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Topics - creationliberty

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What's New @ CLE / (ARTICLE) The Cure for Cancer
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:39:41 PM »
Creating this thread for a place where people can comment, so I can provide a link to it from the article.

What's New @ CLE / (ARTICLE) Dinosaurs and the Bible
« on: March 15, 2019, 03:30:41 PM »
I needed to make this post so I could provide a link from the article to a section set aside for comments on this teaching.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Example of a Typical Andersonite
« on: March 15, 2019, 10:47:07 AM »
In my teaching on Anderson, do you remember how I said that I get the same railing, scoffing attitude from Andersonites (i.e. Steven Anderson fanboys and fangirls) as I see in Anderson himself? This should demonstrate what I mean as you read this woman's murmuring letter.


It's too bad that you don't allow us to see how many likes you have on your videos, or allow any comments on there. Why? Since you're knitpickeing all these sermons, I'll give you one to knitpick and then I'll see what you say about that one!! How about that?? It's an old sermon called "Godly Sorrow Worketh Repentance". Here's the link:
Anyway, have fun!! It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about this one since it totally attacks the heart of your "Gospel presentation" on this website!!

It's too bad that you don't allow us to see how many likes you have on your videos, or allow any comments on there. Why?
The description on each video explains that; if you read the description, you'll see that there are comments available to the videos.

Since you're knitpickeing all these sermons, I'll give you one to knitpick and then I'll see what you say about that one!! How about that??
No thanks, I've got work to do. Have a great day.

I thought it was a little humorous because you can tell she's a woman aside from the name because she spells 'nitpicking' with a 'k' (i.e. as in to "knit"). You guys are welcome to check out what she sent, but I didn't look at it 'cause I don't care; you can see her heart by what she says. If she wants to hate me for "nitpicking," (i.e. fussing over details) then she must also hate Christ; perhaps she should read Him "nitpicking" in Matthew 15:1-9, or even the whole of Matthew 23. She would also have to condemn Paul for "nitpicking" the church at Corinth. Thus, you can not only see Anderson's hatred and railing, but you can see it in his disciples, and that's why I refuse to yoke together, not just with Anderson, but I also those who continue to follow and learn from him; hopefully, everyone will see more clearly why I state that because, over many years of occasionally hearing from them, I have not yet had a good conversation with an Andersonite.
Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.
-Acts 20:28-31

According to Alma, Paul was just "knitpicking" for three years.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Answering the Fool According to His Folly
« on: March 14, 2019, 07:54:07 PM »


I've been listening to your teachings, and for the most part have believed along the same lines as you do and long before ever hearing your teachings regarding things such as the 501c3, tithing, and false converts, church hierarchy, and for believers to preach the gospel. However, much of what I hear you say reminds me of Baptist preacher to some degree in the sense you are quick to critique those who preach outside your doctrine. Yet the reason I'm here is to neither critique your ministry or to dismiss your teachings.
My concern is that of your YouTube videos, I've noticed that you have comments disabled on all of them. Interestingly, I've noticed many preachers do the same thing, especially, the ones teaching false doctrine. My concerns are why would you do this? 

Did you look at the description of the video? Each video has information on that in the description.

Are you afraid of someone mocking you, or that someone may try to undermine what you believe is sound doctrine, or that you can't handle criticism?
Again, did you look at the description of the video? You're starting to embarrass yourself. Perhaps you should look at all the information first before writing me with accusations that are disguised with a question mark at the end.

Just because someone places a negative comment or a positive one in the comments section, it does mean you are required to respond. You do have the option of disregarding it, you can even make a disclaimer that you will not respond to comments. But by enabling comments you give an open forum on your topics, where these commenters not in you little group can discuss between themselves the topic.
We have an open forum; perhaps you should look at the description on the video to learn more. In fact, if you download our audio teachings, I pause two different times during the recording of my teachings to offer for our church to ask questions or make comments, even to correct me if I made an error, in both the middle and end of my teachings live on Skype as I record it, and they sometimes do so. Do you know any other preacher who does that during their teachings?

I don't necessarily disagree with what you say, but of what you are not saying. For I don't believe you believe in using power of the Holy Spirit or know how to. Or how to command authority given you over evil and demonic attack.
Is that based on some specific evidence, or are you just voicing an opinion? Knowing how few opinions there are in the Bible, I'm sure you can understand how much an opinion is worth. Perhaps you are willing to share with me your ministry, so I can see the better example you have set for all of us to follow?
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
-2Ti 4:5

My objective though is not to dispute you, but I wonder why you are afraid of enabling comments. It indicates you want to be heard, but you don't want to be questioned publicly about what you say, or moreover, you don't want your followers reading the comments and question you about such comments. Are you are trying to maintain a control over all you established in your little kingdom where you reign as the dictator. Be honest!
No, it's to avoid people like you; specifically, people who lie in the opening of their letters (i.e. "the reason I'm here is to neither critique your ministry") to put on an outward appearance with flattering lips, instead of just being honest and straight-forward, while hypocritically writing someone else and telling them to "Be honest!"
They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak.
-Psa 12:2

God Does Not Justify Lies
Judging by the tone of your letter, it's very likely you will not have repentance (i.e. grief and godly sorrow of wrongdoing) in your heart over that, but nonetheless, it would be prudent to take a look at the description of the Youtube videos before you make anymore accusations. I hope that helps. Have a great day. :)

So I'm lying to you and I'm a hypocrite. Where did that come from?  I'm just checking to see if you are a narcissist, I could care less about your flattery or anyone else's. You're the one with the tone; it seems you don't like being challenged about how you operate, perhaps if the questions were flattering maybe you would lose your self-righteous tone. Yet, you don't hesitate to criticize. ...Now do you?  Am I to hold you in high esteem? I'm checking out your ministry; however,  it seems a little bit one sided and opinionated? You see, I'm out here in this big bad world, and yes I am in a ministry; but it is amongst the world of unbelieving sinners in places I doubt you would dare to tread. But these people need preached the gospel, I don't remain inside a well protected bubble of personal comfort where I can filter the content I want to see or hear; I face criticism and persecution on a regular basis.
Mark 2:15-17
15 And it came to pass, that, as Jesus sat at meat in his house, many publicans and sinners sat also together with Jesus and his disciples: for there were many, and they followed him.
16 And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners?
17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
God bless you, Christopher
Don't be a loathing angry man. Seriously, you snap at your dog to blame it for losing your train of thought! You have a demon of anger and pride!

