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Messages - creationliberty

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More major red flags. ???

Major red flags. ???

General Discussion / Re: Dietary laws and parasites
« on: April 18, 2023, 04:25:19 PM »
I won't go into the details right now, but generally speaking, the problem with a lot of new-age cults is that they believe the dietary laws of the Old Testament were given to the Jews for health reasons. That is not the case. The dietary laws were given as a sign of sanctification. The problem was they got wrapped up into the following of the law, without understand what it was given for.

This is why, when Peter was told "kill and eat," he would not do so because of the law. God used Peter in that instance to show him (and subsequently, all of us) the fullness of why the law was given, which was for that moment, to demonstrate the spiritual fulfillment in Christ to make a man clean, rather than a ruleset of deeds that would make one "holy."

One of the examples our church has discussed is what is known commonly today as "Ezekiel Bread," but if you look carefully in Scripture, the bread they were given to eat was a punishment, not a blessing. Do not misunderstand; I'm not saying Ezekiel bread is necessarily bad for you, but I'm saying that this was not the intended way that we were meant to eat bread, and the Jews had to do things that way for a particular reason at the time because God was disciplining them for their waywardness.

The Hebrew-roots cultists often do not understand these very basic principles because they are blinded by the conceit, self-perceived idea that their works make them righteous, when none can be righteous apart from Christ alone.

But they wouldn't get like a normal mad it was like a really weird fake mad where they were simultaneously really nice to me so I could never really claim that they were mad.

It's called "passive aggressive." It's also a form of murmuring, which God has said He hates. I haven't written a teaching on murmuring yet, but it's on my to-do list.

The entire book of Matthew. I read it repeatedly when I first got saved.

I'm not sure I should say. I said and did a lot of stupid things I wish I hadn't done. However, that being said, from those who claimed to be Christians in the church buildings I attended, I didn't get much patience or care from hardly any of them, and I saw lots of focus on tradition and entertainment rather than truth.

Introduce Yourself / Re: What a journey
« on: April 10, 2023, 10:43:12 PM »
The book thing in my area didn't turn out so well. I found out someone was actually clearing out my books, and not allowing them to be seen, even though I tried to hide them in there. They were clearing it out and only putting in the books they wanted in there, even thought they claim it's "community driven" -- I actually think it's run by the corrupt church building across the street. You should first try to find out who operates or oversees it because someone always does.

The problem is that the average churchgoer I've met could not hold a conversation with you past, maybe, the first six sentences you wrote. That's why when I talk to them, and they act like they are the experts on Easter, and Easter is in no way about rabbits and eggs, and how dare I, blah, blah, blah -- I simply ask them why Easter falls on a different day every year.

It's hilarious to watch them squirm because half of them I talk to have no idea, and the other half are usually online, so they go Google it on Wikipedia real quick because they have no idea either. ;D

This is one of the reasons that, many years ago, I told people that Mike Winger was a scamming them. Winger uses literal vs metaphorical interpretations correctly when it is convenient for him, but when inconvenient, he changes his argument.

How can we know that it was three days and three nights literally? Because Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three literal days and three literal nights. That's not a metaphor because, if it was, then nothing in the book of Jonah can be taken literally.

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
-Mat 12:40

If that was a metaphorical interpretation, then it's not a sign. A sign has to be literal, so people can see it clearly to know it is a sign. We don't have metaphorical stop signs; they must be literal so people will stop at them.

Winger does a good job in some areas, just like any false preacher, but he fails on very basic interpretation of Scripture when he wants to justify a false doctrine or corrupt tradition that he personally supports.

Introduce Yourself / Re: What a journey
« on: April 07, 2023, 12:07:10 AM »
It's not a problem; you're obviously busy. Just take your time. We'll be here if you need anything.

Introduce Yourself / Re: What a journey
« on: April 06, 2023, 03:30:11 PM »
I'll fix it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: What a journey
« on: April 06, 2023, 02:59:36 PM »
I noticed you marked your belief as "Other" - was that on purpose?

Introduce Yourself / Re: What a journey
« on: April 06, 2023, 09:22:07 AM »
Thanks for sharing that with us Luke. How'd you end up finding us?

Bible Discussion / Re: KJV Bible for kids
« on: March 27, 2023, 08:49:04 AM »
Did you realize that you conveniently ignored my next comment?

