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Messages - anvilhauler

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General Discussion / Another Resignation
« on: February 26, 2021, 05:02:17 PM »
Looking at

I see there are two interesting resignations that also stand out

Osamu Suzuki
Feb. 24 2021
Chairman Suzuki Motor Corp. Japan

Takahiro Hachigo
Feb. 19 2021
CEO Honda Motor Company Japan

Interesting that two leaders of the major car manufacturing companies in Japan that supply cars to the world would both resign in the same week.

It is of no great surprise to see five resignations from the top positions at

Electric Reliability Council of Texas USA

General Discussion / Re: Kevin, Can You Help Solve This Mystery?
« on: February 26, 2021, 04:43:13 PM »
Just to reiterate on this one.  I don't at all believe the video was honest and true. 

My comments on the situation only would have been a description of the physical phenomena that would have been taking place if the video was real, but I totally doubt that it was.

General Discussion / Another Death
« on: February 25, 2021, 05:46:05 PM »
Former US Olympic gymnastics coach dies after facing 24 charges, including human trafficking
Feb 26 2021

United States women's gymnastics coach John Geddert celebrates during the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Former US Olympic gymnastics coach John Geddert is reported to have taken his own life after being charged with 24 counts of criminal misconduct, including human trafficking and sexual assault charges, related to his work with young athletes.

Geddert, who coached the women's team to a gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics, had turned himself in earlier this morning, and was due to be arraigned in court shortly before news of his death was announced, US media outlets reported.

In court documents filed on Friday morning (NZ time), the Michigan attorney general charged Geddert, 63, with 20 counts of human trafficking and forced labour, a single count of first-degree sexual assault and one count each of second-degree sexual assault, racketeering and lying to a police officer.

Geddert owned and operated Twistars USA Gymnastics in Michigan and worked closely with Larry Nassar, the former doctor convicted of sexually assaulting hundreds of young gymnasts, including many assaults alleged to have taken place at Geddert's gym.

 Danielle Hagaman-Clark, an acting division chief with the Michigan attorney general's office, said at a news conference that Geddert faces only one count that directly relates to Nassar.

“Mr. Geddert knew that Nassar was sexually abusing his patients and failed to take action,” she said. “When he was asked about it . . . he lied about that.”

The remaining counts, she said, are “specific to the defendant's behaviour and the defendant's behaviour alone.”

 Michigan prosecutors didn't detail the exact nature of all of Geddert's alleged crimes. Of the 20 trafficking counts, Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel said Geddert “used force, fraud and coercion against the young athletes that came to him for gymnastics training for financial benefit to him. The victims suffer from disordered eating, include bulimia and anorexia, suicide attempts and self-harm, excessive physical conditioning, repeatedly being forced to perform even when injured, extreme emotional abuse and physical abuse, including sexual assault. Many of his victims still carry the scars from this behaviour today.”

“I think it's important to note that human trafficking can affect all types of people. . . . It can happen to anyone, anywhere,” Nessel continued. “And just like the perpetrators of domestic violence and sexual assault, traffickers can seize an opportunity at any time and use the vulnerability of their victims to their advantage.”

She said evidence and witness testimony will be presented in the court that will explain further the allegations made against Geddert.

General Discussion / Re: Kevin, Can You Help Solve This Mystery?
« on: February 18, 2021, 11:19:33 PM »
To be honest, I don't know anything about all that. I just know that when I was in the Navy after cleaning a large deep freezer there was a thin layer of ice covering the floor and I thought it would be there forever because that freezer was so cold. To my surprise a couple of days later it was all gone there was no chance that I ever turned to liquid before evaporating.
Also, if you fill an ice cube tray and leave it in the freezer for a couple of months you'll notice that your ice cubes are shriveling away. Obviously never turning to liquid.