I didn't bother to respond to any of this because there was no need.
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
-Pro 26:4

The man says he "openly agrees" with me on some issues, but he doesn't agree on really important doctrines like repentance, and you can tell that by just the way he writes his letter. He's trying to bait me into to his railing language; it's a trap. This is a fine example of a man who makes accusations, but puts question marks at the end of his sentences, to disguise them as "just asking questions," thinking that he'll get away with his murmurings and railing accusations without being judged in righteous judgment. It's sly and childish, and I don't have any interest in conversation with men like that, and if you look carefully at the Gospels, you'll see that neither did the Lord Jesus Christ. I'll let you all judge the matter, and see how many Biblical violations you can see in just his two short emails. I'll just say that, according to the letters I keep receiving, Chris Johnson is the only person guilty of pride, and that apparently, all the warnings about pride in the Bible were only meant for me and no one else.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Respecter of Persons Despises Repentance
« on: March 13, 2019, 03:58:09 PM »
This person would send multiple letters without waiting for a response. I try to be patient, but in most instances, that's a sign of a person who can't be reasoned with because they are not really looking for conversation with an intent to discover the truth as much as they are looking to just convert you to their way of thinking. When you see multiple letters in a row without my response inbetween, that is him sending me rapid-fire emails.


Mr. Johnson, I enjoy your videos and have been begging people to refute Anderson for a long time so, thank you. I had a couple quick questions for you. As far a repentance is concerned, it was my understanding that Godly grief and repentance go hand in hand. I want to have the biblical understanding and what you say sounds good but i'm getting conflicting information.
For example, the greek word for repentance is Metanoia which means, basically, a change of mind. Also, Paul says in 2 Cor 7:10 that Godly grief produces repentance. I believe there are no direct hebrew words that translate to repentance directly but a word used often is shub, which again, im told me a turning. Help me out please, I dont want to teach im error. Its not my intention to argue, I just want to understand. Thank you much

Mr. Johnson, I wanted to comment on your KjV only status (no Im not going to bash you). I think the KJV is an excellent translation but I don't hold your view that it's the only true version ( i use the esv and the kjv). While I don't think you do, I hope you don't demonize or condem though if us who use other versions. There are some KJV only folks out there who just get crazy over the issue and will anathamatize any one using a different version. Again, I dont think this applies to you but I wanted to put it out there. Your brother in Christ,

I enjoy your videos and have been begging people to refute Anderson for a long time so, thank you.
I had a couple quick questions for you. As far a repentance is concerned, it was my understanding that Godly grief and repentance go hand in hand. I want to have the biblical understanding and what you say sounds good but i'm getting conflicting information.

Yeah, I know; there is a lot of conflicting information out there. It's not that "godly sorrow and repentance go hand-in-hand," rather, repentance IS godly sorrow. That might help clear some of that up. I'll give you a link to the Youtube playlist for the repentance teaching if you haven't heard it; I would very much recommend it because I think it's most important teaching I will ever give in my life:

For example, the greek word for repentance is Metanoia which means, basically, a change of mind. Also, Paul says in 2 Cor 7:10 that Godly grief produces repentance. I believe there are no direct hebrew words that translate to repentance directly but a word used often is shub, which again, im told me a turning. Help me out please, I dont want to teach im error. Its not my intention to argue, I just want to understand. Thank you much
You may not yet understand why I'm giving you this answer, but it doesn't matter what a Greek grammar dictionary says. There are a couple of teachings I've got that might help you understand that because it's one of the reasons you're going to find contradictions, not just on the topic of repentance, but on many subjects.
Dangers of Using Lexicons and Concordances
This will provide information about the many problems with Greek-English lexicons, and the hidden truth about the men who authored them. (i.e. They denied Christ in their writings.)
The 'Original Greek' Scam
This will explain the dangers and huge errors of the so-called "pastors" and "scholars" who try to interpret the Bible by "the original Greek." (i.e. Most of them don't even know any Greek or Hebrew.)
I know it's not what you may have been expecting, but to understand why there is a contradiction, it's important to understand the Biblical philosophy (i.e. way of thinking) versus the worldly philosophy of relying on concordances.
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy [way of thinking] and vain deceit [lies], after the tradition of men, after the rudiments [first teachings] of the world, and not after Christ.
-Colossians 2:8

I wanted to comment on your KjV only status (no Im not going to bash you). I think the KJV is an excellent translation but I don't hold your view that it's the only true version ( i use the esv and the kjv). While I don't think you do, I hope you don't demonize or condem though if us who use other versions. There are some KJV only folks out there who just get crazy over the issue and will anathamatize any one using a different version. Again, I dont think this applies to you but I wanted to put it out there.
I think the above links are enough for now; I don't want to overload you and burden you with tons of stuff. Perhaps you'll have a different outlook on the main subject you wrote me about after you go through those, and then perhaps we can talk about bible versions and other such things afterwards. Let me know your thoughts about those teachings if you get a chance to go through them.
Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
-Philippians 2:2

Im going to watch those videos you suggested but i wanted to say one thing. I hope you will see the sincerity behind my words and not cut me off after. I have heard you say in your videos, to listen carefully and question where the info is coming from. My concern is, I'm not sure you are doing that yourself. I used to be a KJV only person who would like what Gipp and Ripplinger would say, problem was, i didnt realize their biases and do the research myself. After years of research and folliwing many many Godly men, I realized the KJV thing is way over blown. There are in fact bad versions but there are other good ones as well (including the KJV, among the best, no doubt).  point is, i never assume I or anybody else has the truth. I am always examining myself to make sure i am still in line with Scripture and I try to be aware of my traditions and biases that could impact my understanding of scripture. There is a saying, the man who has no tradition is a slave to his tradition. I like you Chris, I believe you have a sincere heart for Jesus and I believe we can help eachother grow.

Okay. You can hit the reply button on your mail if you want, you don't have to go back to the website and send new letters. That will save you some time and hassle.

Mr. Johnson,
I appreciate your timely response, please allow me a moment to clarify a few things. I'm trying to discern truth, I want to be biblical period. I don't put my faith in lexicons or concordances, I just use the tools that are available to me and try hard to practice discernment.
I'm not a scholar and so I won't try to play one. I understand that the versions have issues but, that's not a hill worth dying on to me. I know many Godly men who use the NIV, NASB and have a theology just as sound as a KJV only person. I also know many fine Christians who use a KJV, point is, I don't define some ones Christianity by the bible they use, I think that's a proverbs 6 issue.
Again, I'm here to discern the true meaning of repentance, I don't care about peoples pet theories, I want scripture. Now unfortunately, I don't see the word repentance in the bible very much although I do see a lot of synonyms for it. Now, I believe that repentance means Godly grief and sorrow but here is my issue, Paul says that Godly grief produces repentance so, either Paul is wrong, the translators screwed up or the term is more nuanced then we think.  This is the issue I'm having because it appears to me, repentance means both, depending on the context it's used in. this is killing me and I just want to get to the bottom of it.
I wanted to add, that I used to like Kent Hovind too, until I realized who he really was. Also, you are correct in your assessment on the cleverness of Steven Anderson but any true believer can tell, that nan is not of Christ just by his attitude behind the pulpit. It's immediately clear.
I hope I didn't offend you, I appreciate your time.

