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Topics - Zoologistkid

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General Discussion / The truth about "civil rights" acts
« on: November 18, 2018, 07:40:47 PM »
Hey Guys, I've got a question involving the so-called equal rights acts of the 20th century, like the ERA, Civil Rights Act, The voting rights act, the claim is that these acts gave equal protection of the law to women, blacks, and other races, however, since all of those acts were created by wicked people who were communists, what actual freedoms were lost? It is just like the fourteenth amendment, I have heard Chris say that made everyone a slave, so could I please have an explanation on such topics? Thanks.

General Discussion / Why not Albert Pike?
« on: November 11, 2018, 09:39:01 AM »
Hey guys, I noticed something awhile now and wondered what you all thought. Remember those social justice smurfs running around destroying statues of Confederate generals under the belief that all of them stood for racism and slavery, which isn't true. They are trying to destroy the true history of the United States believing that they are going to make a utopia on earth.

But issues like that aside, I found something strange: why aren't the smurfs going after Albert Pike's statue? Pike was not only a Confederate general but also a leader of the KKK, and a true racist. A simple look online would reveal Pike to the world, so why aren't these annoying smurfs going after him? According to them, they want to destroy racist men from history but not Pike, anybody but Pike. Isn't this a little strange?

General Discussion / Mockers/scoffers
« on: November 07, 2018, 11:56:31 AM »
I just thought of the reason why atheists/evolutionists mock and make fun of Christians. For example the whole thing about Noah's Ark, "you believe kangaroos hopped all the way to the middle east, you moron!" or "You don't believe missing links/transitional fossils exist, every creature to ever exist is a missing link, you liars". The reason why: That is the only thing they can do besides rage at us, they know in their hearts that God exists and everything the Bible says is true, so they mock without evidence or understanding believing they are the most intelligent people in the world, above us, superstitious idiots following a dumb old book, while following their intelligent brains and good hearts knowing they are good people, incapable of doing evil.

Am I correct in saying this?

Bible Discussion / Chastisement
« on: October 29, 2018, 10:09:21 PM »
I'm a little worried about the whole topic of chastisement, not about being chastised, about the fact that I do not feel like I am being chastised. Like I said when I joined that I am trying to sanctify myself from some things that are evil that do like for example a few video games, like the demonic games known as bendy and the ink machine or five nights at Freddy's. I did not play the games but I liked to watch people play the games. There were other things I managed to sanctify myself from much earlier. I only recently got away from the bendy game because as more time went past, it began to bother me more and more. I was reading Chris's articles again and I am afraid that I haven't been chastised and that made me worried. Could you give me any form of response and have any of had any similar experiences?

General Discussion / Dinosaur birds
« on: October 16, 2018, 01:14:50 PM »
Hey guys, I've been looking information about birds and dinosaurs. After researching for a while, I found there are five different "dinosaur" groups that have true pennaceous feathers (anything less than true feathers is nothing more than just dinosaurs), they are Oviraptorosaurians, Scansoriopterygidae, Eosinopteryx, Dromaeosauridae, and Troodontidae. Every one of these groups can be broken up into this: all birds, or a mixture of birds/dinosaurs. Scansoriopterygidae, Oviraptorosaurians, Eosinopteryx, from the look of it, are birds but the other two I'm not too sure of. It is getting somewhat easy to tell which is which: For example, this is an Orinthomimus edmonticus, here is a dinosaur:

and here is a bird:

I know AIG is leavened but they do have a good point from time to time:
Many members of these families do indeed have well-developed pennaceous feathers, but in each case the fossils appear to be birds and not dinosaurs. Trooidontidae is a very confusing family made of largely unknown and fragmentary species. The beak of Oviraptors is toothless like all modern birds, and some fossils have been found in what appears to be a nesting position on eggs. They also had a pygostyle and rib structure similar to birds. Many Dromaeosaurs have characteristics of birds such as being covered in pennaceous feathers, including large, aerodynamic wing feathers. They had long arms (wings) that could be folded against the body, and their tails were long with bony vertebrae lacking dorsal and haemal spines except at the base of the tail. Such a tail contrasts sharply with the tails of true theropod dinosaurs that are heavily muscled with haemal and neural spines

General Discussion / Mammal-like reptiles
« on: October 11, 2018, 10:38:47 AM »
Hey guys, have any of you ever heard of the synapsids, the mammal-like reptiles? I've been researching them and had an idea. What if these creatures, which are said to have fur, whiskers, and other mammal traits, were just chimeric creatures like the platypus? The evolutionists say that these creatures were the origin of mammals, which isn't true. The point I am getting at is, do you think that these creatures could've have been neither mammals or reptiles, just creatures in their own group that have both features of mammals and reptiles. I must praise God for creating all of his creatures because they are so awesome. His creativity knows no bounds, just look at us. But of course, we must remember who ruined it all: us.