Yes, the whole thing about average particle energy of water molecules leaving a surface, just like a bag of peas in the freezer dries out over time just like the ice cubes.  Unfortunately on the micro nature of things in a phase diagram they pass through a micro liquid phase.  When drying down frozen milk to milk powder or sections of bone for bone graft research etc on the research side of things, if the freeze dryer fails at any time to be in the freeze dry range they can tell when they look at the particle structure under the electron microscope and then they have to start all over again.  I would happily never see that machine again for as long as I live   .....   or any other freeze dryer.

General Discussion / Re: Kevin, Can You Help Solve This Mystery?
« on: February 18, 2021, 10:51:03 PM »
re: The MSM is saying it is not melting but turning to a gas...really?
That would actually be water vapor.
Water goes from a solid to a gas very easily.

Just for interest and in no way having any kind of dig at Kenneth

Solid > Liquid > Gas is easy

Solid > Gas    is quite difficult as it must be in a pressure of 133 x 10-3 mbar or less to go from a solid to a gas without passing through a liquid phase.  I'm the technician for the freeze dryer machine at work here and that machine does my head in when it has about 1/100th of a pin hole of a leak that stops it pulling down the required vacuum to be down in the freeze dry range    .....  and I'm the one who has to figure out where the problem is and put it right. 

At least I get to make my own freeze dry food when I want it.

General Discussion / Re: Kevin, Can You Help Solve This Mystery?
« on: February 18, 2021, 08:47:28 PM »
I have serious doubts about what they are saying.  The comments section with other's opinions are very much the same as I would make. 

If the snow is cold enough it might not drip because it is freezing as fast as it is being heated. 

The blackening could be from unburned combustion products condensing on the surface. 

The smell might be also from unburned combustion products.

All one would have to do is put some of the snow in an environment with moderate heating such as in a warm oven and see what remains when all of the water has evaporated.  I'm guessing there would be nothing left.

re: The MSM is saying it is not melting but turning to a gas...really?

The MSM would say anything that suited them.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: February 16, 2021, 07:13:39 PM »
Personally, I think she looks more like Elmo as Cookie Monster is blue... LOL

Yes, I realised my error when I started saying it over a year ago :-)

Although I never normally say it to anyone else, except people I know well, anyone with strangely dyed hair is referred to as "the cookie monster" by me.  Orange, blue, green = cookie monster.

I'm so looking forward to when all of this current nonsense is over and seeing what the consequences are going to be for all of the "experts" when their gross ineptitiude is laid bare.  And then will come the time to be even more vigilant as Chris pointed out in one of his postings a while back. 

We have been given a great gift by God.  Everything just goes right past all of the people here where I live and work with and the blindness they have for everything is  ......  I can't even think of a word for it.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: February 16, 2021, 04:37:03 AM »
Because I'm a biochemistry graduate and also have microbiology as a great part of my qualification I take quite an interest in the fake science behind this so-called "pandemic".  Here is a video from New Zealand from an excellent medical doctor who understands molecular biology   ......  and the dishonesty of politicians and those with "agendas".

I hope you like the video, and I'm likely to post the links to some of her other ones once I have watched them again   .....   but with her good style of presenting and your own interests in the topic you will likely have already seen them by the time I do post again.  What we have is a "PCR Pandemic".

The Truth About PCR Tests
Dr. Sam Bailey

Just for interest below is a pic of Siouxsie Wiles from Auckland, New Zealand who she mentions a number of times in the video.  Personally I refer to her as "the cookie monster" due to her hair, she is often on TV here and her science is totally flawed.

General Discussion / Re: Hitler's Death & Switzerland
« on: February 14, 2021, 06:08:23 PM »
Did the Allies bomb Swiss cities, or just the rail lines? I'm sure both sides had considerable funds in Swiss banks...

America's 'War' Against Switzerland
The not very widely known aerial fighting and bombing that occurred between the United States and Switzerland during WWII.

Over the years I have watched a few on the topic.  The videos will give information that might be more accurate than my having to rely on my memory.

The Swiss also knew exactly where the German gold was coming from when they were acting as international bankers.

