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Topics - christjesusistheonlytruth

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Introduce Yourself / My name is Chris from Idaho
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:53:20 AM »
I'm doing this because Christopher Johnson doesn't seem to want to reply to any of my concerns and resorts to calling me a railer and a false accuser as I knew he would do. I don't know exactly how much I'm being forced to reveal about myself but I'm not surprised by Christopher's attitude. I made a post in the same way he posts and accuses others of being hypocrites. I'm 31 years old and have separated myself from the countless false teachers and churches that fall into the same condemnation of prideful boasting and refusal to receive correction. I've listened to plenty of Christopher's teachings and read many of his articles to their entirety, so I'm not ignorant on the things I've said in my general post. I've even donated money a few times to Creation Liberty Evangelism but it never seems to be enough for people like Christopher. Now let's see if Christopher will prolong responding with a proper answer to my original post. I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

General Discussion / Repetition and Hypocrisy
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:25:08 AM »
I've noticed in Christopher's teachings that he sure repeats himself over and over again in every single teaching he does. I can pick any teaching of his and end up hearing the same exact phrases from a teaching of an entirely different topic.
Does Christopher go out and work to earn a wage to care for his family as a man is naturally called to do? If he doesn't, that makes sense as to why he has all the time in the world to answer emails from obvious gnostic types who can never be corrected and to type away on his keyboard to write very lengthy articles that I'm sure only a handful of people read and listen to on a regular basis. Yet he speaks and acts as though he is talking to a large audience of those who don't regularly hear his points and reasoning.
I have a thought that his congregation is too afraid to call him out on his own hypocrisy, looking narrowly on his actions and words as he continually does to others who are hypocrites as well as he is. His congregation is afraid to be on the receiving end of his constant banning for those he gets offended by.
How about he starts speaking to his congregation directly instead of insulting their intelligence by imagining that one day there will be a surge of many new members who haven't heard his tired, cold ways of preaching and dealing with people. By the way, I reject the trash that is seminary theology and I'll never step foot in a so-called church. I'm a hypocrite as well as he is, but at least I admit it honestly.

Christopher Johnson is the type to say that he's a sinner like anyone else but deep down views himself even as I'm sure Paul viewed himself, as in, doing more for the kingdom of the Lord than others who also professed Christ Jesus. I'm sorry to offend Christopher by saying this, but him keeping himself in a bubble away from the world except through the internet is not serving the Father and His Son as he might think that he is.
 I also find it strange that Christopher is always in the process of setting at naught people who preach sound doctrine and expose the wickedness of current false teachers as though Christopher is the end all of Biblical teaching. Christopher surrounds himself with people that will always agree with him and consume his teaching without any meaningful correction towards him.
When Christopher is corrected, he immediately copies and pastes walls of Bible verses as a way to win the argument and plays the same game that people like Kent Hovind play by claiming that his congregation agrees with his points entirely and so making his argument the right and Biblical one. I won't be surprised if this post gets removed or banned for Christopher's feelings being hurt while his congregation pats him on the back and tells him how he did the right thing for this or that reason.
Why doesn't Christopher call his own congregation out for bowing at his feet when it comes to his doctrine and teaching? Why is it that Christopher's congregation has lost the ability to speak their own words but instead regurgitate the same phrases over and over again as a means to defend their beloved prophet as do all the other cults for their leaders?
I pity his wife, honestly. It must be difficult having a husband who refuses to get a simple job, and I know the reason why. It's because Christopher has a soapbox permanently glued to the bottom of his feet, and would not be able to keep himself from calling out others at work that he deems as believing in false doctrine, whether they do or not.
This proves that Christopher is a busybody who cannot show the love and truth of the Lord Christ Jesus by his actions towards others. He feels the need to exhaust people with words upon words upon words upon words of repetitious rebuke and correction until they give in or they offend him so that he can easily write them off as he does with anyone who doesn't join his congregation and believes his every point.
Could it be possible that Christopher Johnson is jealous that he is not a popular preacher and never was, even when he fell into the same church-going stuff that he now condemns? I'm also sure he indirectly shames his congregation for not donating to him as much as they should because of all the hard work he does in typing his articles and writing his books.
I would really love to see his answer to my post. I expect him to get immediately offended and to ban me instantly because of such a harsh post of criticism towards him. I hope he proves me wrong though, but I already know what answer to expect, sadly.

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