Oh...and yes, I will listen to them. thank you

That's great, and I appreciate your patience so much in your willingness to listen. Based on what you said in your letter, I now definitely believe it would be a good idea to listen to the repentance teaching. All I will say for the time being is that the grief and sorrow of repentance is mentioned a lot of places in the Bible where the word 'repent' is never used. That teaching may help to understand more about that, and the lexicon issue is deeper than you might think; as well as the "original Greek" or "original Hebrew" matter, in which context is not used for the definition of words. Perhaps we can discuss it more after you look those over; I'll wait to hear back from you, and please take your time, I'm not in any hurry.

Mr. Johnston, i've wacthed your videos and like i said before, i believe you. I believe repentance means Godly grief and sorrow over sin. Now maybe i missed it in your videos but there are a couple instances in scripture ( im thinking 2 Cor 7:10) where scripture seems to use repentance in a different context. Does that make sense? Could you please adress this particular verse?
Also, I regret bringing up KJV, I don't care what versions people use ( provided its a literal and not dynamic translation). I don't want to give you the impression i'm against you, I am certainly not. You don't know me but I have heard enough from you to consider you a brother. I apologize if I offended you or painted your view unfairly.
Thank you,

I've addressed those particular points in the teaching. Have you seen it yet?

I must have missed it, I listen while working. do you remember which video out of the 6 it is in?

Okay, so you want to discuss 2Co 7:10. What exactly was the problem you had; or rather, what specifically was the conflict you perceived in what it says?

well...I believe repentance means, Godly grief and sorrow however, Paul seems to use it in a different way. Paul says "For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death." So is he saying, Godly sorrow worketh Godly grief? I believe your what you are saying but this passage is causing me difficulty.

It just troubles me that Paul seems to seperate the 2. When i read the Old Testament, it appears to me that repentance means Godly grief and sorrow. Yet when i read the New Testament, the definition appears to change depending on the context. I believe you may have hinted at this in your video. Am i making any sense?

This is why I encourage Christians to read the context, rather than trying to apply Greek grammar dictionaries to the passages, because the explanation of that verse is explained in the surrounded verses.
For though I made you sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that the same epistle hath made you sorry, though it were but for a season.
Here, Paul is saying that he is not grieved that he brought them to grief, but that they are his brethren, he does grieve at their grief, although he does not have sorrow for bringing them to that grief because it was good for them.
Now I rejoice, not that ye were made sorry, but that ye sorrowed to repentance: for ye were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive damage by us in nothing.
Repentance can be used in two ways; one way is simply by grief and sorrow, but the other way is by GODLY sorrow specifically. So here, he explains what he means by sorrowing to repentance; after that is a colon punctuation, which means the explanation follows, that it means they had godly sorrow, or (vertical) repentance towards God.
For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.
Godly sorrow works to an effect, or you could say that it produces an effect, which is repentance to salvation; meaning that godly sorrow is producing a grief and sorrow that is unto salvation, that salvation being God's grace granted to a humble heart that is aimed towards Christ. This means that there are a lot of people who have been "sorry" to others, but that sorrow of wrongdoing towards one another is not towards God, which is why he continues to point out that sorrow of the world has no merit towards eternal life. Therefore, one should not be sorrowful of the sorrow itself. One of the men in our church, Steve, who does prison ministry, has seen instances in which a man is in godly grief and sorrow, but some preacher or churchgoer comes up to him and puts his arm around him, and tries to comfort him. That's bad. If he falls on his knees in tears of repentance towards God, he needs to be let alone to bask in that grief that God has given him because it's good for him. Therefore, it is not a matter in which a man should grieve of his grieve, which is the normal reaction to someone's grief, but should rejoice that this man has grieved in godly sorrow, and therefore, as Paul said, "I do not repent, though I did repent," in that he felt his own grief at seeing others grief, just as I do, but we are not sorry that they are sorry because that godly sorrow is good for his soul.

Then he goes on to describe the change in a man when he has that godly grief and godly sorrow in his heart:
For behold this selfsame thing, that ye sorrowed after a godly sort, what carefulness it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourselves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement desire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! In all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter.
Revenge in this passage is not referring to take revenge upon one's self, as vengeance belongs to God, but that when we see the poor and needy suffer unjust oppression, we desire to see justice done, looking for righteous judgment, like how a government will revenge for a victim by punishing the criminal. After a foundation of godly sorrow is laid in a man's heart, and he trusts God to impute righteousness to him through Christ, he is changed in such a way to reflect that attitude towards unrighteousness.
Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
-Heb 6:1

The problem is when people go to a lexicon or concordance, they are not just "using tools" to "practice discernment;" that's a lie that many churchgoers have believed because they've been taught that by pastors. When someone claims they "avoid interpretation" in their lexicon or dictionary, they're either completely ignorant of what they're doing, or they're lying because it's impossible to avoid contextual interpretation in the process of defining words in written verses for anything, not just the Bible. That's why I suggested the teachings I had told you about on lexicons and the 'original Greek' scam; I was hoping you might be willing to take a look at those to consider the matter a little deeper, which is not to say that you have not studied it out, but rather, your words are a reflection of your understanding on the matter, and in order for us to discuss that further, those basic principles need to be understood.

I hope that helps; assuming I'm able to be of any help.

I just made this, please take 10min and watch it.

There's nothing here.

I know, the file was too large, i have to put it on youtube. its just me talking to you. its only 19minutes, ill send you the link and i hope youll watch it. i really like your teaching and your videos but a lot gets lost in email. once u watch it, ill pull the video. I want to stay on good terms, i really do

At around 55min into your "False Converts pt1" you quote, "for Godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation," how are you not seeing the glaring contradiction in your teaching? If Paul gives a contrary definition of repentance in 2 Cor 7:10 how can you seriously uphold your teaching.  I believed you sir but after carefull study, it's clear you are highlighting a token verse and abandoning the rest of scripture that CLEARLY gives an alternate definition of repentance.
Mr. Johnson, I have heard you mention peoples blindness and unwillingness to accept correction over and over in your videos. I ask you Sir, please refute my assertion with sound biblical exegisis or retract your teachings and abandon your position.
I will send a list of verses that back up what I'm saying.

