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Messages - anvilhauler

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General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: July 26, 2021, 09:36:46 PM »
Seeing in the news about mask wearing mandates in the USA, if I was put in that situation, I would get a mask and cut plenty of 1/2" holes in it.  If questioned then I would just comment about the filtering pore size of a new unaltered mask compared to the size of a virus particle and that the mask with 1/2" holes is just as effective at filtering out virus particles but doesn't have so much of a health risk due to bacteria and CO2. 

What is not being spread in the usual information going around is the pore size of masks and the size of virus particles.  Being summer time in the USA and with the warmer temperatures is the ideal time to be wearing a T shirt stating front and back

Mask Filters Out Virus Particles

I.Q. Level = About 12

Anyone wanting to question or argue needs to just be told about the relative diameters of a virus compared to the pore size of a mask.  Even the T shirt would hopefully create a sense of shame and embarassment for the Police if they were forcing mask wearing.  If they wanted to argue then for me personally I wouldn't hesitate to comment that I know that being a Police Officer is appealing to those who are at the lower end of the intelligence spectrum etc etc.  Thinking a mask filters out virus equates to an I.Q. level of about 12.

That's not even being sarcastic.  Children know from even a young age from playing with toys when a peg of a certain size will pass through a hole of a certain size.  One could always ask the Police if they missed out that part in their education when they were growing up.

I've silenced a few people over the years by commenting to them on things that "Oh, that's an unusual view you have on things.  Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?"  That was mainly in dealing with feminists who claimed to be Christians and I no longer had anything to lose. 

A part of where she is coming from was also shown by her use of the word 'laity'.  There is no 'laity' with regards to being a Christian and following Christian doctrine and being a part of a congregation and the body of Christ as a whole.  That concept is so much from the church buildings with a "them and us" approach.

General Discussion / Re: COVID-19 VACCINE
« on: July 19, 2021, 11:44:57 PM »
60% of People Being Admitted to Hospital with Covid-19 in England Have Been Fully Vaccinated

Hence it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why the people are admitted to hospital.

And I suppose the other 40% of those admitted with Covid actually have medical issues such as a broken leg, or burns to the arm or an eye injury.

General Discussion / Vaccine Related
« on: July 05, 2021, 02:23:49 AM »
For anyone looking and finding this site for information relating to vaccines and the dangers associated for everyone in society and the government corruption associated with vaccines.

Dr Sherri Tenpenny has put out a video showing the dangers associated with the pertussis "vaccine" as well as the usual other "vaccines".  As always, her information is backed up by sound information from the openly published scientific literature.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Pertussis, Pertussis Vaccines and Allergies-4H3iSzoy1W4

Watching the video may be of interest in supplementing the excellent information Chris has already given on this website.

The United VacciNations

General Discussion / Fuel Related
« on: June 30, 2021, 07:03:18 PM »
In times of increasing fuel prices, it might be tempting to use a cheaper and lower octane rated petrol for a car, but that can destroy or cause serious damage to your engine.  Sorry this is a bit long, but it could save you a lot of money, time and anxiety.
Family left with $7k engine repair bill after using 91 octane petrol to save money
Putting 91 fuel in a 95-rated car can have dire consequences.

A family's decision to use 91 octane petrol in their European car to save money has backfired.

Aron and Adelle Bailey remain thousands of dollars worse off after losing a case against a dealer in the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal.

The couple said Gazley Motors in Wellington should have told them the Volkswagen Sharan took 95 octane petrol.

The tribunal disagreed, finding it was the responsibility of the buyer to work out what sort of fuel should be used in a vehicle, even though there was no sticker on the van's fuel flap.

Meanwhile, the AA has sounded the alarm about using the right petrol in the right car, sharing a story of a turbo engine blowing up after one drive using 91.


The saga began with the Baileys test driving the vehicle at Gazley Motors.

They had twins on the way and took a shine to the capacious people mover.

The tribunal's judgement records Aron as saying he was certain no-one at Gazley told them what sort of fuel should be used in the Volkswagen, other than petrol.

There was no sticker near the fuel cap warning it needed 95 octane petrol.

Despite the fact of Aron earlier owning European vehicles, which he had fuelled with 95, the family filled the Volkswagen with 91 octane petrol as "it's the cheapest option," the judgement notes.