General Discussion / Hitler's Death & Switzerland
« on: February 14, 2021, 01:44:22 PM »
Yes, Hitler certainly escaped to Patagonia in Argentina and was seen by many people.  He was also witnessed in his motorcade as they drove through Germany on the way out. 

The Russians kept the skull from the burned body that was supposedly Hilter and when genetic testing became much more common they analyzed the DNA and they knew with a certainty from that that the body that was recovered was not that of Hitler.

Although we are told that Switzerland was neutral during the war the allied forces knew otherwise and the US Airforce heavily bombed Switzerland during the war.  They were bombing the Swiss because German trains were passing through Switzerland all the time with impunity and the Swiss were actively assisting Germany. 

General Discussion / Re: 2nd Amendment Rights
« on: February 10, 2021, 08:36:32 PM »
Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Chris' posting about Athens, Tennessee in 1946 shone a whole lot of light on the importance of that too.

Side Note:  Those pointing hands you put in the posting Kenneth cause a preview of a reply message to show

The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
The message body was left empty.

General Discussion / Our Emergency Broadcast
« on: February 09, 2021, 05:32:11 PM »

Well, apparently our emergency broadcast did happen this morning at 10:30am, but I'm completely unaware of it because even though they were supposed to send a txt message to all staff mobiles, I never got a message.  My mobile is my work issued one too and it has one of their phone numbers and the account is paid by the University.  Not receiving the message does seem a bit typical of the ineptitude that does exist in the University. 

It is still interesting though that the source of messages was to have been from the USA.  That's a long long way from here.

General Discussion / Criminals Can Be Stupid
« on: February 06, 2021, 12:33:05 AM »
That is interesting, Kevin, and did not go unnoticed! Since I don't have television and don't have no idea how the EBS works here in Australia, I hope you'll tell me if you see/hear anything interesting. I can't wait to see what happens! It's almost as if these people are actually working for our side because I can't believe anyone could actually be that stupid as to invite Trump to expose all the information they've been trying so hard to keep hidden. Although Q has said 'These people are stupid' just as often as he's said 'These people are sick'. So either they're doing what they've been told to do or we're seeing the hand of God blinding them...

Criminals can be incredibly stupid though.  I was thinking that, even before I finished reading your posting.  Because all that is happening is in the forefront of the criminal's mind and they are fully aware of proceedings, they often forget that their own communications and their strong desire to "win" can be their own undoing.  I used to work with a lady and her husband was a policeman.  Once he was interviewing a criminal about a certain crime that they had committed.

Criminal:  Yes, I did do that, but I didn't have anything to do with {criminal mentions the details of another crime that has been committed}.

Policeman:  How did you know about {policeman mentions the other crime}?

The only way the criminal could have known about it and the details was if he had been involved with it.  The further investigation found that he was guilty of that one too.

Another one I had to laugh at was a guy who went and laid a complaint with the police because someone had ripped him off in a drug deal.

Hence, I'm liking seeing evil doers being given enough rope to hang themselves.  At the same time though I am praying that the victims of the crimes in the USA and their families and their friends do eventually get to see the picture as we do and especially as Christ/God does and that Christ is seated on the throne and sees everything that has happened and is happening and that they are led into the path of eternal life as a result.  All tears will be wiped away and the knowledge of former things will vanish.

General Discussion / Re: Burma
« on: February 03, 2021, 02:19:47 PM »
When the British invaded Burma back in 1885, the whole country was basically given to Queen Victoria as a present.

The British royal family is definitely not to be trusted as they are very close to the Pope and are totally ecumenical. 

In this image taken at Prince Charles' 1969 investitiure, you can see that the Queen has an image of a grey dragon on her seat.  There is another pic in the book I gave the link to that shows that the seat that Prince Charles was sitting on has the image of the red dragon.  I tried to find a pic of Prince Charles sitting on the chair with the image of the red dragon on it and it is nowhere to be found and is almost as if it is being intentionally hidden from the public.

Anyway, back to Burma. 