General Discussion / Civil Rights fanboys/girls
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:50:20 AM »
Hey guys, I would some suggestions on what to say about people who are fanboys/girls of the civil rights movement. Everybody (friends/family) I know personally are fans of the movement and when I reveal the truth, they continue to believe it. After I tell them the truth they are even more fans and they don't care that it was communistic in origin. It doesn't matter if they are black or white, they give honor to a blasphemous devil. I once tried to explain that MLK was a communist to a friend and she said that is not true and then said that even if he was communism is not evil. :o She got really angry at me when I tried to explain that it was and she was even angrier when I explain that the creator was evil.

Could you guys give me suggestions about what to say to these kinds of people? They will defend Rosa Parks, MLK Jr., the NAACP, and other things to insane levels.

General Discussion / The Floating Forest
« on: September 20, 2018, 02:24:13 PM »
Have any of you ever heard of the floating forest? Basically, it is a pre-flood theory like the canopy theory which both work. The floating forest theory is about plants that floated on water which explains multiple strange plants. There were trees called lycopods which had hollow trunks and roots, which had air in them allowing them to float.
For the amount of coal to be produced that we have today, the forest would've had to be the size of a continent! The trees obviously didn't grow in place like the evolutionist says they did and plus it also explains why we find animals in certain layers. As you would go further into the forest, it would start becoming easier to walk on because it would feel rocky on the outer edges (like a quaking bog). The closer to the edge, the fewer legs you need, explaining the "walking" fish like Tiktaalik (I don't know why but I think it looks delicious, who wouldn't want to munch on these juicy fish?).

The whole "evolutionary sequence" is actually animals living on different places on the floating forest as you go further into the forest. I think the theory works but creationist organizations have distanced themselves from it as they did with the canopy theory or any other thing they leave because "those things aren't respectable", ::)

What do you all think? I know that it won't help with salvation but at least it may give us an idea of what the world was like before the flood. Maybe there are remnants of the forest, like small pieces (little island forests) still left floating in the ocean? Do you think that could be the case?

General Discussion / Dinosaur sightings: Reality vs fiction
« on: September 11, 2018, 10:20:32 AM »
I found something kinda funny, people are denying sightings of actual dinosaurs because of "science":
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 1 Timothy 6:20.

Evo-Cryptozoologists (as I like to call them) are saying that people can't be seeing dinosaurs (like the mountain boomers or the river dinos) because of their "discoveries". They say that all dinosaurs had fur/feathers, they say that dinosaurs couldn't roar (instead they could coo or mumble, really?), they also say that they had wrists like birds like this
and other bizarre claims. Many things I find ironic, they are upset that Hellywood is showing off "false depictions" of dinosaurs when in reality their dinosaurs are really close to reality. Have any of you noticed this?

I am also annoyed by these "discoveries": all "non-avian dinosaurs" died out from the giant meteor or kt extinction (no evidence of it happening but people still believe it), all birds are dinosaurs, the closest relative to T.rex is a chicken (similarities do not equal relatedness), and more bizarre beliefs treated as fact.

Bible Discussion / Creationist organizations
« on: September 04, 2018, 04:02:36 PM »
Hey Chris, I first want to say you did a great job updating your article about Catholicism. You have more powerful arguments than before and really show how different Christ is from than them. Next, I mentioned at one point that I came up with the idea of creating a book about the evils of creationist organizations:
I have an idea, I wanted to see what you all think. Maybe I could create a book about creationism and evolutionism are two sides of the same wicked coin. In the book, I could talk about evolution is bad but creationist organizations are just as bad. I'll talk about how the organization's yolk up with evil organizations, how they defend witchcraft holidays to an insane level, what leaven is, how corrupt they are with money, how uncharitable they are actually, how many of the organizations are not even lead by Christians, how full of false converts they are, and other wicked things that they do. I think it would certainly raise some eyebrows and ruffle some feathers ;D.

I was reading your article and I remembered something from the leavened organization CMI (From this article:

In the article, they not only try to defend Pope Pius but try to clear him of all accusations calling them all lies.