Twenty three months and 13,000km later, their mechanic found one of the pistons in the engine showed signs of damage likely to have been caused by their use of 91.

The engine cost $7577 to repair, which the couple sought to recover from Gazley.

They also took issue with the failure of the dealer to service the transmission prior to sale.

In line with previous decisions, the tribunal dismissed their bid for compensation for the fuel issue.

Adjudicator Jason McHerron said it would have been preferable if Gazley Motors told them the vehicle was designed for 95 octane fuel.

But he did not consider it was the dealer's fault the wrong fuel was used.

"As this tribunal has previously found, it is not the responsibility of a motor vehicle trader to positively disclose such information.

"Rather, it is the consumer's responsibility to make the necessary enquiries to determine what sort of fuel should be used in a vehicle".

Gazley agreed to cover the cost of servicing the transmission.


AA motoring advisor Cade Wilson once worked for Subaru, where he saw first hand the risk of using a lower octane fuel than recommended.

Some customers purchased turbo-charged cars, such as a high performance Subaru Legacy, not realising it required high octane fuel.

That could have dire consequences, as in one memorable case after a customer "boosted it" on their first run.

"One tank of 91 blew the engine up.

"I pulled the engine apart myself and saw the pistons melted."

 Octane ratings measure the performance of fuel.

A higher octane fuel can withstand more compression by a piston in a cylinder before detonating.

Engines are tuned to fuel of a certain octane.

If a fuel of insufficient octane is used, the explosion happens too early, forcing the piston back before it has reached the full extent of its stroke.

The result can be a knocking sound and engine damage.

Wilson said most Japanese cars that are not performance-oriented take 91 octane by default, unless stated otherwise.

In contrast, many Europeans cars are turbo-charged so they need a higher octane, including European cars imported from Japan.

On the flipside, there was little benefit from using 95 octane in a car rated for 91.

"Some cars will run slightly better but it's sort of like putting synthetic oil in an old car, you end up spending more money to do the same thing."

Wild Emails @ CLE / Re: Deliverance Ministries Are Not of God
« on: June 28, 2021, 06:48:55 PM »
That sure was a good read  :)

Bible Discussion / Re: Canaanite wedding
« on: June 26, 2021, 05:16:15 AM »
I would point out that the price was paid for us. Jesus bought us. He did not buy our sin, otherwise, He would receive sin as a product for the cost. So until I see something in Scripture that contradicts it, I have to agree with Kenneth.

Yes, I agree too and like Jeanne I could see the separation between the two but wasn't good at trying to put that in to words.  I knew it would be good to have an open discussion on the topic.

I'm not feeling too well at the moment and am not sleeping well at night as I normally do, but am still liking getting in to discussions on Biblical matters as well as keeping up with all else that is going on.

Bible Discussion / Re: Canaanite wedding
« on: June 26, 2021, 12:48:50 AM »
Nonetheless, my broader point remains.
Applying unscriptural analogies or traditions to Biblical concepts will lead to unscriptural (ie, false) doctrines.

 :D Yes, I agree 100%, I don't like discussions of traditions if they don't have a Biblical basis.

Bible Discussion / Re: Canaanite wedding
« on: June 25, 2021, 11:28:16 PM »
I think you make a very good point there which I may not have considered because we have to be careful how we say these things since so many cults teach false doctrines. For example, Joyce Meyer teaches that Jesus went to hell and had demon torture Him. The Bible never says that, and the idea is ridiculous. In short, I suppose saying that "Jesus paid for our sin," would mean that Jesus would have to be in hell for eternity, and that is nonsense.

But that does bring up the interesting topic of the enormity of what Jesus suffered on the cross when He took upon Himself the suffering due to all of mankind.

Bible Discussion / Re: Canaanite wedding
« on: June 25, 2021, 11:20:36 PM »
I only skimmed over the text Jeanne cut and pasted and I found major false doctrine.
It said that Jesus "paid the price" for our sin.
I know that A LOT of popular preachers and evangelists say that, but it isn't true.
The price for our sin is an eternity in Hell and the Lake of Fire. Jesus endured scourging, crucifixion and physical death. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Obviously Jesus did something completely different. He made an atonement so our sins could be FORGIVEN, not "paid for", as leavened preachers like to say.
Jesus came to shed his blood as an atonement for all of mankind, just as the shedding of blood in the sacrificial system under the Old Covenant was to be an atonement for the nation of Israel.