Would it not be prudent to at least wait until I answer your other letters first before writing me these very borderline accusations of hypocrisy? I have just finished answering your other letter, but perhaps you should read over that first.
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
-Pro 18:13

You said "IF Paul gives a contrary definition," but the rest of your letter here shows me that you pretty much already made up your mind that you believe there are conflicting definitions, which is a result of your adherence to concordances, before you've even received my response to your first inquiry. If that's the case, just tell me, and I won't waste my time writing out these explanations because I've got other work I need to get done today (including other emails I need to answer). You can say "respectfully" if you want, but that's not respectful at all; a little patience goes a long way, especially after you've written me the following things in your first letter:
Help me out please, I dont want to teach im error. Its not my intention to argue, I just want to understand.
I hope you don't demonize or condem

i dont know why you just got it but this was sent before the last email you sent last night. im not sure why they arrived out of order. Im sorry, it just came out wrong. Please, just watch when i send the link, it will clear things up.

please watch, please, and let me know after so i can pull it down.

I'm two minutes in, and I'll keep listening, but hopefully, you'll address the response I gave you this afternoon to your inquiry, but you've already begun by stating that "grief and godly sorrow" goes "hand-in-hand with repentance", not repentance itself, which already shows that you have rejected the explanation I wrote to you today, without directly telling me that, which is what I requested that you do. It would have been as simple as saying "No, I reject that explanation," and then you can explain why, but perhaps the problem was some confusion in email correspondence, and this video could be your attempt to remedy that.

At 2:20 - That was wrong. Again, if you were listening to my teaching while you were working, then I think you missed a lot. I used Noah Webster as a baseline, but I did not pull the definition of repentance from Noah Webster. I got it from Scripture because God Himself defined it in Genesis. In fact, in the teaching I did on Anderson, I explained how I believe Webster was wrong in part on his definitions, and I used the Scripture to show why. I'm not going to explain all that to you right now unless you ask me about it, and the reason is because I'm trying to show you that you have a belief that you are correct on certain matters, but I can tell by what you say that you lack understanding of a lot of things that you may not have noticed. I want you to see how you miss things before continuing; I tried not to say anything about it at first, to see what you would say and do, but now it needs to be pointed.

Stopping at 4:30 - I need to lookup what nuance means. Subtle differences... okay, so you are pointing out that there are subtle differences in the word 'repent' because of... I guess some expertise you have in Hebrew? So you read, write and speak it? I doubt that. I'm not saying everything you said about Hebrew is wrong because that understanding of language applies to all languages to some extent, but I think you're going to your lexicons and concordances again, instead of looking at context, and that's one of the major problems; as soon as I mentioned that problem to you, you pretty much wrote it off. You also end up saying that you "know very well my position on the matter," but I can't tell if you know it because you looked at what my position is, or if you "know" it because you ASSUMED my position based on what other people teach. (I'm suspecting it's the latter is true.) I'll see if I can find the quote to bring it up again here:
I don't put my faith in lexicons or concordances, I just use the tools that are available to me and try hard to practice discernment.
Look, the reason the teachings are long is because I'm teaching the philosophy (i.e. way of thinking) of Christ. The Bible is not a children's bedtime story book; it's long for a reason. Paul would oftentimes teach from morning 'til night. I'm not going to write you a novel for an email; I've got other things to do, and that's why I've made articles, so I can refer back to them, and you've already told me not to refer back to them in my response at the beginning of your video; so I guess we're at a crossroads because I'm not writing you a personal novel and you don't want to read what I've already taught on the matter.

So you basically blew off a major philosophical problem in your understanding concerning concordances, and I could probably even tell you why you did it, but I think that's going to get us off-topic; the fact is that you brushed it off instead of trying to understand. As of now, I don't believe you understand my position on anti-Biblical philosophy and foundational corruption of lexicons and concordances because, if you really did, then I would have to say it's likely you don't care about God's Word as much as you claim with your mouth. I don't care about all your name-dropping of Riplinger or Gipp or whatever because I don't support or endorse them due to numerous false doctrines they've taught. I don't know if they're of Christ or not; I might want to believe it, but I don't know about them. I make arguments, and I address the opposition to MY arguments, not someone else's; so what you need to do is throw out what you believe you understand, look at what I teach if you want to argue against what I teach, and then go straight to the context of God's Word, not leaning upon your concordance because I can tell that you have more faith in those concordances that you may want to confess.

Stopping at 6:18 - I'm done with your video, and it's not because I'm unwilling to hear your argument. I already addressed your concerns on that matter in my other letter earlier this afternoon. You were repeating almost verbatim what you said in the hypocrisy-accusation email, and I addressed that concern in a response letter where I went through 2Co 7 and explained it from the context; whereas you are only cherry-picking focus on verse 10, which is exactly the standard methods of those who put their faith in lexicons. As far as I could tell, you did not respond to my letter. Maybe you did somewhere later throughout your 20 min video, but if you were addressing what I said, there was no need for you to argue what you said in the letter because I already explained it; rather, you should have been addressing the answer I already gave to your "redundancy" argument.

You just accused me of hypocrisy in your video, without saying the word, and I don't like you not being direct; I really wish you would cease with all the fluffy words and not beat around the bush. The bottom line is that you didn't address my answer to you, and then accused me of hypocrisy; so it makes all the fluffy words at the beginning of your video just for show; they were completely meaningless to me, and that lowers my trust of you even further. The difference between you and me is that you'll claim that you've spent hours going over my teachings, but you've already proven that you've missed huge sections of what I've taught because, in reality, you were distracted doing something else while listening to them, meaning that you missed a bunch of stuff I was pointing out. It's okay to miss stuff, and there's other peoples' teachings I've had to listen to 10 times before I understood them completely, but then to claim you have all the understanding of what I teach after one day when you're missing huge portions, that's a man who assumes a lot of things, and I don't have much trust for men like that. I've been sitting here at my desk, for hours, going over your emails, concentrating on what you're saying without doing anything else to distract me, and then proof-reading what I'm writing to you three times over. I know you're busy and can't necessarily do the same, but the difference is that I'll be able to catch things you aren't seeing in what you're saying, whereas you're going to miss things that I'm saying to you, which doesn't make for clear conversation, and your assumptions just make it worse. (Not to mention the fact that if you say you'll continue to listen to the teachings of a man you are accusing of hypocrisy shows that you don't sanctify yourself, which also means you don't have much discernment from the Holy Spirit; that's not good.)