General Discussion / Stories
« on: August 19, 2018, 08:46:32 PM »
First of all, I want to thank all of for commenting and giving such interesting conversations. Like I said I want to help and want to talk to all of you for helping in return. Next, I want to talk to you about the stories I have been mentioning. The stories will have to deal with topics like anger, poachers/conservation of the environment, and more. In the stories, a lot of them will have people becoming humbled after becoming creatures. They are still human in every inward quality like the soul, the mind, and everything else but the outside has changed. I got the idea after reading The parts of Daniel involving King Nebuchadnezzar and what had to be done to humble him. Granted, he didn't become a creature but he certainly would've looked like one by the time that was over with crazy hair, fingernails like claws, would've smelled awful, and more.
The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hairs were grown like eagles' feathers, and his nails like birds' claws.
Daniel 4:33

The stories will have bible verses that will match the situations in the stories. There will be no witchcraft, no paganism, no sexual implications, no profanity, or other evil things because I want it to really reach people from their standpoints. I also want the stories to be pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ because I am terrible at speaking because I forget words, information, names, and more in just simple conversation. I can remember the verses but I can't remember where verses come from. I can communicate better through writing stories than talking because I can get so nervous or upset in conversations that makes it look like Christianity is a place for foolish people. I want to address arguments/questions in the stories from all sides. I've been wanting to tell you all but I have been so full of anxiety again, I'm sorry if this causes you any problems.

Bible Discussion / Correction
« on: August 18, 2018, 09:20:34 AM »
Christopher in your Why I use the King James Bible article, the part about Dr. Frank Logsdon. I at one point tried to argue with my Sunday school teacher that he shouldn't be using his new age bible. I brought up what you said about how the co-founder renounced his work. "In fact, Dr. Frank Logsdon, co-founder of the New American Standard Version quoted in the above chart, wrote a letter to Cecil Carter of Prince George, British Columbia on June 9, 1977, in which he renounced the NASV, and realized the judgment he would face before the Lord God for changing the Bible". But he got a little frustrated and look on the internet his phone about the topic. He found an article from someone and read it. The article explained he wasn't even a founder let alone a co-founder of the Nasv. I just wanted to let you know about this and I hope it elps you out.

General Discussion / Extinct Animals?
« on: August 17, 2018, 09:40:47 PM »
Thanks, Kevin, I have following your ministry for years now. I had to work up the courage to talk to because like I said I felt really unworthy of joining you guys. I was reading Chris's Dinosaur article and noticed a picture of a dead alligator gar. Chris wasn't aware of the fish and thought it was a pliosaur type animal. When I first emailed Chris, I thanked for his work and I didn't properly explain the alligator gar. When he replied I noticed that  I didn't;t explain good, so I sent him a picture of an alligator gar and tried to explain that the animal in recent discoveries was this fish. I confused him even more after that one, so I finally used the picture from the article and added more context to properly explain to him what I meant. Like I said I want to help you guys with animal information. The said to be extinct animals are being abused by evolutionists so much, calling land animals whales, putting fur on the reptiles , putting feathers on dinosaurs ,
and many others. In fact, there are people saying that saying that people can't be seeing dinosaurs, pterosaurs, or any other creature because they don't have feathers, fur, or any other features they imagine into existence.

Introduce Yourself / Hi From Missouri
« on: August 16, 2018, 10:38:03 AM »
Hello, my name is Caleb Kemper. I am from a small town called Warrenton from Missouri. I am eighteen years old and are trying to get into college. I wish to be a zoologist because I have always loved god's creations from the spider to the dog to the crocodilian. I was saved a few years ago because of Christopher's message of repentance. Christ sure got to me when I read it, up until that point I was false convent who believed that I was Christian who did nothing bad. But reading over Chris's articles brought me to tears, his repentance article and the one about Hell really got to me. What leads me to your website was when I was looking up information about the "walking whale" ambulocetus (needs a better name if you ask me because the animal was a land animal). I was interested because I had never seen anyone give a more powerful message. I pressed the article button and next thing I know I have read every single article from top to bottom. I was shocked and disgusted at the things I previously held dear: (Michael) King JR., holidays, fantasy novels, "Christian" symbols, and more. I must say I am a little nervous about joining all of you because I feel that I am unworthy of joining you because I like some things that are bad and are trying to sanctify myself from them. I am trying to use the teachings of Christopher to reach out to people with considerable opposition on topics like holidays, novels, rock n' roll, and symbols. I hope I can be of some help with animal knowledge like dinosaurs, other said to be extinct animals and more

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