All the symbology a Christian needs for understanding his relationship with Christ is contained in His words. If you don't see it there you should set it aside.

Looking at the Word of God though, it would seem that we are purchased and a price has been paid for our redemption.

1 Corinthians 6 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

1 Corinthians 7 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
22 For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord’s freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ’s servant. 23 Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men. 24 Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

For those who didn't want the price to be paid by the blood of Christ their place is in the fire that was prepared for the Devil and his angels.

I am open for discussion if anything I have written is incorrect and all discussions on scripture are always open for further discussion so that we can all learn together.  I look forward to reading the comments from the other elders on the topic.  This is in no way a dig at you Kenneth, it is an interesting topic and as a church we do love delving in to doctrines.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: June 21, 2021, 05:16:25 AM »
Nope there's nothing there and Rumble comments that there is a problem etc.
The video is working for me now, but it wasn't before.
I think Rumble had to take time to process the video before it could be played.

Excellent video Jeanne.  I was pleased to hear them also have the concern or total dismay about Donald Trump advocating for vaccines.  Good to hear also their comments about how spineless so many "doctors" are and others in positions where they should be speaking out and sounding the alarm.  It's astounding.

The whole situation makes me think of this

Ezekiel 33 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
1 Again the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: 3 if when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4 then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul. 6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.

So much for many of the "medical professionals".

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: June 20, 2021, 08:55:00 PM »
Hi Jeanne

I can't see anything because a reader has to log in to the website to see anything.  Even that first page seems to have had too much work put in to it to make it hyper-wizzy rather than just being simple for the dissemination of information.  The magnet information might have been interesting if I had been able to read it.

My apologies, Kevin. I had thought this was made public. I do have a subscription to this site, but it's a video, not anything you can read. Anyway, I downloaded the video and uploaded it privately to Rumble, and you should be able to see it here:

Hi Jeanne

Nope there's nothing there and Rumble comments that there is a problem etc.

Bible Discussion / Re: Canaanite wedding
« on: June 20, 2021, 07:05:54 PM »
A wedding is just that   ....  a wedding  ...  and after that a couple are "wed"  ....  they are husband and wife.  I doubt Jesus would be interested in being at an event where the bride to be can mess the groom around by some means of extending the period of the betrothal.  And what about all the guests and the food they might have brought along and that they had gone to the trouble of having wedding clothes suitable to attend a wedding.

When Jesus returns for His people is the Day of Trumpets.  If you go back and read again in the Old Testament about the Day of Trumpets you will see that it is a day that no-one definitely knows because they are looking for the sliver of the New Moon at the beginning of the month on the seventh month of the year.

Leviticus 23 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
23 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 24 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation. 25 Ye shall do no servile work therein: but ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the Lord.

Note that the Day of Atonement is ten days after the Day of Trumpets.  All of these feasts are still yet to be fulfilled.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: June 20, 2021, 06:52:29 PM »
In this interview, Dr Lee Merritt explains the technology behind some people becoming 'magnetic' after receiving the Covid shot:

Kevin, if you see this, I would be really interested in hearing your take on this.

Hi Jeanne

I can't see anything because a reader has to log in to the website to see anything.  Even that first page seems to have had too much work put in to it to make it hyper-wizzy rather than just being simple for the dissemination of information.  The magnet information might have been interesting if I had been able to read it.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Kia Ora from New Zealand (Part One)
« on: June 17, 2021, 12:10:04 AM »
Hi Rowan

I have only just finished reading your introduction.  That was really quite a long read.  I wasn't being cautious in making any comments, with so much other reading and other things to get done, it took me about as long to read it as it did for you to write it.  As Tim also mentioned, much of which could have been left out.  I'm not judging though as I too have made many errors in my own postings and lots of errors in life just as we all have.