If you addressed my response to your inquiry in that video, then give me the time in the video where you start to do that, and I'll look it over later and address it. If you didn't, and you want to address that in a letter or another video or Skype or whatever, then you're welcome to do so. However, if you don't want to do that, then I can't communicate with someone like that and I'll have to let it go and get back to work. One way or another, have a great day.

can you resend that response, i didnt see it

okay, i found your response and I believe you make a good point. I can see what you mean and I agree mostly with what you say but I'm not completely sold on it. I will do some more reading with your thoughts in mind.
also..I will watch your video on lexicons and concordances. Im not really familiar with where you are coming from on that point but i want to be fair and hear you out.
Im sorry if I rubbed you wrong, I appreciate what you do and I think you are a good rescource. I thank you for your patience and graciousness with me

I'm thankful that you're willing to listen; I'm trying to exercise patience as best I can, as Christ's doctrine has taught me, though I tend to be relatively straight-forward with everything I say.

Mr. Johnson,
After further study of this issue, I have concluded that you are plainly in error. Nobody sir, almost nobody teaches the meaning of repentance  as you do. You have convinced yourself that you can't trust greek, lexicons, dictionaries, bible versions and concordances just so you can avoid the obvious. The fact that a man, with little to no formal seminary training, can thumb his nose at over 500 years of biblical scholarship and then teach a subject in error ( that almost no one else teaches)  is outlandishly arrogant. You are bound as a servant of Christ to examine your teachings and we will all answer for what we teach. May the Lord rebuke you sir, if you do not correct your abhorrent teaching of repentance. I do not expect i'll hear from you again but i'll pray for you.

After further study of this issue, I have concluded that you are plainly in error. Nobody sir, almost nobody teaches the meaning of repentance  as you do.
I know they don't. In fact, I mentioned that in the teaching I did. I'm puzzled as to why you speak as if I don't know that already; perhaps that's something else you missed in the teaching? Because I did mention that too. It was only before the 20th century that preachers much more commonly used to teach what I'm teaching, and I know many, like yourself, will reject that understanding. The Lord Jesus Christ did not teach us that tons and tons of people were all going to heaven, as many churchgoers believe:
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
-Mat 7:13-14

You have convinced yourself that you can't trust greek, lexicons, dictionaries, bible versions and concordances just so you can avoid the obvious.
I know, and you've put so much of your faith in them that you won't see clearly. I cannot make the blind see; only God can do that, and I'm not one of those that tries to force the matter.

The fact that a man, with little to no formal seminary training, can thumb his nose at over 500 years of biblical scholarship and then teach a subject in error ( that almost no one else teaches)  is outlandishly arrogant.
I've received such accusations many times; you're not first. Based on your first letter, I figured that's what you would do eventually. Thanks to the Lord God, He addressed your accusation for me:
For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.
-1Co 1:26-29

I cannot stop you from putting your faith in degrees and scribes. All I can do is put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, who takes simple men, like ignorant fisherman for example, without degrees or education, and turns them into men of understanding in His Word.
The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
-Psalm 119:130

God even told us that men like you would come and tell us how foolish we are, but they're natural men, who have no godly grief and sorrow in their hearts because they've not been humbled, and therefore, they cannot discern by the Spirit of God.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
-1Co 2:14

You go ahead on your way and reject the poor, the needy, the foolish, the base, the despised, and all those who don't have lofty seminary degrees and fancy titles you respect so highly, but please let those simple people know that they are welcome among our church, as you would be also if you come to grief and godly sorrow of your wrongdoing.
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
-James 2:9

Respecting Persons Is Sin

You are bound as a servant of Christ to examine your teachings and we will all answer for what we teach. May the Lord rebuke you sir, if you do not correct your abhorrent teaching of repentance. I do not expect i'll hear from you again but i'll pray for you.
If you are a servant of Christ, you are bound to examine your teachings, and we will all answer for what we teach. May the Lord rebuke you sir, if you do not correct your abhorrent respect of persons in your sin. I do not expect I'll hear from you again, but I pray the Lord Jesus Christ would bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week.

Mr. johnson,
Just cause I think you are in error on this particular issue, doesnt mean I don't support you or your ministry. I sincerely hope you will correct this but i support your other work none the less. Take care

Again, he turns back to his fluff instead of speaking plainly, something he was taught to do, I'm sure, by scribes with prestigious titles. I never once called him brethren because I've never once saw him testify of Christ. He called me a "brother," but I did not call him one because I don't yoke together with me who respect persons, put their foundation into rudiments of the world, and love the preeminence of men. My brethren are those of you who love the Word of God, not feign to do so on the outside, and that you've all been humbled to the godly sorrow of repentance unto salvation in the blood of Christ. Again, Jesus doesn't save the high and lofty who have "formal seminary training," and "over 500 years of biblical scholarship," but rather, he saves that hated man in the back who is humbled before God.
And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
-Luke 18:9-14

Wild Emails @ CLE / Christians Won't Live With Christ in Heaven?
« on: March 12, 2019, 07:44:13 AM »


Terrific answer about the non-existent Septuagint thanks. I was going to look for Sam Gipp's resource but it appears someone needs to pay his domain bill.

Anyway... I'd like to ask you to watch some of the study videos I've done.
I want you to get out your Bible and read these verses for yourself. I'm not giving you my opinion here, I'm giving you God's Word.  I'm going to attempt to explain to you that the Christian, the believer in Jesus Christ, inherits Eternal Life but we never go to the Heaven you think of where God dwells.  Never.
Watch these videos.  is an overview.

Here's a little more information.  John 3:13 says -
"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."

Most people immediately refer to 2 Corinthians 5 which they mis-read.  Let me explain it to you here  -
So what happens when you die?  If you're a Christian it's more good news, but it isn't heaven.

Terrific answer about the non-existent Septuagint thanks. I was going to look for Sam Gipp's resource but it appears someone needs to pay his domain bill.
Okay, well, I'm glad the Lord Jesus Christ allowed me to be of some assistance to you. I don't support or endorse Sam Gipp any longer because I've heard too many strange doctrines and discovered some serious hypocrisy coming from him, so despite his work on the KJB, I try to avoid him now.

Anyway... I'd like to ask you to watch some of the study videos I've done.
I can already tell you now, I'm probably not going to have the time. I'm working on a new book right now (which I release them for free on the website), I've been answering emails for the past two and half hours now, I've got more open still, I haven't even started on my work for editing, processing, coding, and getting this week's teaching online, and I've got other outside business to take care of on top of that; I highly doubt I will get to any of your teachings.