Just out of interest, the VP of Myanmar used to live here in Dunedin where I live and his wife was doing a Ph.D. here at the University of Otago where I work.
I saw this in the news this morning.

There is also a strong belief that the New Zealand election last year was a rigged election too.

General Discussion / Re: Burma
« on: February 03, 2021, 01:44:18 AM »
I made an error.  I watched this video again last night and it is one I have seen before.  I possibly took slightly more interest in Burma than others around me.

When I was young back in the 1960's there was a lady living down the road from us who was quite regularly working as a nurse in Burma because there was very little in the way of medical care for the people there.  I used to go with my mother (because my mother was a trained hairdresser as well as other things and used to do the hair of the mother) to where the nurse lived with her parents and every so often she would be back from Burma.  Back then, this place called Burma sounded like a horrible place to be.

General Discussion / Burma
« on: February 01, 2021, 01:37:35 PM »
I haven't seen this particular video but the name and description of it is good enough to provide information to look in to it further if one wishes to.

What Happened To The Last Royal Family Of Burma | Burma's Lost Royals | Absolute History
In 1885 the British army invaded Burma and deposed its King. He died in exile, ending a thousand years of monarchy. The royal ...

General Discussion / You Have To Laugh
« on: January 28, 2021, 04:35:25 AM »
In first call with Putin, Biden presses Russian president on election interference, Navalny imprisonment, White House says

US President Joe Biden has called Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a litany of issues, and to warn him that America would defend itself against "malign actions by Russia."

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the call - initiated by Biden - happened.

Psaki said Biden called Putin to discuss America's "willingness to extend New START for five years," referring to the nuclear arms reduction treaty between the two countries.

Signed in 2010, the treaty expires next week, on February 5.

The president also pressed Putin on "Russia's ongoing aggression" with Ukraine, as well as "reports of Russia placing bounties on United States soldiers in Afghanistan, interference in the 2020 election, the poisoning of [Russian opposition leader] Alexei Navalny and treatment of peaceful protesters by Russian security forces," Psaki said.

The Kremlin had a slightly different readout of the call, saying in a statement that the two leaders had discussed "topical issues," including cooperation on the coronavirus pandemic, trade and economic matters.

The Kremlin mentioned "the Ukraine domestic settlement" but none of the hot-button issues listed by the White House.

It said the two leaders discussed former US President Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Open Skies agreement and the preservation of the Iran nuclear deal.

It described the call as "businesslike and frank" and said the two men agreed to stay in touch.

Trump was often criticised for being too easy on Russia and Putin, particularly on issues of national security.

During the presidential campaign, Biden promised a tougher posture when it came to Putin.

"His intention was also to make clear that the United States will act firmly in defence of our national interests in response to malign actions by Russia," Psaki said.

It looks like Biden's team might have made a few things up  :)

I'm sure they would have discussed a LOT of "topical issues" though.

General Discussion / Re: Vaccine mandate rescinded in Massachusetts
« on: January 25, 2021, 04:17:08 PM »
On the vaccine side of things there is this site which exposes the measles vaccine etc

but then there is this and I don't totally know what to make of it

General Discussion / The Red Button's Gone
« on: January 23, 2021, 09:32:38 PM »
This is how they try to explain away the absence of the red button from the "President's" desk.  They are trying to claim that it was a button that Trump had installed for ordering up a Diet Coke.

General Discussion / Soldiers Sleep Anywhere
« on: January 22, 2021, 04:20:15 PM »
As an ex-soldier I just had to chip in here to comment that soldiers sleep ANYWHERE and through the most extremes of conditions.  The only problem for those guys would have been toileting.  Being a soldier and sleeping in the parking garage would have been luxury accommodation   .....   except for not having adequate toilet facilities.  Ahh, the days of sleeping way out in the wilderness on reconnaissance exersizes in the freezing cold of winter and of sleeping in the back of trucks whilst bouncing down rugged unpaved roads way out in the wap waps. 

2 Timothy 2 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. 3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

I just had to throw that bit of scripture in.

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