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Messages - creationliberty

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General Discussion / Re: "All is vanity and vexation of spirit"
« on: March 24, 2023, 04:35:13 PM »
and if anyone is feeling anxious about the state of society, economy etc
Not really; however, it's not wrong to feel that way. We just have to change our way of thinking, and the reminder of verses is good. It's the reason why I don't feel anxious about it, but that's mostly because I do my best to turn my eyes away from it and not think on those things very much. It's better to think on the good things of Christ, and fill our minds with that first and foremost.

Remember that Paul was vexed in his spirit when he was having to suffer many of the things that he did. It is grievous to us when we see the wickedness around us.

That's why the promises of protection and preservation that Christ gives to His bride (i.e. the church) is so important, to know that the way a man would be cheerful and joyful to come and meet his bride is the same elation that the Lord Jesus Christ has towards His church. And even though that was enough, He furthermore gave us extra commandments to watch out for one another as well, so being linked into fellowship with other Christians is very key to the edification and exhortation that we need on a weekly (if not, sometimes daily) basis.

Bible Discussion / Re: KJV Bible for kids
« on: March 21, 2023, 10:24:25 AM »
I tabled the matter before our home church group yesterday (Perhaps I should have done that to begin with,) and we had a round table discussion about it. We’re still looking into it, but what we’re leaning towards at this point is that the King James bible can’t be made into a kid’s version without either adding to, or taking away from. This can be accomplished through foot notes or pictures, and the ones we’ve looked at so far do just that. Children are targets for deception, and we can’t be too careful.
As far as me seeking fellowship what I’ve experienced with this thread isn’t the sort that I’m in need of. I’d respectfully withdraw from the forum, but I see no way to do that which, I don’t understand.

Bill, I think I need to clarify something because I have your very first post here on the forum:
Hi all! My name is bill, and im looking forward to some fellowship with like minded believers. I don’t have a church to attend. Ive tried many, and all were diametrically opposed to biblical standards. I need fellowship, and that’s why im here. I was born again at 21 years of age. Since that time I’ve spent 22 years in the US Navy, and retired in 2003. Since retirement I’ve been in and out of church after church. It’s been a harsh realization for me that All were 501c3 buildings with the state as their god. I look forward to sharing, and growing here.

This... is really weird. Now, I can only piece together things that you have said, so I don't have a clear picture. You said you were saved at 21, and "since that time" you have spent 22 years in the Navy. You retired in 2003. That's going to put you in your 60's (in age) right now, is that correct?

So, that would make you an over 40-year veteran Christian. And here's what's strange, this is from a post you made called "Mat 16:18"
Not for one second have i ever believed Christ’s church was built on one man, but can someone educate me as to what Jesus is referring to when he uses the word “rock?”

If you told us you had gotten saved a few weeks or months ago (or maybe just a few years ago), none of this would be weird. However, if what you told us is correct, you are 20 years my senior in life, and furthermore, 20 years my senior in Christ (allegedly, I don't if that's true or not). I am a 20-year veteran in Christ, and you are supposed to have 20 years MORE than me! These are questions that many of us here should be asking YOU, not the other way around. If this information is correct, you have spent decades as a "Christian" while having NO CONCERN for understanding God's Word, because a lot of what you're asking us are pretty basic... so, I really don't know what to say here.

All I know is that what you are saying about your personal testimony, and what you are saying in basic conversation with us, are not correlating.

What you said that the church you are attending told you about the KJB... that is correct. I agree with them. However, that leaves a baffling problem for me... if you are already assembling together with a church of like-minded believers, who you can sit down with face-to-face, then why did you come to a website forum looking for fellowship with like-minded believers? None of this makes any sense. ???