I want you to get out your Bible and read these verses for yourself. I'm not giving you my opinion here, I'm giving you God's Word.  I'm going to attempt to explain to you that the Christian, the believer in Jesus Christ, inherits Eternal Life but we never go to the Heaven you think of where God dwells. Never.
Okay, I'll be frank: I firmly reject your false doctrine. If you thought you were going to send me Youtube videos and convince me of heresy, you are barking up the wrong tree. I wanted to state that firmly so that way you don't waste your time because I'm sure you also have a lot on your plate in caring for your family.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
-John 14:1-3

I find it amazing how the Lord Jesus Christ so commonly destroys false doctrines with just a few sentences. You definitely don't understand John 3, and I quickly figured out where your confusion is, but you didn't write me to learn anything, so I won't bother explaining it. (i.e. I only teach those who want to hear.) If you don't believe what Christ taught us, that's your business. I'm not responsible for your personal beliefs, but you will be held accountable for the false doctrines you teach, so keep that in mind. However, what's MUCH more important is this doctrine because if you don't believe this, you'll perish in hell:
Is Repentance Part of Salvation?
Have a great day, and I pray the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family with all your needs throughout the coming week.

I am a blood bought saved by grace through faith alone believer in Jesus Christ.  So no, I don't need your gospel presentation.
Pay attention Chris... I'm trying to be warm and loving but when you outright reject...  ugh
I clearly show right from scripture the truth.
You fully rejected even looking.
Here I'll explain John 14 to you since you offered it to me
There are 31 verses in John 14
Most Christians know the first six pretty well.. when you start quoting it, they remember and join in.
John 14
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Most people refer to this passage when we're talking about Heaven because they think this describes their eternal reward.
But it doesn't.
This passage has nothing to do with Heaven where God dwells whatsoever.
Please read along and I'll break it down for you verse by verse...
Verse 1 is pretty self-explanatory, Jesus is comforting His disciples and telling them not to worry... but He's also preparing them for His death.
"In my Father's house are many mansions:" isn't describing Heaven where God dwells.
This verse means God has ample room to save the whole world.
This is proven by what comes next - "if it were not so, I would have told you."
Told them what? Jesus is saying that if He could only save some and not all, He would've let them know already.
This also destroys Calvinism, because it once again proves that Jesus came to die for ALL, not just some.
"I go to prepare a place for you."
Most people incorrectly assume that this means a construction project in Heaven.
They imagine Jesus saying "I'm going to go build you a mansion in my Father's house." but that's not what it's saying.
"I go to prepare a place for you." means HE'S GOING TO GO DIE ON THE CROSS FOR YOU.
He's using word-pictures to describe His pending death, burial and resurrection.
"And if I go and prepare a place for you," <---- meaning ----> "And if I go and die for you."
"I will come again, and receive you unto myself;"
No mention of Heaven here.
Jesus is coming.
Coming here.
Receive you unto myself means Jesus is going to gather the elect from around the entire world, as well as the dead in Christ, and then...
"that where I am, there ye may be also."
Where is Jesus going to be?
In Heaven where God dwells?
Jesus continues in verse 4 - "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know."
Meaning... He's telling them you know what I'm saying and what I have to do.
Otherwise this makes no sense.
The disciples know the route to take to get to God's dwelling place in the 3rd heaven?
I don't think so.
This is a phrase of understanding among close, close friends.
Because right after that, good ol' pragmatic Thomas speaks up; "Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?"
Which means Thomas was thinking in the literal too, not picking up on the message just yet. He's saying exactly what I just said...
How in the world would they know the traveling route to "heaven"?
It's not about that... because his reply from Jesus has nothing to do with giving directions;
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
See? This entire passage isn't about heaven or mansions in glory at all.
It's Jesus stating the gospel clearly for his closest followers and it shows us that even they didn't always fully understand.
The remaining 25 verses are about the spirit of God, not heaven.
So while you think those verses "destroy false doctrine in a few short sentences" I would urge you to rethink. Perhaps a conversation?  I see you disdain the phone for some reason.  Would you like to Skype? I think I have it on my phone... never used.


Why would God make a new incorruptible body for you, and a whole new heaven (sky) and Earth, and bring down this immense city of God, a new Jerusalem, if we're going to float around in His celestial dwelling place?
Do you reject God's Word?
John 3:13 says - "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."


And Chris... I didn't write you to learn from you. I wrote to you to teach you.
I can see YOU teach a false doctrine of repentance. 
Repentance means a change of mind. You erroneously cite the Genesis 6 word for repent, which in the Hebrew (consulting Strong's concordance of the KJB, not Webster's dictionary lol) is NAW-KAM and it means the "I'm sorry" type of repentance.
But the repentance used in relation to SALVATION in the New Testament is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS the Greek word "Metanoia" meaning simply a change of mind.  It requires NO ACTION on the part of the believer other than to go from not believing the gospel to believing it.   That is salvation.  That's the GOOD NEWS. 
You are teaching works salvation.
Repent of that.

At this point, he proceeds to start filling my inbox with spam mail. After a couple more spam letters, some of them VERY long, I informed him that I blocked his account. I haven't even read any of his response emails; I just copy/pasted what I had on here for you guys to see. (He'll probably make an "exposed" video out of me too.)

His confusion with John 3, which I would not explain to him personally because, as you can see, he would not hear me even if I tried to explain it to him, is that Jesus went to paradise and then brought all the saints/elect to heaven. I don't fully understand it because I'm just a man, but Jesus described a chasm between Lazarus and Abraham, and the rich man in hell, and Abraham and Lazarus were in paradise. (Luke 16:19-31) This is why Jesus told the criminal crucified with him that he would be with him in "paradise," not in heaven, because Jesus had not yet taken the saved souls to heaven; that was to be done after his death. (Luke 23:43) Jesus brought them to the kingdom of heaven, which is where Paul said he was caught up to when he was stoned to death at one point, but then was resurrected by God to continue his work. (2Co 12:2) By the way, in order for Dana to believe his own doctrine, he has to believe Paul was a liar. So Dana's confusion on John 3:13 is that no man had ascended into heaven... YET... but all that was about to change as the fulfillment of the Messiah unfolded.

Though I haven't read his subsequent emails I listed out here, I'm sure they're filled with many other heresies; not because he doesn't understand John 3, but rather, it's because of his prideful attitude, which I saw in his first letter. I knew it wasn't going to end well because of what the Bible tells me.
"A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
-James 1:8



Wild Emails @ CLE / My Letter Made Her a Victim
« on: February 28, 2019, 01:22:58 AM »


Hi, I  started out listening to, Hammer comes down by Jacky Julyan, and then I scrolled down and came across "Very Frightening & Disturbing... these 3 MEN IN BLACK with TRUMP are much DARKER than we think... So now I'm a little concerned on how will I know who to trust to listen to prophetically I have trusted  Mark Taylor, Kim Clement, people from Redding,Cal. from the Bethel Church, Bill Johnson actually my church I attend is a break off I believe from that one..
Okay, I need to stop you before I continue: You're writing me as if I've known you for years, and as if I know anything about any of these people. It seems like you're assuming that I know everything about all these people, and I don't know why you're making that assumption. Name-dropping doesn't do anything with me; I like to focus on Bible doctrine. Frankly, I don't care who a lot of these people are, nor what they teach, I'm only concerned with who is writing me at this moment, which is you.