Your "next comment" on your introduction thread? You mean this?

Hi! So far, every subject/teaching I’ve read about here speaks to me. I like the fact that things are discussed/taught here i never hear about anywhere else. The truth certainly isn’t popular in our time.
Im not exactly sure how i discovered creationliberty. I just came across it while reading about things. Maybe i was lead here!
I grew up in a fairly large family on a large farm in Indiana. I had a fairly troublesome child hood. Like most do I suppose. After graduating high school i began to question what life was about. I knew there had to be more to it than what i was doing. I guess you could say that I became painfully aware that my life had no meaning, or direction. I began to search, and met an old time backwoods preacher, and speaking with him made me curious. So, i began to read and study the bible. Suddenly, it was revealed to me that the world is an arena where good and evil are being played out. I began to understand that God was in control of it all, and that my life could have meaning, and purpose. My old life passed away, and all things had become new.

I would love it if you would help me find where you even mentioned Jesus Christ just once (in case I missed it), or, if you can't, help me understand why you just lied to everyone on the forum about your "next comment?"

Was that an accident, or are you being less than sincere in your effort to call my Christian authenticity into question before your group?

I'm just quoting you. Are you asking because you want legitimate answers, or are you asking useless rhetorical questions because you're angry?

Either way there’s no harm inflicted on me.

Who are you trying to convince, you or me?

Anyone with critical thinking skills can draw an accurate conclusion as to what’s going on in this forum.

I agree. Well said.

I asked a simple and sincere question regarding a KJV for kids, and it’s hijacked while you lurk in the shadows. Strange indeed!

Wait, I thought you just said that you weren't harmed by anything, and now there are people here "hijacking" you while we "lurk in the shadows?" I have no idea what direction you're going with this post because, based on what you said earlier, you were leaving, and now you're back to write this... so I don't know what's going on here. However, what I do know is that you haven't responded to any points I made to you so far; you've only gotten angry.

I admonish you to consider Psalm 139 23-24.
Wait, hold on a second:
BILL: "there’s no harm inflicted on me"
BILL: "I admonish you"
admonish: to warn or notify of a fault; to counsel against wrong practices
So... admonished for the harm that was NOT inflicted on you? I don't understand this. Was there a wrong done to you, or not? If so, what was the wrong? Was it that I dared to question you?

Nonetheless, let's go take a look at Psalm 139 to see what you're talking about:
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
-Psalm 139:23-24

Okay, so what point are you trying to make here? I would ask you to be bold, and try to be specific in your accusations instead of using vague implications.

David (one of the most devout men of God in human history) is looking inward and asking God to affirm that his will is inline with God’s purpose. I admonish you to do the same.
Bill, I simply told you that your posts are weird (i.e. meaning that it does not match the conversation we normally have with Christians), and that your testimony had nothing to do with Jesus Christ. I haven't seen any testimony of your understanding of the law and your sin, and repentance for the remission of sin, nor any mention of Christ, not in your emails to me, nor on this forum.

You simply said you got awakened to "an arena where good and evil are being played out" and that "God was in control of it all," and I am informing you that, according to Scripture, that is NOT how a man is saved. If a man believes he has been saved by God according to a false gospel, how would I be "inline with God's purpose" if I did not inform him that he believed in a false gospel?

Will you response to that, or will you ignore my points like you did with my last post?

And your response to me is that I am not doing the will of God because I dared to question you, and yet you say: "there’s no harm inflicted on me" However, your words are exactly the kind of knee-jerk response you get from someone who feels like they've been harmed in some way.

Good fortune to you on the rest of your earthly life’s journey. Now, you can add me to your trophy wall of the “banned!”
Banned for what? Is there some rule you broke? Or are you just trying to victimize yourself and act like you're a martyr because someone dared to question your testimony? I simply pointed out to you that the things you say are odd (i.e. not congruent with that which we normally see from Christians), and it has been like this for quite some time now. I've been patient with you, which is why I haven't said anything directly until now.
Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
-Gal 4:16

If you are supposed to be (according to your testimony) a 40-year veteran Christian, do you think you're setting a good example for us right now? I'm genuinely curious to hear your response.
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
-Mat 7:12

For everyone else reading this, it is for this reason that I wrote this short (free-to-read) book:
Why Millions of Believers on Jesus Are Going to Hell

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