay away from images of things. 

Here is one a book open on one had it say thy word be truth and on other half cle.

How about a closed book and the title say holy bible and on the bottom corner where people put there names it say cle

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing Myself to You all
« on: April 28, 2020, 03:01:58 PM »
Hello and welcome

You said "I will do my best to answer any question you have for me (as I am compelled not to swear by our Lord by saying I will answer them all), and from what I've seen so far, you seem to be willing to answer my questions as well. Thank you, and God bless. I hope I have explained things. If not, just ask again."

So here is a question that was ask, what are your views on repentance?

General Discussion / Re: COVID-19
« on: April 23, 2020, 04:51:17 PM »
It seems a little over board to shut down most world to keep trump from running agin. The only reason we are shut down is because we do not have what blessed American has. We can't hardly keep up with 3000 sick little alone 100000 America has.

General Discussion / Re: MacArthur and the mark of the beast
« on: April 22, 2020, 02:40:38 PM »
Do you follow his teachings and are asking what we think of what he said, or are you just exposed his teaching

I have heard that before that if you do not marry at church you are not married.  So I ask when did God start the church? They say with Christ. Then I ask so every one who lived before that were never married?
Before they answer I ask what color was eve dress when she married adam? Who was her flower girl or Adams best man?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 17, 2020, 06:49:29 PM »
Eric said he came here before for ministry work. I wanted to ask him if he came as a Mormon. When he talk about the angle of light was my biggest clue to being here on behalf of Mormon. Every one I have met from America here on mission trips were catholic jahova witnesses or Mormons. That is not to say there are others out here of Christ. I didn't ask because he could not even answer my question about Jesus got him.

I do not know if any one notice but he also had a duble lie. He said he won't reply for 48 hours so he can write a better introduction. Then reply he will not write a new introduction then post his new introduction. This is also an indication that he is duble minded and a man who is duble minded is unstable in all his ways. You can find that in the book of James I believe.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 12, 2020, 06:51:02 PM »
When Eric said.       "There was a day perhaps exactly 6 years ago in which the Spirit of God brought me to tears over all the things I had done..."  would this indicate repentance? 

Eric can you explain what you mean when you said Jesus got you?

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