Well now I find out my church is a 501C3 tax participant. My friend for years is a Ian Clayton  Son of Thunder Son of Thunder and they believe the Lord's coming is hundreds of years away yet...The way things are going it looks like the days of Sodom And gomorrah. I have felt like a drawing away from my Church for the last year, I don't know if itś because of the teaching I have seen on the 501C3 churches, but I finally asked this past weekend and found out they think it saved them a lot of money, I didn't get into the 30 pieces of silver stuff..
I'm not following what you're saying at all; this is a bunch of jumbled information.

but came away kinda sick and was wondering if that is the reason of pulling away .. great church believes in salvation, baptism of Holy Spirit, and going out from the church to ministry to others in the marketplace and going to other countries, prayer for are goverment, prayer for deliverance the only thing is the 501C3 deal going on as I see it.
A lot of this is sentence fragments lumped together and I'm having a really hard time understanding what point it is you want to make. I'm not even sure if you're asking a question, or what it is you want to discuss.

Well any ways you believe, that the church is about to be raptured up 
Where did you read that I believed that the church is about to be raptured up? I don't teach that; you should look up what I teach or ask me first before making statements like that. You can find more information here:
The Beginner's Guide to Tribulation & Rapture

and I have a little check in my Spirit because I believe that's where we got into trouble in the 70's with the left behind series when people went to sleep per say we dropped out and let the Devil take over waiting for Jesus to catch us up.. I s your church involved in the 501C3?
I have a book that addresses that subject:
501c3: The Devil's Church
As a side note, your information is incorrect because the "left behind series" wasn't published until 1995; it didn't exist in the 1970s.

I felt right about Mark Taylor prophecies and Kim Clements said the same thing a few years back Donald Trump as being the Potus and that's why we pray for him I will continue every day because God told us to!!!
I have no clue what you're talking about.

Any thought on what churches don't do the 501C3 tax exemption?
That's not a complete sentence; I literally cannot understand the question because it is what is known as a sentence fragment. If I wanted to ask you about what type of sandwich you had eaten, and I asked, "What sandwich type you?" That's not a question; it's not a sentence that's understandable to anyone in a normal conversation, so you really should take more time to write out your thoughts, and proofread what you're saying, so I can understand what you're saying because, as it stands, I cannot follow your letter. If you slow down and take more time with your next letter, we can discuss whatever you would like, but I would highly recommend you read the 501c3: The Devil's Church book that I wrote, which I linked above (i.e. it's free to read).

I am so sorry I reached out to you for some answers I am of need of..You will not receive another word from me. Thanks and God blessing to you, Jaci

So I asked you to explain yourself more clearly so I can understand you, and you act like a victim? Is that really how a Christian ought to act?
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
-1Co 14:20

I'm posting this about a day after I received this letter, so we'll see if she keeps her word. Sometimes they auto-block me like a child, and other times, they lie and break their word, writing more responses... which is also like a child. One way or another, she's a fine example of how we should not communicate with each other in the church.

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Steven Anderson: Wolves in Costume p5
« on: February 25, 2019, 04:03:39 PM »

What's New @ CLE / (ARTICLE) Is The One-Pastor Church System Biblical?
« on: February 22, 2019, 07:07:06 PM »
This has been completely re-written; I've been working on it all week. I originally wrote it 8 years ago, so it needed a lot of work. I hope this will be more helpful to understand the problems with, and dangers of, the one-pastor church system, and that there is no New Testament justification for a pastor to be the head ruler over the church.

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Steven Anderson: Wolves in Costume p4
« on: February 18, 2019, 03:23:06 PM »

General Discussion / Why Your Words Matter
« on: February 13, 2019, 12:40:40 PM »
I'm posting this because I want everyone to understand that there is a particular reason why we define the things we say, so that everyone can understand their meaning. What one person means may not be exactly what someone else takes it to mean, and so we need to make sure we define our terms so we're all on the same page. This video shows actors, but the entire script is literally and directly from the transcript of the deposition of this case; there is no creative fictional license taken with it:

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Steven Anderson: Wolves in Costume p3
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:14:23 PM »

Wild Emails @ CLE / An Example of Murmuring
« on: February 10, 2019, 12:21:12 AM »
The reason I wanted to post this letter is not for any analysis of conversation, but rather to show a solid example of a murmuring person, which we can see in a woman who wrote me whose name is Delories. That's the way it was spelled in the letter. You'll notice that all she did was likely go to a search engine, or a "bible study tools" website and type in verses on love or hate. (i.e. She's lazy.) Then she copy and pasted some of them. She likely doesn't understand any of these verses, but the point I want to make is that this is the definition of murmuring, as I point out in the response:


Proverbs 14:30
A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

1 John 4:8
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness

Galatians 6:4
But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor.

Job 5:2
Surely vexation kills the fool, and jealousy slays the simple.

James 3:14-16
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.

Delories, if you have a complaint you'd like to make, you need to come out and directly say it. Without explaining yourself, what you're doing is called murmuring, and that's something God hates:
How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.
-Num 14:27
Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
-1Co 10:10

murmur (n): a complaint half suppressed
If you want to speak the truth about something, you need to be bold and state directly what you want to say with the Scripture along with it, not murmuring while hiding behind Scripture because that's what an enemy would do, not what brethren would do.
But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.
-1Th 4:9

If you think I have done a poor job in setting the good example, then be an adult in your understanding, stop murmuring, and show me a better example.
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
-1Co 14:20

Of course, I don't expect to hear back from her, because such people are typically cowards. It's as if they hate proper rebuke and correction, and instead addressing it openly, they crouch down shivering in fear while turning their heads, wincing their eyes, and holding the Bible out in front of them to block the view of the light. That is not how born again Christians are instructed to act towards one another, which leads me to believe this woman has a lot of hate in her own heart because she doesn't care enough about my soul in order to talk with me openly and kindly. There are some members of our own forum who also murmur, and I hope this is an example to show that it is not acceptable in the church, and that God hates such things. We ought to address one another boldly if we have a conflict of doctrine or offense in any manner, not being fearful, but knowing that, if we all have a heart of repentance, that we will be understanding and reasonable with one another, as brethren ought to be.