I should comment that I'm also a New Zealander but I have absolutely no time for the term "kiwi". In New Zealand there seems to be a level of pride that is really out of place and New Zealand is a nation that has a lot of very deeply rooted problems and many of those problems stem from a belief that New Zealanders are God's gift to mankind.  Hmm, also the 'Kia Ora' bit in that there's no great value in writing something in another language that no-one else can understand.  I'm grateful that CLE doesn't write things in Indian language that I would be puzzled by and would make me feel excluded by being from a different country and would have to waste time by looking things up to understand what they were talking about.

Anyway, welcome to the forum from me and I hope all works out well and over time you become an established part along with the rest of us and we all grow together as a family and all having charity one to another.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 11, 2021, 07:11:02 PM »
you are weird you are cult leader and they go by everything you are not Jesus

The Bible uses the word 'peculiar'   ....  we are a peculiar bunch.  Maybe he's using a New Age false version of the Bible.  This part of scripture also says he should be rebuked with all authority.  Always good to see that happen.  LOL Just like the rest of you, they can try and despise us, but that's a bit of a waste of time.

Titus 2 Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13 looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14 who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. 15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Howard's Introduction
« on: June 06, 2021, 08:06:34 PM »
Hello Howard

I am also interested to read about how you became a Christian and am interested in reading the answers to the questions you have been asked. 

If you are a Christian you should have no difficulty answering those questions and you will also know that it is completely Biblical that these questions are being asked of you.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: May 25, 2021, 07:39:28 PM »
My boss just informed me that she tested positive for covid. And is having to be quarantined for 10 days.  ???
Is covid real or is it just the flu?  ::)

I'm guessing the diagnosis for covid was the ridiculous use of PCR testing.  Yes, it is quite likely she has influenza and will probably make a full recovery in a few days to a week and there is no quarantining required and there will likely have to be someone looking after her.

What Is A Covid-19 Case?

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: May 23, 2021, 06:31:39 AM »
I didn't watch the video but that would especially alert me to fakery.  If the micro-particles have a dipole they will align with either side of the magnet accordingly.  You won't see any flipping over either.  That is even how an MRI machine works.  When you put the patient through the strong magnetic field the dipole moment of the water molecules causes them all to line up.  When micro-particles (water, "vaccine" etc) line up in a strong magnetic field the patient won't be able to feel or see anything that is happening on that scale.

Fakery like this can even be used by those pushing vaccines and commenting how stupid and uninformed the anti-vaccine people are.  Beware, fake videos are quite likely made to push a certain agenda.

The video Chris posted is a compilation of several different videos, but there are hundreds of them all over the Internet. Too many to all be fake, I think. I know a couple of people who have gotten the jab, so I'll try to see if I can get them to try it...

I finally managed to download the video so I could watch it.  Yes CERTAINLY cause for concern in my opinion. The sooner the whole lot of what is going on is exposed the better.

I couldn't watch the video until I managed to download it and was pleased to see the horse shoe magnet was just an image they used in the video promotion.  The video doesn't depict "bad science" to me at all. 

Some of the Q posts commented about the relationships between the founders of businesses like 23andme and Facebook etc.  Who knows, maybe this is a means of remotely exterminating people as they so desire.

General Discussion / Re: Covid-19
« on: May 22, 2021, 10:36:07 PM »
I didn't watch the video but that would especially alert me to fakery.  If the micro-particles have a dipole they will align with either side of the magnet accordingly.  You won't see any flipping over either.  That is even how an MRI machine works.  When you put the patient through the strong magnetic field the dipole moment of the water molecules causes them all to line up.  When micro-particles (water, "vaccine" etc) line up in a strong magnetic field the patient won't be able to feel or see anything that is happening on that scale.

Fakery like this can even be used by those pushing vaccines and commenting how stupid and uninformed the anti-vaccine people are.  Beware, fake videos are quite likely made to push a certain agenda.

The video Chris posted is a compilation of several different videos, but there are hundreds of them all over the Internet. Too many to all be fake, I think. I know a couple of people who have gotten the jab, so I'll try to see if I can get them to try it...

My dispute wasn't actually about magnetic attraction to the site of the injection but rather that a bar magnet or a bar magnet bent in to the shape of a horse shoe could attract on one end and repel on the other end. 

It would be interesting to see what happens if one of the "vaccine" recipients was put through an MRI machine immediately after having the "vaccine".  Hmm, so the "vaccine", does it have ferromagnetic, paramagnetic or diamagnetic properties? Hmmm.

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