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Topics - AVoice

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Hi
« on: May 31, 2019, 10:07:59 PM »
I have been a believer in Jesus since 1973. I received the Holy Spirit in 1973.
I only use the KJV.
I am zealous about the seriousness of marriage; no divorce is allowed in the NT for a God-joined couple. See Mark 10:2-12. The exception clause of Matt 5:31,32; 19:9 has NOTHING to do with adultery.
I believe the earth is flat. It is part of creation; it is important. Satan is that real; to have deceived the world about this; he has reasons.
Jesus comes to destroy, not reign on this present earth 2 Pet 3.
Eternal Security is one of the worse plagues to ever afflict Christianity. Salvation is on condition of abiding in the vine.
Baptism in Jesus' name for remission of sins.
The great mystery of the Godhead is not correctly explained by the common "Trinity" explanation. God said he was going to have a Son and so about 2019 years ago he literally begat a Son. The Son came in the flesh. He became a person at conception like the rest of us. A great mystery. God was manifest in the flesh.

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