Someone asked you for details on your introduction thread because you didn't make things very clear in your first post, and here is what you wrote:
Hi! So far, every subject/teaching I’ve read about here speaks to me. I like the fact that things are discussed/taught here i never hear about anywhere else. The truth certainly isn’t popular in our time.
Im not exactly sure how i discovered creationliberty. I just came across it while reading about things. Maybe i was lead here!
I grew up in a fairly large family on a large farm in Indiana. I had a fairly troublesome child hood. Like most do I suppose. After graduating high school i began to question what life was about. I knew there had to be more to it than what i was doing. I guess you could say that I became painfully aware that my life had no meaning, or direction. I began to search, and met an old time backwoods preacher, and speaking with him made me curious. So, i began to read and study the bible. Suddenly, it was revealed to me that the world is an arena where good and evil are being played out. I began to understand that God was in control of it all, and that my life could have meaning, and purpose. My old life passed away, and all things had become new.

Did you realize that, in your introduction posts, you didn't even mention Jesus Christ? There's nothing here to indicate to us that you ever came to repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of sins) and faith in Christ. Therefore, the only thing I would recommend to you on the way out is this:

Why Millions of Believers in Jesus Are Going to Hell

Take that to your Bible study group and go over it together; I think it would be useful. I have an assortment of emails from you outside of this forum, and I don't have any documentation to show any of your testimony in Jesus Christ. Personally, I am not sure you've ever been born again, which is why I'm recommending that short book.

I hope the Lord Jesus Christ blesses you and your family as you depart.

General Discussion / Re: "Apostle" Kathryn Krick
« on: March 10, 2023, 03:53:57 PM »
Pretty much everyone in the New Apostolic Reformation.

Evangelism / Re: Passing Out Tracts
« on: March 06, 2023, 09:10:24 AM »
One thing I used to do, and maybe could do again, was be a sort of "Gospel mailman" and just drop tracts in letterboxes.
Be careful about that in the U.S. There are laws against putting things inside mailboxes from anyone who is not a postal worker.

General Discussion / Re: The fruit of the Spirit
« on: March 04, 2023, 09:33:27 PM »
Well, we also know that she's in communication with some other people we've had to remove from the church for their unrepentant contention too. I won't go into the details of how we know that, but we know. Apparently, they're forming what I will call a "CLE Anonymous" group where they can go lick each other's imagined wounds in an infinite cycle of loathing.

We're just going to move on, continue to study the Word of God, and go do the works He told us to do. They're free to do whatever they please, and God will judge all of us in the end.

These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
-Pro 6:16-19

Sadly, however, because she is with that group, I'm going to have to ban her from the forum now. That group (which is mostly made up of women with a vicious vendetta) have been harassing people who join the forum, and we've gotten various reports about it.

General Discussion / Re: The fruit of the Spirit
« on: March 04, 2023, 08:51:51 PM »
Anna, we recorded the entire conversation the Sunday you departed. Would you like us to release that for everyone to listen to? Or do you want to come clean?

I mean "Anna" -- If that's even your real name. We can't verify that either.

you have not given any examples of what you are claiming and of who was doing any of these accusations

Bingo. That's one of the major problems we had with Anna. She's very passive aggressive, which is another form of murmuring... which God says he hates.

Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
-1Co 10:10

General Discussion / Re: Apology
« on: March 04, 2023, 10:13:10 AM »

We (I, and a few others here) have repeatedly explained ourselves to you. You are not understanding us.

Let me be as direct as I know how: I believe that you are wasting your time here. There are plenty of Christian organizations out there who would be glad to take you in. Go to any one of them.

For clarity: Everything you write to us is superficial, and no one here likes it. I quickly detected that from the first email you wrote to me. I tried to have a bit of patience with you, which why I pointed you to this forum, but the problem did not get better. I asked everyone else privately to have some patience with you too. They did, but every post you make is getting worse because every post you make provides us more evidence to verify that your words are superficial.

We are not going to validate you. There is no amount of crafty words and explanations you are going to give that will change that. Personally, I do not believe that you are a Christian. I think you are long-term churchgoer that is still trying to get by on his works, standing on pretense to try and get accepted, and I know I'm not the only one who sees that.

We would not do you any favors by taking you into the church with us because you are not like-minded with us. It would only hinder you (in finding Christ), and cause problems among us. Therefore, you should stop wasting your time here, and go spend that time to find some place you are accepted, and I hope you find some place that suits you better.