General Discussion / ALEXA: "Jesus is Fictional"
« on: February 08, 2019, 03:25:13 PM »
Hey everyone; I don't keep up with this kind of technology because I prefer study and research on my own, but apparently there is a voice-activated "search engine" that responds with voice called "Alexa" that is provided by Amazon. The following video has some language, which is bleeped out, nor would I necessarily recommend the channel where this comes from, but I saw this today as I was doing research on another topic (it came up as a suggested video), and it turned out to be pretty informative, hopefully demonstrating to everyone that such devices are just as dangerous as Wikipedia; they are biased sources of "information" which preach a devilish narrative at every opportunity, and can be incredibly harmful to the education of your family. See for yourself:
Some of the after-video is not appropriate; please ignore that. This is a video simply intended to demonstrate that propaganda is specifically programmed into modern tech.

Wild Emails @ CLE / Aftermath of Wynand (Banned User)
« on: February 04, 2019, 11:13:06 PM »
As pointed out by Silindile, the man's named is likely pronounced "vey-nand." He was banned today for his aggressive conversation, false accusations, and refusal to listen to any Scriptural reasoning. As he exited the forum, he started emailing me because he got a notification in his inbox of his email that he had received forum replies, and that is an automated process that he activated in his forum account; I did not write him. However, this is what I received, so discern the matter for yourself:


Do not email me again oneness heretics. I will expose you for what you are.

Sir, you will not hear the Word. That's why you kept referring to "logic" instead of to the Bible. However, if you are of Christ (which we have not been able to establish yet), and if I was teaching false doctrine, it would be your duty to expose me.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-Eph 5:11

The fact that you're using this as a threat instead of doing what's right, shows that you serve the world and serve yourself, but you do not serve Christ, otherwise you would do what was right, no matter what anyone says. You would not hold it over someone's head as if you have to protect yourself from some sort of attack.

I will repeat what I wrote on the forum, though I know now that you will not listen; I hope you'll depart on your own in peace. If you ever do come to the grief and sorrow of repentance, you can contact us again.
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
-Pro 18:13
If you are of Christ, I hope that one day you'll take the time to learn about this matter instead of falsely accusing us because the Bible says it is foolishness and shame unto you for how you've acted here. You ought to be an adult in understanding, not acting as a child in such matters:
Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
-1Co 14:20
However, if you cannot control yourself, I'm glad you departed on your own:
Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.
-Pro 22:10
scorn (n): a subject of extreme contempt, disdain or derision; that which is treated with contempt

Btw, I'm not deleting his account; his words and our interactions with him can help build up discernment in other Christians. He's not going to wipe away what he has said that easily. I did change his belief on his profile to "Other" because, even though he professed to believe on Christ, based on his other posts, we've not been able to determine what he really believes.

No my dear Sir they keep refering to you instead of the bible. You make a mockery of the bible just as lies of the devil scorner does. Hopefully God wil open your eyes. And I went through your teaching and you mention none of the clear scriptures I have mentioned. Jesus is not the Father. And yes He is God manifest in flesh. You dont take scripture at face value. You dont understand it. God wil be judge.

Oh... I see what's going on. Wynand; I didn't email you. That's an automated email option that you selected on your account to be notified automatically when you receive a response to one of your posts. Please stop being a child in your understanding.

And you do not confess that Jesus is the SON OF GOD THE FATHER. BECAUSE WITH YOU GOD THE FATHER IS JESUS.

Wynand; If you want to discuss this, I'll discuss it with you. But you said that you don't want me to email you anymore, you've stated clearly that you want nothing to do with us and are departing, and yet, you keep turning around and coming back here. Now, choose one of these:
1. State to me that you want to talk the issue out with me, and I'll oblige as long as you can behave yourself in a reasonable manner.
2. Depart and keep your word because I'm not going to waste my time with someone that does not want to reason together. It ought to be a shame to you that, if you believe we all are not of Christ and oppose the Word of God, that you would not make any effort to evangelize unto us, which is what the Bible instructs Christians to do:
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
-2Ti 2:24-25

Let me know your decision.

First of all you and all your lackeys assumed I am unsaved. Your first big blunder. You are not God. Your people keep in telling me read your teachings never giving scripture. I did give because I lean not on my own understanding as you and all your friends do. I lean on God. His Word is my final authority. This scripture is clear and read it slowly and think clearly. 1 John 4:15" Whosoever shall confess that Jesus Is THE SON OF GOD( NOT GOD THE FATHER), God(The Father dwelleth in him, and he in God." Plain and simple, no origen type of analogous freaky interpretation. When the bible teach the Father and Christ as one it is the same as husband clinging to wifey and the become ONE FLESH. Weird me and my wife are two persons but the bible says one flesh???? That is truth and that is the same thing with Christ and the Father that they are two persons but one. One in the bible has plurality many times. So maybe my understanding is not that corrupt as you think. So peace unto you and your brethren I am anyway no brother of yours but by quoting scripture suddenly I am a scorner that I dont understand, but I dont care what people think of me. Reviling revile not again the bible teach. Enjoy your social media I will read my bible and maybe God will help me to understand things better. So this scorner is signing of. Sorry for wasting your time.

You are not reading. No one said you were not a Christian; we said we were unable to determine it, and your continued behavior is providing more evidence against it. You did not do what I requested, which is to clearly state that you want to discuss the matter. Therefore, I am going to block your email address because you have shown yourself unwilling to discuss and peacefully reason together. I will not put up with your spam because it wastes my time. I hope you have a great day, and I would wish the Lord God to provide all your basic needs to both you and your family throughout the coming week.
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
-1Pe 3:9

NOTE: I blocked his email address, which is something I very rarely do; usually only if people keep spamming me. If he replied, it would go straight to my spam box, and I have no interest to check it to see if he did. This is also exactly the same situation with Fred, another recently banned user, who was accusing me of believing things that I do not believe, but would not take the time to read and find out what it is that I teach; both Fred and Wynand accuse you all of being "lackeys," which is intended to be an insult of you all being blind followers of me, and that ought to be offensive to many of you because 1) you all follow Christ, 2) you would be rebuked for following me, and 3) lackey technically means "servant," and I am supposed to be a servant to you all, not the other way around, which is why I take the time to write all these things out and organize them for you as best I can.
For someone who claimed that he was studying the Bible on his own, I do not recall him quoting any Scripture from the moment he got here. Strange, don't you think?

What's New @ CLE / (WEEKLY TEACHING) Steven Anderson: Wolves in Costume p2
« on: February 04, 2019, 03:09:09 PM »

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