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Topics - Jesusistheway1964

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Introduce Yourself / Introducing myself
« on: June 10, 2021, 02:07:50 PM »
My name is Jeffery young. I found this site by accident looking for true Christian's that love Jesus and are awake to the lies of this world. I happened to read the post  by the owner of this website about the Greek lexicon deception. I found it very refreshing. My reason for being on here is to find others that know that Covid 19 virus was fake and that Christian's should not fall for it. I want to find others that know that we have been lied to about the Earth. NASA is a freemason/luciferian organization and has decieved us about what we live on and many beleive the fake science/psuedoscience being thrown at us in all directions. I would like to show people how we been lied and prove it though scripture. The Bible says Satan has decieved the whole world and its 100% true. Even so called beleivers or decieved by these luciferians/masons that run this world. I am a Christian. I attend no 501 3c coded Church. The Church is not a building. Its the people who actually love Jesus Christ and do as he commands. I do not watch TV, listen to any music whether supposed Christian or not. Many so called Christian singers have come out gay and openly admitted they were never Christian's. I do not watch any TV. I do not watch movies. Everything is for programming our minds. If you love the world you cannot love God.  I beleive in repentance and only use KJV. All others are corrupted. I believe we must live a holy life. I beleive we should confess our sins to God when we are aware that we have sinned  I bleive we should pray without ceasing. I believe only in the Doctrine of Gods word. I listen to no man. It's almost impossible to find a true teacher is this day and age. I read the Bible and the Holy Spirit is my teacher. I do not believe in the rapture. We will go though the tribuation. Its cut and dry and I have no idea why it's even an issue. If you are going to respond, please be polite as I will treat you as Jesus commanded us to.

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