Have a great day.

Bible Discussion / Re: A Time In The Wilderness
« on: March 03, 2023, 01:44:41 PM »
Why am I just getting that now?
I can only speak generally on this, but, sometimes our understanding is unlocked by the Holy Ghost when we sanctify ourselves from worldly things.
The more we are sanctified the more he helps to understand his word.
I see it as a reward for doing what pleases him.
That is true. I can testify to that happening to me as well.



Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Yowling Feminist
« on: February 14, 2023, 08:48:26 AM »
I thought you all would enjoy that.

This woman does not seem to understand how to write a complete sentence, with proper punctuation, nor does she seem to understand why that is important. She writes:

"I don't agree there's millions of women and children too that are being trafficked in the most horrifying ways."

A comma or period after the word 'agree' was vital right there because, without it, her sentence implies that she does NOT agree that women and children are being sex trafficked. I don't think that was her intent, but this is what happens when you write quickly and furiously without stopping to consider your words before sending out your pointless thoughts.

Furthermore, the argument of my book was that women are privileged in society in general. It does not mean that they are never taken advantage of, nor did I make such an argument. So, likely, she didn't read the book. She skimmed some of it, maybe read a couple of highlighted notes I made in it, and then wrote this to me in her nonsensical rage, which is why I didn't bother responding to her in any great detail.

Perhaps this was her first experience in making a demand of man, and man telling her "No." Get well soon Kara.

But for the rest of you, you always know you're in for a ride when someone starts out their letter with "REEEE."

Wild Emails @ CLE / Yowling Feminist
« on: February 14, 2023, 08:39:23 AM »

Kara from Washington:


I don't agree there's millions of women and children too that are being trafficked in the most horrifying ways. They are not protected nor privileged. Please correct this notion.


Have a great day.



Bible Discussion / Re: Why the "Y" names?
« on: February 11, 2023, 10:26:18 AM »
Perhaps it could be said this way, the only other place I know of where pronunciation is highly revered in the religious sense is in pagan spell-casting, and with the way I see a lot of church-ianity cultists acting on this subject, they are treating prayer like spell-casting, believing that they get more "spiritual power" from pronouncing words in certain ways, rather than simply praying with understanding.

What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
-1Co 14:15

The Book of Ephesians: My Notes on Chapters 01-06

At the time this epistle (letter) was written, Ephesus was one of the biggest cities in Asia minor, located specifically in ancient Ionia, today known as the region of Anatolia, which now encompasses most of the eastern and southeastern parts of Turkey. Ephesus was not only well known to be a port city along the Mediterranean coast, but it was also a beacon for heathen to worship Diana, the highly revered pagan goddess of the moon and hunting in Roman culture (also known as Artemis in Greek culture), and a majestic temple was dedicated to her, which received countless visitors every year.

After spending much time in Corinth, Paul spent only a short time preaching in Ephesus and moved on, but when he returned later during his travels, he found a few disciples who had been converted to Jesus Christ, and so working together with them over the next couple of years, they formed a large church that preached the Gospel. Paul wrote this letter to Ephesus while he was a prisoner in Rome (Eph 3:1), and the Holy Spirit had given Paul discernment of false teachers that would rise up from among them, so he set out to reassure them of the truth of the Gospel of Salvation, its foundations in the mercy of Christ alone, being pardoned of our sins by His blood, not of works, that they would be well guarded against those who would bewitch them into a false gospel.

Bible Discussion / Re: Where is the scribe?
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:58:29 PM »
Paul is almost certainly referring back to that passage. He does it a lot in his epistles, but it takes a lot of study to get all those references down. I need help with it sometimes too.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Another Worshiper of Feelings
« on: February 08, 2023, 06:56:49 PM »
"It is like my spirit speaks words from my heart directly to Him yet bypasses my head."

That sounds like a trance to me. Like she's being taken over by an entity. (Kundalini sprirt?)


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