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Messages - Alithis

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings.
« on: January 26, 2021, 10:17:56 PM »
:) shrugs..
You've misconstrued most of what iv said.
Misunderstood most of it.
Then misrepresented it in quite a dishonest and saddening manner.

After all i said .." Through a dream the lord caused us to be baptized in water"
Any one reading that can ascertain that it means ( as i already clarified) that God spoke to us through a dream and led us to go and get baptised in actual physical water .
In the bible joseph and mary were warned through andream... Same language type. But you twisted my words to created a false accusation. Tut tut.

So i never bothered to read it all .

because when a post starts by making so many incorrect assumptions.then presents a misrepresentation through dishonesty.
 Its only going to get worse.

I joined the forum out of curiosity. And as i said-  to ask questions for clarification.
I now have that clarification.
This website  ,the more i read of it, is a contradiction of itself.
I.e- you said i sound you misrepresent my words then put yourself aloof. 😆 i do laugh . It is a double standard.
If i sound aloof its because i have no need of your approval. :) .
I live life in Jesus . i attend no sunday organisation.
I hear and obey JESUS.

So i will leave you to it and I will continue to obey JESUS


ps .in case you were so busy typing before you read.
I Did NOT bother to read what you posted . nor will i .


Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings.
« on: January 26, 2021, 05:07:52 AM »
Yes. As i said , through a dream the lord led us to be water baptised. Remember i did say its a very short version.. To tell it in explanatory detail would take a book 😄.

And re tongues.
Yes i read that article you link to.
I wasnt too concerned. :)
The article is opinion.quite patchwork in approach.makes some assumptions then presents them as fact. When they are not fact. I was a bit dissapointed by that .
And the scripture is scripture.
I just stick to the scripture.
I cant cause people to spontaneously break into
Speaking a new language .
We pray " lord JESUS please baptize this person in your Holy Spirit of promise - in Jesus name.
And that happens. :)

But thats not the central focus of a disciples life.
When it becomes the central focus people fall into all manner of error.
I note an amazing correlation between the charasmatics of today and the congregations of the corinthians. The Corinthians displayed all the spiritual gifts. That obvious.but they did not balance it with the way they lived thier lives.( tongues or any of the attributes of the same holy Spirit has never been a validation of a persons behaviour) they were unruly and continued waljng in the carnal mind. Squabbling and bickering in contentions.
Just like charismatic today . so busy focussing on manifestations of spirit that they develope no Godly character .
Then on the other side are people who focus so much on the written word they dont get to know the one the written word is speaking about.
In truth there is a narrow way between the two extremes.
A difficult narrow path and few there be that find it.
One side is all about spirit.with a lack of the witness of the word.
The other side is all about the word, with a lack of the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Both then make error. Because the witness of TWO is true.
Not only one. :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings.
« on: January 25, 2021, 10:55:26 PM »
Sure.#1. It was through a very strong direct dream ( the most common way through out the entire scripture that God speaks to people) that he instructed us to get baptised in water. Doing so was simply obedience. Through it he does much :)

And tongues..  You know like acts chapter 2 and through out the some 20 plus years it covers. They got baptised in the holy Spirit as promised to all repentant believers, and they spoke in other languages as the spirit gave utterence.

What is a great source of joy to us is to observe this occur.
We cant make it occur . God keeps his word.
Praise God i believe his word. His living word JESUS and his recorded written word .they always agree.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings.
« on: January 24, 2021, 11:08:45 PM »
Hi all. My name is Michael ( Mike) .
I cant say i know too much about this group /forum yet.
Part of my joining is out of curiosity and because i do like to question for clarification at times.

I was raised in Pentecostal circles ( and I do say that to make a distinction from the more modern Charismatic movement) as a teen i was anything but Christian and still dont like to use that title of myself . I prefer disciple of JESUS ,defined as one who is learning by revelation and practice to become like the master.
At age 21 i got baptized in water but only with an intellectual repentance and though i continued to be a sunday club adherent i was bound in much sin.
This led to a falling away because those who are not of the faith go out from it.
Many years later the lord brought me to repentance in the fullness of it. A little later through a powerful dream he had my wife and i get baptised in water in Faith.earlier the same day we both experienced a traumatic experience of devils being driven out from us. Known habitual and willfull sin ended .
Some months later we left our jobs, sold up , got untangeld from the world and from religious traditions and went out to work in the things Jesus said to do. We set out with zero backing of any man made organization. Since then have seen life happen wonderfully with God supplying miraculously. People healed, devils cast out , people baptized in water, and baptised in the Holy Spirit spontaniously bursting out in praise and tongues.Whom we then , if they are willing, teach to do the same thing .All without ANY Association with the Sunday or Saturday organizations people mostly refer to as church.
Its a difficult life and at the same time so joyous.
   Of course iv just abbreviated a very long story
But it is so .
Hope it covers who I am enough and where im coming from im my questions/comments.

God bless.

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